CritCatWorks is a workflow manager for DFT simulations on nanocluster databases built on Fireworks. The documentation along with tutorials is available at
# This example will only run if you have a connection to a mongodb database
# containing a nanocluster simulation (Execute nanocluster workflow to get
# one). username, password, extdb_ids along with template_path and
# worker_target_path need to be provided
from fireworks import LaunchPad, Workflow
import pathlib
import os, sys
import getpass
from critcatworks.database import mylaunchpad
from critcatworks.workflows.coverage import get_coverage_workflow
USERNAME = "myusername"
PASSWORD = getpass.getpass()
# set up the LaunchPad and reset it
launchpad = mylaunchpad.create_launchpad(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
# simple coverage workflow
wf = get_coverage_workflow(username = USERNAME,
password = PASSWORD,
template_path = str(pathlib.Path("./templates/triton_gopt.inp").resolve()),
worker_target_path = "/path/to/my/calculation/directory/",
extdb_ids = [245,], # unique identifier of your nanocluster structure in your mongodb database
reference_energy = -1.16195386047558 * 0.5, # half h2 total energy as reference
adsorbate_name = "H",
max_iterations = 4, # coverage workflow iterations
adsite_types = ["top", "hollow", ], # initial population of the adsorption sites on the nanocluster
n_max_restarts = 1, # one DFT restart upon failure
skip_dft = False,
bond_length = 1.5, # converges when no adsorbates are as close as the specified bond length
n_remaining = 80, # initial reduction of adsorbates to this number
extdb_connect = {"db_name": "ncdb"}, # default database is testdb. use this for production runs
# store workflow on launchpad
virtual environment recommended virtualenv --python=python3 critcatenv source critcatenv/bin/activate
Download this repository
git clone [email protected]:SINGROUP/dscribe.git
Go inside this repository cd critcatworks
slightly modified NOMAD CP2K parser Installation
This step will become obsolete once the cp2k parser is available through pip
pip install numpy cython
cd nomad_parser/python-common
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
cd ../parser-cp2k
pip install -e .
- critcatworks installation
cd ../../
python3 install
steps 3 and 4 are automatically executed by