title | layout | meta-description | page-header |
IRCv3 Registry |
default |
IRCv3 Tags, Capabilities, Commands and Metadata Keys. |
IRCv3 Registry
This page lists the tags, capabilities, commands, batches and metadata keys that have been defined by the IRCv3 Working Group, or are otherwise described by our specifications.
{% for type in site.data.registry %}
{{ type.name }}
{% endfor %}
{% for type in site.data.registry %}
{% for val in type.values %} {% endfor %}Name | Specs | Description |
{{ val.name }} | {% for specname in val.specs %} {{ site.data.specs[specname].shortname }}{% if site.data.specs[specname].deprecated %} [deprecated]{% endif %}{% if site.data.specs[specname].draft %} [draft]{% endif %}{% if forloop.last %}{% else %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} | {{ val.description | markdownify | replace:" ","" | replace:" ","" }} |
{% include anchors.html %}