See requirements/ for needed components.
(e.g. apt-install python3-flask python3-flask-babel python3-flask-mail python3-jsonschema
allows you to start a development server on Debian Bullseye.)
For development server run flask run
For a development server with auto-reload, run export FLASK_ENV=development
For uwsgi python3-dev
is required.
on server:
- rm /srv/www/html/*
- cp -r /srv/www/.htaccess.bak /srv/www/html/.htaccess
- scp dist/openslides/* web-openslides:/srv/www/html/
- Install the service (see openslides-backend.service.tpl) in systemd.
- create a uwsgi.sock
- Change ownership of api folder to www-data:www-data
- touch /var/log/openslides-backend.log and change ownership
- Add configuration to nginx/apache
- start service and reload the webserver
- Stop the service and update the repository
- Verify ownerships etc. (is this necessary?)
- start the service
- dev: python (export FLASK_ENV=development)
- uwsgi --socket --protocol=http -w app:app