Just a cheat sheet of fixes for Java 9 issues. Contributions welcomed!
None of the following works with the --release < 9. Using --release 6, 7, or 8; classes requiring exposure are not found at all. Forcing use of Java 9 and dropping --release to expose; com.sun., sun., etc. Though with --release 6, 7, or 8 things like javax.activation are auto loaded, without needing --add-modules. Pros and cons, when there is a choice.
You can use --release 9+ along with --add-modules or --add-exports. Which really does not make sense till Java 10+.
--add-modules java.activation
This will be removed from JDK11+. Need to use JAF/javax-activation
--add-modules java.xml.ws.annotation
This will be removed from JDK11+. Need to use javax.annotation-api
--add-modules java.jnlp
--add-modules java.xml
--add-modules java.xml.bind
This will be removed from JDK11+. Need to use JSR-222 jaxb-api
--add-exports java.desktop/sun.font=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-exports jdk.unsupported/sun.misc=ALL-UNNAMED
sed -i -e "s|sun.misc.C|jdk.internal.vm.annotation.C|g" Class.java
--add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.vm.annotation=ALL-UNNAMED
This has a bunch of stuff in it.
In simplest form, most things are not exposed.
--add-modules jdk.compiler
To expose various parts. Expose as needed, likely do not need all just examples.
--add-modules jdk.javadoc
In some cases resources in the same folders as classes cannot be found during compile by some annotation processors. In those cases this can be a resolution.
--source-path src/main/java
When things are not visible, you use the --add-exports to expose.
Seems it is not necessary and redundant to add both. There is no harm. Seems --add-exports will add the module of the classes being exposed.