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Auto Host Bot

An IRC bot written in python and made for my Twitch channel

Key FeaturesGetting startedAcknowledgementsConnect


Auto hosting:

Commands for everyone:
Host function that will host the the person on top of your host list

Automated functions:

Done by the bot automatically:
Filter stream titles with regular expressions
Filter games so only games that you like are hosted
Opens stream in Streamlink if you install it
Hosts a new stream as soon as the current stream switches to a game you don't like
Hosts a new stream as soon as the current stream has gone offline
Hosts a new stream as soon as the current title switches to a title you don't like
Sends a message to a discord channel if a new channel is hosted
Socials: Links to socials:
!social Shows all Ridgure's social media accounts
!instagram link to Instagram
!facebook link to Facebook
!twitter link to Twitter
!discord link to Discord
!ctt Generates a custom Click to Tweet link when sent in the twitch chat

Getting started


Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone


In order to be able to run the bot add a file in the same folder as the bot and go through the steps below: should look something like this:

Host = ""                                                 # The Twitch IRC server
Port = 6667                                                            # Always use port 6667!
Nickname = "<Nickname>"                                                # The username of your bot
Token = "<Token>"                                                      # Your Twitch subscriber token (needs to have the editor scope)
Channel = "#<Channel>"                                                 # The channel you want to join
ClientID = "<Client ID>"                                               # The client ID of your bot
StreamLinkLocation = "C:\Program/Files\Streamlink\\bin\streamlink.exe" # The location of your streamlink install
VLCLocation = "C:\Program/Files\VLC\\vlc.exe"                          # The location of your VLC install
webhook_url = ""                # The url too your discord webhook
  • Install python 2.7
  • Create a Twitch account with the name of your bot
  • Register your application on the Twitch developer site
    • Set the Name to the name of the account you just created
    • Set the redirect uri to http://localhost
    • Set the application directory to Chat Bot
    • Agree to the terms and conditions
    • Get a Client_ID and a Client_Secret
  • Generate your token for accessing follower data and chat
    • Go to Get token here and click connect with twitch
    • Click Authorize
    • Your token should look something like this: oauth:a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j1k2l3m5n6o7
  • Generate your token for accessing subscriber data
    • Go to the link underneath
    • Remember to swap out <clientID> with your client id!
    • Click Authenticate
    • It will look like you got a blank page but your url should look like the second url
    • Your access token is the gibberish where it says Token in the url
  • If you want to post to a Discord channel open its settings in Discord and enable webhooks<clientID>&redirect_uri=http://localhost&response_type=token&scope=channel_subscriptions+user_read+channel_check_subscription+chat_login+user:read:subscriptions


You will need to install these things to run the bot

Running the bot

Run by going to its location and running this command:



This whole project started off with this Instructables article

Other interesting projects to check out:

PythonBot by ZERG3R on Twitch as ZERG3R

Ponderier by DillonEA on Twitch as DillonEA

Xekeism by XekeDeath on Twitch as XekeDeath



See the bot in action when I am not live on Twitch over at

Social media

Please follow me on: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram