From afccfd8b50088aee33489d6f6a9ea8db837b6ca3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ProjecSky Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2022 20:00:45 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Version:=206.2.0=20automatic=20update=20done.?= =?UTF-8?q?=20=E5=BD=93=E5=89=8D=E7=8A=B6=E6=80=81:=20=E5=B7=B2=E7=BF=BB?= =?UTF-8?q?=E8=AF=91:=2039997=20=E6=96=87=E6=9C=AC=E9=87=8F:=2042100=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=B7=B2=E5=AE=8C=E6=88=90:=2095.00475059382423%?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 1 + translations/others/_metadata | 4 ++-- translations/texts/codex/documents/ffguide5.codex.json | 3 +-- translations/translatedlabels.json | 2 +- 4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 62a33507bd..33db60a9c4 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -559,3 +559,4 @@ * v6.1.48 版本更新 - 2022/03/30 23:00 * v6.1.47 版本更新 - 2022/04/13 15:00 * v6.1.48 版本更新 - 2022/04/13 16:00 +* v6.2.0 版本更新 - 2022/04/16 20:00 diff --git a/translations/others/_metadata b/translations/others/_metadata index 7e7b16b6a3..6044061e42 100644 --- a/translations/others/_metadata +++ b/translations/others/_metadata @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "author": "Sky", - "description": "当前版本 v6.1.48", + "description": "当前版本 v6.2.0", "friendlyName": "Fu Schinese Mod", "includes": [ "FrackinUniverse" @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ "link": "", "name": "Fu Schinese", "steamContentId": "754350883", - "version": "6.1.48" + "version": "6.2.0" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/codex/documents/ffguide5.codex.json b/translations/texts/codex/documents/ffguide5.codex.json index ca8c3b2353..0303384c21 100644 --- a/translations/texts/codex/documents/ffguide5.codex.json +++ b/translations/texts/codex/documents/ffguide5.codex.json @@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Chs": "FrackinUniverse增加了许多其他状态影响,环境危害和环境互动。根据情况不同,影响可能有害,也可能有益。该简短指南应有助于为您解决这些问题。单击下一页继续。\n\n\n ^blue;------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;抗性^reset;: \n ^blue;------------------------^reset;\n\n 您对效果的抵抗是个大问题。请记住,在抗性类型中^cyan;抗性数值越高^reset;,^cyan;您受到该类型减益以及该类型伤害的影响就越小^reset;。^red;弱点^reset;也是一个因素。\n\n ^orange;举个例子^reset; :\n\n 一位叶族人天生就^red;-50%火炎抗性^reset;。他就会受到^red;更多的火炎伤害^reset;,并且需要^orange;额外的50%火炎抵抗^reset;才能抵消惩罚。 这意味着,如果对一个生物群落免疫的火炎抗性要求为40%,那么他^orange;实际上将需要90%的火焰抗性^reset;。\n \n 换个面说,如果您的种族对^cyan;某种元素有加成^reset; ,则您将比正常情况需要的^orange;抗性更少^reset;。 拥有^green;+30%火炎抗性^reset;的种族少^green;30%的火炎抗性^reset;也能获得免疫力。 这使您可以自然抵抗轻微的影响,例如沙漠炎热或轻度寒冷。\n\n ^cyan;所有的抗性都是叠加计算的^reset;。\n\n \n^blue;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 通常,假设对生物群系类型的抵抗是这样起作用的: \n\n ^green;20^reset;% (轻度) / ^yellow;40^reset;% (中度) / ^red;60^reset;% (严酷) \n\n 请注意,暴风雨和其他因素可能会影响生物群落效应的影响,因此有时在发生事件时会对您的抗性要求有所增加。 \n\n 敌人^yellow;也具有抗性的优势和劣势^reset;。有些敌人对特定元素完全免疫,却很容易被其他元素击倒,因此请做好实验的准备。\n\n \n\n ^blue;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;天气^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n FU中存在各种可能造成损失的天气。所有的天气可以通过相关的抗性来抵抗。 闪电风暴被电系抗性阻挡,毒物被毒素抗性阻挡,以此类推。但是,有些情况下会不太明显,例如以太病,需要特殊的盔甲或增强模块。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;物块破坏^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 如果您跌得太快,某些物块将无法承受您的体重负担。 冰,玻璃,粘液,泥浆或其他材料可能会因冲击而破裂。 因此,请注意并小心。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;物块影响^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 当踩踏时,某些物块会产生BUFF或DEBUFF。 其中许多不会给出指示,但会影响您的行动。 雪,泥浆,丛林泥和黏土就是这种情况的一些例子。沥青会提高地面速度,这对于地基来说非常有用。请勤做实验,您可能会发现一些非常有用的东西。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;温度^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 冷,热和辐射已经在原版屎大棒中存在。但是在FU中它们扮演着不同的角色。您不会在EPP背包上发现许多免疫效果。 相反,您将主要从它们自身或增强模块中提供的^cyan;抗性^reset;得到收益。 您对某个元素的抗性越高,它对您的困扰就越小(或完全免疫)。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;沙漠炎热^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 沙漠通常很燥热,其中的热会慢慢降低您的健康和饱腹。从中午到日落是最糟糕的时段。夜晚相对无害且凉爽。而沙漠地下较冷。您可以使用火炎抗性来抵抗沙漠。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Jungle Heat^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 就像沙漠一样,丛林的热会逐渐降低您的健康和饱腹,而夜间则不那么严重。与沙漠炎热不同,要抵抗这种影响需要物理抗性。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Radiation^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 辐射对于未做好准备的人来说可能相当危险。这种讨厌的效果会迅速消耗您的健康和能力(降低的是您的最大健康/能量,而不是您当前的数值)。 如果您的最大生命值达到0,那么您将死无预兆...所以请时刻注意自己。在辐射中您还会饿得更快。风会使情况变得更糟。抵抗辐射需要辐射抗性。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;硫酸^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 硫酸影响令人恼火,其会迅速腐蚀您的盔甲,然后对健康造成损害。更糟糕的是,在有硫酸的世界中,您要面对风暴,这会使这种影响更加危险,风暴会带来酸雨和一池子的腐蚀性酸!要抵抗这种影响,您需要^orange;物理抗性^reset;或^orange;酸蚀免疫^reset;能力。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;原毒^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 这种恼人的影响是原毒世界的威胁。