Easy SQL Server Tool will allow users to create SQL Server Database, Delete Database, Load all Database Names from a SQL selected Server, Create a New Table, Insert records to Table, Select Records from Table and bind the result to grid, Export the selected result to CSV file format, Delete Table, Delete ALL Records from a table without writing any SQL Script.
We have used SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) to programmatically create SQL Server Database, Table, etc.
What is SQL Server Management Objects (SMO)? SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) is a collection of objects to manage SQL Server programmatically. Using SMO objects, we can programmatically connect to SQL server, Get collections of all Database names, Create new Database, Backup Database, Restore Database, Create Table, Get collections of Table Name for a given Database, Get all Column details of a given Table, etc.
Reference website: To learn more details about SQL Server SMO, kindly view all these links:
Overview (SMO) Create a Visual C# SMO Project in Visual Studio .NET Server Class
Points of Interest Hope you all like this Projects. Without writing SQL Script, now members can connect to SQL Server, Create Database, Table, Insert and select records. There is some limitation in this tool like we can add only three datatypes for now, etc. There is no limitation for our expectation, now the code and tool are in your hand, you can add any amount of functionality based on your requirements.