This is an example of using the Selenide framework and showcasing tests using the Page Object pattern. The project includes basic tests for search/clearing the search/ displaying pop-up suggestions, as well as attempting to log in with incorrect data.
You can run tests in parallel by adding param -Psuite="Parallel"
also you can configure thread amount by adding param -Pthreads="2"
into 'arguments'.
In case of no additional params tests will start with default configuration (single
thread with a single
Also, you can add a param -PbaseUrl
to change a start URL for example:
To see a test report after passing tests, you need following the instruction:
Run tests (when tests finish you will see a new folder 'build' inside a project, inside 'build' folder you will see 'allure-results' folder)
Change your directory into 'build' and run a command
allure serve
in command line (report will be formed automatically)
Screenshots will be automatically added to failed steps