它会慢慢削弱您的最大健康,并且让您难逃一死。此外,随着时间的流逝,它将减少您的暴击率并造成伤害。请从您的实验室站的各种设备中寻求对^orange;原毒的免疫^reset;和对^orange;毒素抗性^reset;的提高。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;狂乱^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 精神状态不断恶化,狂乱会耗尽您的防御,从而让自己无法持续防御。此外,它对每个指标都有轻微的降低。您的大脑将变得混乱,您将产生幻觉,并且饥饿得更快。FU中存在增强模块和装甲来对抗这种令人讨厌的效果,或者如果您有不错的^orange;暗影加射线^reset;抗性,那就没事了。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;压强^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 如果您没有保护措施,那么极端的压力也许是所有状态影响中最致命的,压强绝对会在几秒钟内杀死您。幸运的是,没几个地方会有如此高的压强(最主要还是在气态生物群系上)。^orange;如果没有防护服,请勿冒险造访这种环境^reset; :你会死无尸骨。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;中毒^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 那就实话实说,您肯定不想中毒,但有些毒比其他的更糟。除了基本的毒,还有汞毒(尤其令人讨厌),被污染的水,食物中毒和黑水毒,仅举几例。^orange;毒素免疫或康熙^reset;可以让您避免这种特殊的危险。剧毒则需要更高的抵抗力。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;脓液^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 这种液体简直就是万恶之源,甚至沾上它都会引起呕吐和恶心。要穿过它,您需要某种^orange;物理性防护^reset;,这种酸性胆汁可不是你的朋友。 我建议不要摄取它。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;黑色焦油^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 黑色的焦油会 ^red;大大^reset;减慢您的速度,且让您基本上无法跳跃。它会阻碍您但不会直接造成伤害。您可以使用各种装甲或物品来阻挡它。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;气体^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 气体可以是有益的气体(氦3),也可以是有害气体(阴暗影气体,氢气等),其会使您沉浸其中。阻挡气体通常很简单...^orange;请穿戴可防止气体进入的装备^orange;。^reset;但是,有些气体比较特殊。暗影气体需要暗影抗性抵抗,而^orange;毒气需要具有很高的毒素抗性来免疫^reset;。\n \n \n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;有机液^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 实际上这是您想要的少数几种效果之一。有机液将增加您的最大健康,并消除饥饿感(甚至使您饱腹)。可以的话建议在里面洗澡!\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;生物软泥^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 这种液体会粘在你身上,使您生病,并在生效时影响您的运动和生存几率。建议佩戴防护装备。在原毒世界和其他一些其他生物群系中最常见。可以通过^orange;毒素抗性或免疫来阻止或缓解^reset;。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;液氮^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 我听说液氮有亿点冷,因此为了取乐在里面游泳可能只是个蹩脚的主意。但是,只需足够的^orange;寒气抗性^reset;,那液氮就随便你玩弄了。\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;黑暗^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n 黑暗能够渗透到您的视力中心,并将您周围的世界变成无光的广阔空间。警惕这种影响。幸运的是,一般黑暗只会在很暗的地方出现。\n\n \n^blue;------------------------^reset;\n\n 请注意,在探索宇宙时,您可能会受到许多其他影响。并非所有的都可以抵挡,而有些影响可能会被意想不到的事物抵挡。只要保持警觉...并注意安全。\n\n \n^blue;--------------------------------------------------^reset;\n^yellow;Frackin维基\n^blue;--------------------------------------------------^reset;\n如果您需要Wiki的帮助,请使用我们的^cyan;官方wiki^reset;:\n^green;^reset;\n\n ^red;别用^reset;Fandom的wiki。那里的资料太过时了。", - "Eng": "FrackinUniverse adds a great number of additional status effects, environmental hazards and environmental interactions. These can be both detrimental or beneficial depending on circumstances. This short guide should help to sort them out for you. Click next page to continue.\n\n\n ^blue;------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Resistances^reset;:\n ^blue;------------------------^reset;\n\n Your resistance to effects is a pretty big deal. Bear in mind that the ^cyan;higher your value^reset; in a resistance type, the ^cyan;less you are affected by various debuffs as well as damage of that type^reset;. ^red;Weakness^reset; plays a factor too.\n\n ^orange;Example^reset; :\n\n A Floran has ^red;-50% Fire Resistance^reset;. He will take ^red;50% more damage from fire^reset; and will need an ^orange;additional 50% resistance^reset; in order to negate the penalty. That means that if a biome has a 40% resistance requirement for immunity to its effects he will ^orange;actually need 90%^reset;.\n\n On the other hand, should your race have a ^cyan;bonus against elements^reset; you will need ^orange;less resistance^reset; than the normal amount. A race with ^green;+30% to Fire Resistance^reset; would need ^green;30% less resistance to fire effects in order to gain immunity^reset;. This allows you to have native immunity to minor effects such as desert heat or minor cold.\n\n^cyan;All resistances stack^reset;.\n\n\n ^blue;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n As a general rule, assume resistance for biome types works as such:\n\n ^green;20%^reset; (Mild) / ^yellow;40%^reset; (Moderate) / ^red;60%^reset; (Extreme)\n\n Note that severe storms and other factors can influence the potency of a biomes effect, so on occasion you will have increased requirements while the event transpires.\n\n Enemies can ^yellow;also have resistance strengths and weaknesses^reset;. Some are utterly immune to particular elements but easily felled by another, so be prepared to experiment.