To compile a program, you need connect Flatbuffer library. You can do this by editing flatbuffers.pri file or add arguments to qmake
FLATBUFFERS_INCLUDE_DIR - directory where flatbuffers include files are located
FLATBUFFERS_LIB_DIR - directory where flatbuffers libs are located
FLATC_SCHEME_FILES - list of flatbuffers schema files used to generate headers
"Protomorph BG" is a tool, that will help board game designers to prototype games components(cards, tiles, boards etc.) and save them as a project. It will also have layouts mechanisms, to layout components for printing on standard paper formats and export entire project to PDF or other formats. Will be available for Windows/Linux/OSX (I hope :))
Next sources are used in the project:
game-icons/icons - Game Icons.(Will be used in component editor and for application logo icon design)
google/roboto - The Roboto family of fonts
mitchcurtis/slate - Pixel Art Editor(Collapsible panels and color scheme used from this project)
UI/UX Designer - Anthony Hobday