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A WinRT client for adb, the Android Debug Bridge (AdvancedSharpAdbClient.WinRT)

AdvancedSharpAdbClient.WinRT is a WinRT library that allows WinRT applications to communicate with Android devices. It provides a WinRT implementation of the adb protocol, giving more flexibility to the developer than launching an adb.exe process and parsing the console output.

It's a WinRT package of AdvancedSharpAdbClient, which is upgraded version of SharpAdbClient.

Support Platform

  • UAP 10.0
  • UAP 10.0.15138.0
  • .NET 6.0 - Windows 10.0.17763.0


To install AdvancedSharpAdbClient.WinRT install the AdvancedSharpAdbClient.WinRT NuGetPackage. If you're using Visual Studio, you can run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package AdvancedSharpAdbClient.WinRT

Getting Started

AdvancedSharpAdbClient does not communicate directly with your Android devices, but uses the adb.exe server process as an intermediate. Before you can connect to your Android device, you must first start the adb.exe server.

You can do so by either running adb.exe yourself (it comes as a part of the ADK, the Android Development Kit), or you can use the AdbServer.StartServer method like this:

if (!AdbServer::Instance().GetStatus().IsRunning())
    AdbServer server = AdbServer::AdbServer();
    StartServerResult result = server.StartServer(L"C:\\adb\\adb.exe", false);
    if (result != StartServerResult::Started)
        printf("Can't start adb server");

Connecting to device

Before using all the methods, you must initialize the new AdbClient class and then connect to the device

If you want to automate 2 or more devices at the same time, you must remember: 1 device - 1 AdbClient class

You can look at the examples to understand more

AdbClient client;

DeviceData device;

int main()
    client = AdbClient::AdbClient();
    device = *client.GetDevices().First(); // Get first connected device

Device automation

Finding element

You can find the element on the screen by xpath

AdbClient client;

DeviceData device;

int main()
    client = AdbClient::AdbClient();
    device = *client.GetDevices().First();
    Element el = client.FindElement(device, L"//node[@text='Login']");

You can also specify the waiting time for the element

Element el = client.FindElement(device, L"//node[@text='Login']", TimeSpan(5));

And you can find several elements

IIterable<Element> els = client.FindElements(device, L"//node[@resource-id='Login']", TimeSpan(5));

Getting element attributes

You can get all element attributes

int main()
    Element el = client.FindElement(device, L"//node[@resource-id='Login']", TimeSpan(3));
    auto eltext = el.Attributes().Lookup(L"text");
    auto bounds = el.Attributes().Lookup(L"bounds");

Clicking on an element

You can click on the x and y coordinates

int main()
    client.Click(device, 600, 600); // Click on the coordinates (600;600)

Or on the element(need xpath)

int main()
    Element el = client.FindElement(device, L"//node[@text='Login']", TimeSpan(3));
    el.Click();// Click on element by xpath //node[@text='Login']

The Click() method throw ElementNotFoundException if the element is not found

catch (exception ex)
    cout << "Can't click on the element:" << ex.what() << endl;


You can swipe from one element to another

int main()
    Element first = client.FindElement(device, L"//node[@text='Login']");
    Element second = client.FindElement(device, L"//node[@text='Password']");
    client.Swipe(device, first, second, 100); // Swipe 100 ms

Or swipe by coordinates

int main()
    device = *client.GetDevices().First();
    client.Swipe(device, 600, 1000, 600, 500, 100); // Swipe from (600;1000) to (600;500) on 100 ms

The Swipe() method throw ElementNotFoundException if the element is not found

    client.Swipe(device, 0x2232323, 0x954, 0x9128, 0x11111, 200);
    client.Swipe(device, first, second, 200);
catch (exception ex)
    cout << "Can't swipe:" << ex.what() << endl;

Send text

You can send any text except Cyrillic (Russian isn't supported by adb)

The text field should be in focus

int main()
    client.SendText(device, L"text"); // Send text to device

You can also send text to the element (clicks on the element and sends the text)

int main()
    client.FindElement(device, L"//node[@resource-id='Login']").SendText(L"text"); // Send text to the element by xpath //node[@resource-id='Login']