\n\n\n\n ^blue;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Weather^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Various types of weather exist that can cause you harm. All can be resisted with a relevant protection type. Electrical storms are blocked by electric resistance, poison by poison, and so on. Some are less obvious however, such as Aether sickness, which requires specialized immunity from armor or augments.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Tile Breaking^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n If you're falling a bit too fast, some tiles will be unable to bear the strain of your weight. Ice, glass, slime, mud and other materials can break on impact. So, watch your step and take care.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Tile Effects^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Some tiles give buffs or debuffs when stepped on. Many of these will not give indicators, but will affect your movement. Snow, mud, jungle dirt and clay are some examples of this in action. Asphalt increases your ground speed, which is useful in bases. Experiment, and you might find some really useful stuff.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Temperature^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Cold, Heat and Radiation are things from ordinary Starbound, true. But in FU they play a different role. You won't find many Immunity effects on EPP packs. Instead, you'll primarily be using ^cyan;resistances^reset; obtained from them or augments. The higher your resistance in an element, the less it will bother you (or be blocked completely). Resistances stack.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Desert Heat^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Deserts are typically dry and non-humid, and their heat will slowly sap your health and food. From noon till sundown, it will be at its worst. Nights are relatively harmless and cool. Underground is colder. You can resist Deserts with Fire Resistance.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Jungle Heat^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Much like deserts, the heat of a Jungle will gradually drain your health and food, and is less severe at night. Unlike Desert Heat, it will take Physical resistance to counter this effect.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Radiation^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Radiation can be rather hazardous to the unprepared. This nasty effect will drain your health and energy rapidly (your max health/energy, not your current amount). If you reach 0 max health, you will die without do keep an eye on yourself. You will also starve faster. Wind will make things worse for you. Resistance requires Radioactive Resistance.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Sulphuric^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Sulphuric effects can be nasty, rapidly eating your armor and then doing health damage. Worse, on sulphuric worlds you have storms to contend with that make this effect even more dangerous, acid rain and pools of caustic acid! To resist this effect you'll need ^orange;Physical resistance^reset; or an ^orange;acid immunity^reset; effect.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Proto Poison^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n This nasty effect is a threat on Proto Worlds. It will slowly sap your maximum health and *will* eventually kill you. Furthermore, it will reduce your critChance and apply damage over time. Seek out ^orange;proto-poison protection^reset; from various gears in your lab stations, ^orange;poison resistance^reset;.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Insanity^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n A constant degradation of your mental state, insanity saps your ability to protect yourself over a sustained period by draining your Protection. Additionally, it gives a mild bit of damage per tick. Your brain will become muddled and you will hallucinate, and go hungry faster. Augments and armor exist to combat this nasty effect, or you could have decent resistance to ^orange;both Shadow and Cosmic^reset; and you'll be okay.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Pressure^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Perhaps the deadliest of all the status effects, extreme pressure will ^red;definitely kill you in seconds^reset; if you do not have protection. Thankfully, it is found in few places (primarily on Gas Ball biomes). ^orange;Do not risk this environment effect without a protective suit^reset;. You *will* die.