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SMG edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the ssbh_editor wiki! This page gives a brief overview of the usage of the application. For more detailed information on the various windows and editors, see the pages linked on the side tab.

Getting Started

Loading and Clearing Files

Open Folder (Ctrl+O)

Open a model folder containing supported files like meshes, textures, and animations. This replaces all the existing files loaded in the editor and viewport. This is similar to clicking File > Clear Workspace and then File > Add Folder to Workspace. Folders are loaded recursively, so opening /root/stage/battlefield/normal will open all folders for the Battlefield stage. For adding a single model or animation folder without clearing any existing files, use File > Add Folder to Workspace.

Open Recent Folder

Same as Open Folder but selects from a list of recently opened folders.

Add Folder to Workspace (Ctrl+Shift+O)

Similar to Open Folder but doesn't clear the existing files. This is useful for adding animations, which are typically stored in a separate folder from the model files.

Add Recent Folder to Workspace

Same as Add Folder to Workspace but selects from a list of recently opened folders.

Reload Workspace (Ctrl+R)

Reloads all open folders in the workspace. If supported files were added or removed from a folder, these changes will also be reflected in the files list and viewport. Reloading a workspace is typically a fast operation, so it's easy to reload whenever files are changed externally such as in Switch Toolbox or Blender. SSBH Editor has no undo system, so reloading the workspace is an easy way to undo any unsaved changes.

Drag and Drop

Simply find a file or folder in File Explorer, Finder, etc and drag and drop it onto the SSBH Editor application window. Dropping a file will attempt to load the containing folder. This works similarly to Add Folder to Workspace and will not clear already loaded folders.

Clear Workspace

Clears all loaded files in the files list and viewport.

Material Presets

Clicking Menu > Material Presets opens the preset editor. The preset editor has identical editing capabilities to the Matl Editor but edits the shared application presets file. Textures are assigned automatically based on the parameter name when assigning presets, so texture assignments in the preset editor aren't important. Save any changes to disk with File > Save.


The files tab lists the currently loaded files. SSBH Editor works with model folders rather than individual files. A model folder is a folder that contains any model related files like meshes, textures, or animations. Folders that don't contain any supported files will not be loaded and will not display in the files list. Files with unsupported extensions will also not be shown for each folder.

Folders can be removed from the files list by right clicking the folder and clicking "Remove". This also removes the corresponding entries in the Meshes tab. The right click menu also enables adding missing model.numshexb files or model.adjb files if the model folder requires them.


The meshes tab lists the renderable mesh objects in each of the model folders that contain a model.numshb file. Click the eye icons to toggle the visibility of individual mesh objects or entire model folders in the viewport. Hovering the cursor over a mesh or folder will outline it in the viewport. The visibility icons will update to reflect the current animation being played. Animations will only override the visibility when changing the current frame on the animation bar either manually or while enabling playback.


The animations tab lists the animations assigned to each model folder. Only folders that contain model related files can have animations assigned. Folders with only nuanmb animation files will not appear in this list. Each model folder in the animations tab supports multiple animation slots. Animation slots are applied in order starting from slot 0 with later animations potentially overriding values in previous animations. Adding or removing slots will change the number of animations applied to the model.

Clicking the animation drop down for a slot to select an animation from one of the loaded folders containing nuanmb files. Make sure the folders containing the animations are added first using File > Add Folder to Workspace. SSBH Editor will list the folder most likely to contain the correspnoding animation files, but animations can be assigned from any folder. Removing or toggling off all animation slots will disable any animations for the model folder and return it to its default resting state.

Swing (Experimental)

The Swing tab lists the swing.prc file assigned to each model folder. Similar to animations, only folders that contain model related files can have a swing.prc assigned. Click the drop down to select the folder containing the swing.prc file. The swing.prc file will be contained in the animation folder. Not all fighters have swing.prc files, so the drop down may still be empty even after adding the animation folder.

The collisions in a swing.prc file are grouped into swing bones, params, and then collisions. Toggling the visiblity of one collision may toggle the visibility of the collision in multiple params since swing collisions can be shared between params and swing bones. Enabled swing collisions will render and animate in the viewport. Collision shape rendering is experimental and may not always work as expected. Please report any issues or suggest ways to improve the visualization experience by starting a discussion.

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