The SendText() method throw InvalidTextException if text is incorrect

    client.SendText(device, L"");
catch (exception ex)
    cout << "Can't send text:" << ex.what() << endl;

Clearing the input text

You can clear text input

The text field should be in focus


int main()
    client.ClearInput(device, 25); // The second argument is to specify the maximum number of characters to be erased

It may work unstable

int main()
    client.FindElement(device, L"//node[@resource-id='Login']").ClearInput(); // Get element text attribute and remove text length symbols

Sending keyevents

You can see keyevents here

int main()
    client.SendKeyEvent(device, L"KEYCODE_TAB");

The SendKeyEvent method throw InvalidKeyEventException if keyevent is incorrect

    client.SendKeyEvent(device, "");
catch (exception ex)
    cout << "Can't send keyevent:" << ex.what() << endl;

BACK and HOME buttons

int main()
    client.BackBtn(device); // Click Back button
    client.HomeBtn(device); // Click Home button

Device commands

Some commands require Root

Install and Uninstall applications

int main()
    PackageManager manager = PackageManager::PackageManager(client, device);
    manager.InstallPackage(L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\mypackage.apk", false);

Or you can use AdbClient.Install

int main()
    client.Install(device, StorageFile::GetFileFromPathAsync(L"Application.apk").GetResults().OpenAsync(FileAccessMode::Read).GetResults(), {});

Install multiple applications

int main()
    PackageManager manager = PackageManager::PackageManager(client, device);
    manager.InstallMultiplePackage(L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\base.apk", { L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\split_1.apk", L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\split_2.apk" }, false); // Install split app whith base app
    manager.InstallMultiplePackage({ L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\split_3.apk", L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\split_4.apk" }, L"", false); // Add split app to base app which packagename is ''

Or you can use AdbClient.InstallMultiple

static void Main(string[] args)
    client.InstallMultiple(device, File.OpenRead("base.apk"), new Stream[] { File.OpenRead("split_1.apk"), File.OpenRead("split_2.apk") }); // Install split app whith base app
    client.InstallMultiple(device, new Stream[] { File.OpenRead("split_3.apk"), File.OpenRead("split_4.apk") }, ""); // Add split app to base app which packagename is ''

Start and stop applications

int main()
    client.StartApp(device, L"");
    client.StopApp(device, L""); // force-stop

Getting a screenshot

static async void Main(string[] args)
    System.Drawing.Image img = client.GetFrameBufferAsync(device, CancellationToken.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // synchronously
    System.Drawing.Image img = await client.GetFrameBufferAsync(device, CancellationToken.None); // asynchronously

Getting screen xml hierarchy

int main()
    XmlDocument screen = client.DumpScreen(device);

Send or receive files

void DownloadFile()
    using (SyncService service = new SyncService(new AdbSocket(client.EndPoint), device))
        using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(@"C:\MyFile.txt"))
            service.Pull("/data/local/tmp/MyFile.txt", stream, null, CancellationToken.None);

void UploadFile()
    using (SyncService service = new SyncService(new AdbSocket(client.EndPoint), device))
        using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(@"C:\MyFile.txt"))
            service.Push(stream, "/data/local/tmp/MyFile.txt", 777, DateTimeOffset.Now, null, CancellationToken.None);

Run shell commands

IAsyncAction Main()
    ConsoleOutputReceiver receiver = ConsoleOutputReceiver::ConsoleOutputReceiver();
    client.ExecuteRemoteCommand(L"echo Hello, World", device, receiver); // synchronously
    co_await client.ExecuteRemoteCommandAsync(L"echo Hello, World", device, receiver); // asynchronously


Default encoding is UTF8, if you want to change it, use




Consulting and Support

Please open an issue on if you have suggestions or problems.


AdvancedSharpAdbClient is a fork of SharpAdbClient and madb which in itself is a .NET port of the ddmlib Java Library.
