A lightweight and asynchronous wrapper for Tatsu v1 API, written in Python. Supports every documented API endpoint.
To get an API key, use the command "t!apikey" on a Discord server with the Tatsu bot present.
Note: Modifying a user's scores/points isn't possible without certain Discord permissions. See the API docs for more info.
tatsu-api currently requires Python 3.8 or higher.
To install the library, run one of the following commands:
# Linux/macOS
python3 -m pip install -U tatsu-api
# Windows
py -3 -m pip install -U tatsu-api
For more examples, see the examples folder.
import asyncio
import tatsu_api as tatsu
async def main() -> None:
"""Example function."""
api_key = "API_KEY"
test_guild = 173184118492889089 # The Discord ID of the official Tatsu server.
test_user = 1234567891 # Random Discord user ID.
# The client can be used as a context manager to handle closing of the
# internal HTTP session.
async with tatsu.Client(api_key) as client:
profile = await client.get_user(test_user)
print(f"{profile.username} currently has {profile.credits} credits and {profile.reputation} reputation.")
username = profile.username
ranking = await client.get_member_ranking(test_guild, test_user, "all")
print(f"On the Tatsu server, {username} ranks at {ranking.rank} for all time.")
before_points = await client.get_member_points(test_guild, test_user)
print(f"{username} - Points before update: {before_points.points}")
after_points = await client.update_member_points(test_guild, test_user, -10)
print(f"{username} - Points after update: {after_points.points}")
Shoutout to discord.py for being an inspiration and providing a strong example for implementation.