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Poison^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Fairly self explanatory. You don't want to be poisoned, but some are worse than others. You've got basic poison, mercury poison (which is especially nasty), contaminated water, food poisoning and darkwater poison to name a few. ^orange;Poison immunity or resistance^reset; will do the trick in avoiding this particular set of hazards. Potent poisons require higher amounts of resistance.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Pus^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n This fluid is absolutely repulsive, and even having the stuff on you causes retching and nausea. To traverse it, you will need some sort of ^orange;physical protection^reset;. This acidic bile is not your friend. I recommend against ingesting it.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Black Tar^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Black tar slows you down ^red;a lot^reset; and makes jumping a decent height nearly impossible. It hampers, but does not directly cause damage. You can block it with various armors or produce.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Gas^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Gas can be both positive (Helium 3) or negative (Caliginous Gas, Hydrogen etc) to immerse yourself in. Blocking gas is generally straightforward...^orange;wear something that protects from gas^reset;. However, Some are more specialized. ^orange;Caliginous Gas requires Shadow Resistance^reset; and ^orange;Poison Gas is non-functional with high poison resistance^reset;.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Organic Soup^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n One of the few effects that is actually something you *want*. Organic soup will increase your health total as well as remove the effects of hunger (and even fill you up!). Take a bath in it when you can!\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Bio Ooze^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n This fluid will stick to you, make you ill and affect your movement and survival chances while active. Wearing protection is recommended. Most common on Proto Worlds and a few other select biomes. Can be ^orange;blocked or mitigated with Poison Resistance or Immunity^reset;.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Liquid Nitrogen^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n I hear its a bit cold, so stepping in this might just be a crappy idea for fun times. However, you can make it a joyously fun event by simply wearing adequate ^orange;Ice Resistance^reset;.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Darkness^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n There is darkness capable of permeating your vision centers and turning the world around you into a lightless expanse. Be wary of these effects. Thankfully, it is most common in places that are already dark.\n\n\n ^blue;------------------------^reset;\n\n Note that there are many other effects you can be affected by in your exploration of the universe. Not all of them can be resisted, and some might be resisted by surprising things. Just stay aware...and stay safe.\n\n^blue;--------------------------------------------------^reset;\n^yellow;The Frackin Wiki\n^blue;--------------------------------------------------^reset;\nIf you need the help of a Wiki, use our ^cyan;official wiki^reset; here:\n^green;^reset;\n\n^red;Do not^reset; use the Fandom wiki. It is horribly outdated." + "Eng": "FrackinUniverse adds a great number of additional status effects, environmental hazards and environmental interactions. These can be both detrimental or beneficial depending on circumstances. This short guide should help to sort them out for you. Click next page to continue.\n\n\n ^blue;------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Resistances^reset;:\n ^blue;------------------------^reset;\n\n Your resistance to effects is a pretty big deal. Bear in mind that the ^cyan;higher your value^reset; in a resistance type, the ^cyan;less you are affected by various debuffs as well as damage of that type^reset;. ^red;Weakness^reset; plays a factor too.\n\n ^orange;Example^reset; :\n\n A Floran has ^red;-50% Fire Resistance^reset;. He will take ^red;50% more damage from fire^reset; and will need an ^orange;additional 50% resistance^reset; in order to negate the penalty. That means that if a biome has a 40% resistance requirement for immunity to its effects he will ^orange;actually need 90%^reset;.\n\n On the other hand, should your race have a ^cyan;bonus against elements^reset; you will need ^orange;less resistance^reset; than the normal amount. A race with ^green;+30% to Fire Resistance^reset; would need ^green;30% less resistance to fire effects in order to gain immunity^reset;. This allows you to have native immunity to minor effects such as desert heat or minor cold.