All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- The published 2.0.7 version on VS Code Marketplace included incorrect colours different from master due to an error.
- Editor bracket highlighting colors.
- Lightbulb colors.
- New icon.
- Title bar background color matches that of the tabs.
- Support for find in selection.
- Rubecula Dawn: darkened inactive selection color slightly.
- Terminal (bright) black colors changed to use the inactive foreground colors to distinguish them from the background.
- Fixed some colors not fit for Rubecula Dawn.
- Updated README.
- Find in file line hightlight.
- Lowered VS Code version to ^1.50.0.
Only used on VS Code Marketplace to make a new release to fix ignored files.
- Dawn/Light theme.
- Debug colors.
- Notification colors.
- Streamlined selection/highlight colors.
- Panel colors.
- Git diff colors.
- Improved find ruler colors.
- Range find background color.
- Ruler color.
- Git added and submodule resource colors.
- Git untracked resource color changed from green to cyan.
- Activity bar.
- Breadcrumb.
- Debug Exception Widget.
- Settings.
- Title bar.
- Menu and menu bar.
- Terminal highlight color.
- Editor errors, warnings, information, and hints in the sidebar now have the proper colors.
- Editor errors, warnings, information, and hints no longer have a double underline.
- GitLens highlight color to purple.
support.- Screenshot in
- Visual Studio Marketplace information.
- Travis deployment.
- Initial release.