Mod of RimWorld
对战斗后满地的掉落物头疼吗? 不满于直接清除尸体,想要获得补偿? 本mod在通讯控制台添加了一键转化战利品的选项,你可以将地图上的尸体和掉落物快速转化为白银。 此外添加了剥离单个装备的选项,再也不用担心获得一地垃圾了。 通讯台界面附加清理积雪和污渍功能。
Tired of handling dropped items all over the map after a battle? Willing to get compensation other than just destroy the corpses? This mod adds a new option to the comm console,which allows you to turn corpses and their drops on the map into silver with one single click. In addition,add an option to strip individual equipment, so you don't have to worry about getting a lot of garbage anymore. The comm console interface has additional functions of cleaning snow and filth.