This repository contains the code used for our project, "On 'Off The Air'" where we analyze the series "Off the Air" which is an experimental television series that has been on the air since 2011. The show, created by animator and filmmaker Dave Hughes, consists of a series of loosely connected videos that explore a variety of themes, from space and nature to dreams and time. The show is known for its unconventional approach to storytelling, and for its use of a wide range of visual and audio techniques to create a surreal and immersive experience for the viewer. In this project, we analyze the audiovisual elements of the show to gain a better understanding of how media and emotion can be portrayed through unconventional means.
The repository contains both the code we used to process our data as well as a subset of our dataset. More specifically, all audio data for episodes relevant to our project are included while only an epsidoes worth of visual data are also included due to the large file sizes. These are in the "development" and "data" folders respectively.