\n\n^cyan;All resistances stack^reset;.\n\n\n ^blue;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n As a general rule, assume resistance for biome types works as such:\n\n ^green;20%^reset; (Mild) / ^yellow;40%^reset; (Moderate) / ^orange;60%^reset; (Extreme) / ^red;80%^reset; (Deadly)\n\n Note that severe storms and other factors can influence the potency of a biomes effect, so on occasion you will have increased requirements while the event transpires.\n\n Enemies can ^yellow;also have resistance strengths and weaknesses^reset;. Some are utterly immune to particular elements but easily felled by another, so be prepared to experiment.\n\n\n\n ^blue;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Weather^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Various types of weather exist that can cause you harm. All can be resisted with a relevant protection type. Electrical storms are blocked by electric resistance, poison by poison, and so on. Some are less obvious however, such as Aether sickness, which requires specialized immunity from armor or augments.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Tile Breaking^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n If you're falling a bit too fast, some tiles will be unable to bear the strain of your weight. Ice, glass, slime, mud and other materials can break on impact. So, watch your step and take care.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Tile Effects^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Some tiles give buffs or debuffs when stepped on. Many of these will not give indicators, but will affect your movement. Snow, mud, jungle dirt and clay are some examples of this in action. Asphalt increases your ground speed, which is useful in bases. Experiment, and you might find some really useful stuff.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Temperature^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Cold, Heat and Radiation are things from ordinary Starbound, true. But in FU they play a different role. You won't find many Immunity effects on EPP packs. Instead, you'll primarily be using ^cyan;resistances^reset; obtained from them or augments. The higher your resistance in an element, the less it will bother you (or be blocked completely). Resistances stack.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Desert Heat^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Deserts are typically dry and non-humid, and their heat will slowly sap your health and food. From noon till sundown, it will be at its worst. Nights are relatively harmless and cool. Underground is colder. You can resist Deserts with Fire Resistance.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Jungle Heat^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Much like deserts, the heat of a Jungle will gradually drain your health and food, and is less severe at night. Unlike Desert Heat, it will take Physical resistance to counter this effect.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Radiation^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Radiation can be rather hazardous to the unprepared. This nasty effect will drain your health and energy rapidly (your max health/energy, not your current amount). If you reach 0 max health, you will die without do keep an eye on yourself. You will also starve faster. Wind will make things worse for you. Resistance requires Radioactive Resistance.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Sulphuric^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Sulphuric effects can be nasty, rapidly eating your armor and then doing health damage. Worse, on sulphuric worlds you have storms to contend with that make this effect even more dangerous, acid rain and pools of caustic acid! To resist this effect you'll need ^orange;Physical resistance^reset; or an ^orange;acid immunity^reset; effect.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Proto Poison^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n This nasty effect is a threat on Proto Worlds. It will slowly sap your maximum health and *will* eventually kill you. Furthermore, it will reduce your critChance and apply damage over time. Seek out ^orange;proto-poison protection^reset; from various gears in your lab stations, ^orange;poison resistance^reset;.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Insanity^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n A constant degradation of your mental state, insanity saps your ability to protect yourself over a sustained period by draining your Protection. Additionally, it gives a mild bit of damage per tick. Your brain will become muddled and you will hallucinate, and go hungry faster. Augments and armor exist to combat this nasty effect, or you could have decent resistance to ^orange;both Shadow and Cosmic^reset; and you'll be okay.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Pressure^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Perhaps the deadliest of all the status effects, extreme pressure will ^red;definitely kill you in seconds^reset; if you do not have protection. Thankfully, it is found in few places (primarily on Gas Ball biomes). ^orange;Do not risk this environment effect without a protective suit^reset;. You *will* die.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Poison^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Fairly self explanatory. You don't want to be poisoned, but some are worse than others. You've got basic poison, mercury poison (which is especially nasty), contaminated water, food poisoning and darkwater poison to name a few. ^orange;Poison immunity or resistance^reset; will do the trick in avoiding this particular set of hazards. Potent poisons require higher amounts of resistance.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Pus^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n This fluid is absolutely repulsive, and even having the stuff on you causes retching and nausea. To traverse it, you will need some sort of ^orange;physical protection^reset;. This acidic bile is not your friend. I recommend against ingesting it.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Black Tar^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Black tar slows you down ^red;a lot^reset; and makes jumping a decent height nearly impossible. It hampers, but does not directly cause damage. You can block it with various armors or produce.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Gas^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n Gas can be both positive (Helium 3) or negative (Caliginous Gas, Hydrogen etc) to immerse yourself in. Blocking gas is generally straightforward...^orange;wear something that protects from gas^reset;. However, Some are more specialized. ^orange;Caliginous Gas requires Shadow Resistance^reset; and ^orange;Poison Gas is non-functional with high poison resistance^reset;.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Organic Soup^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n One of the few effects that is actually something you *want*. Organic soup will increase your health total as well as remove the effects of hunger (and even fill you up!). Take a bath in it when you can!\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Bio Ooze^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n This fluid will stick to you, make you ill and affect your movement and survival chances while active. Wearing protection is recommended. Most common on Proto Worlds and a few other select biomes. Can be ^orange;blocked or mitigated with Poison Resistance or Immunity^reset;.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Liquid Nitrogen^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n I hear its a bit cold, so stepping in this might just be a crappy idea for fun times. However, you can make it a joyously fun event by simply wearing adequate ^orange;Ice Resistance^reset;.\n\n\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n ^yellow;Darkness^reset;\n ^#555555;-----------------------------------^reset;\n\n There is darkness capable of permeating your vision centers and turning the world around you into a lightless expanse. Be wary of these effects. Thankfully, it is most common in places that are already dark.\n\n\n ^blue;------------------------^reset;\n\n Note that there are many other effects you can be affected by in your exploration of the universe. Not all of them can be resisted, and some might be resisted by surprising things. Just stay aware...and stay safe.\n\n^blue;--------------------------------------------------^reset;\n^yellow;The Frackin Wiki\n^blue;--------------------------------------------------^reset;\nIf you need the help of a Wiki, use our ^cyan;official wiki^reset; here:\n^green;^reset;\n\n^red;Do not^reset; use the Fandom wiki. It is horribly outdated." } }, { diff --git a/translations/translatedlabels.json b/translations/translatedlabels.json index 1f7b552bec..131ad80d6c 100644 --- a/translations/translatedlabels.json +++ b/translations/translatedlabels.json @@ -2343,7 +2343,7 @@ "ffguide2.codex.json": 2, "ffguide3.codex.json": 3, "ffguide4.codex.json": 1, - "ffguide5.codex.json": 3, + "ffguide5.codex.json": 2, "ffguide6.codex.json": 4, "ffguidebattle.codex.json": 4, "fleshweave.codex.json": 3,