Smart contracts templates for ERC721 - ERC1155 - Governor using Open Zeppelin smart contract library
Template to get started creating ERC721 NFTs - ERC1155 and DAO Governor using OpenZeppelin
For more information:
- ERC721 Spec
- ERC1155
Do you want to customise your contracts, check Open Zeppelin contract wizard
- Clone this repo
- Npm install to download all the open zeppelin libraries
- Run dotnet new -i .\ in the command line / terminal
- Run dotnet new nethereum.oz --ContractLibrary "YourContractLibraryName"
- Nethereum code generation for all the services is already in place, if you want to alter your contract, open vscode solidity to compile and auto-generate your project.
- You will need to "npm install" at root, this is necesary to retrieve the "openzeppelin" contracts
Integration testing can be configured to use different clients, see the Appsettings.test.json.
The current Client can be set to Geth, Ganache, Infura, External, Hardhat
When running Geth for integration testing locally (default), this is located in the testchain
folder gethclique
. The windows executable it is already included for you.
If you want to update the version of geth or if you are using another OS just download the latest from and set the correct path in EthereumTestSettings.
If you want to use a local node or custom url for integration testing, just use the External setting, and provide the HttpUrl.
Appsettings.test.json has a comments section describing each of the possible settings:
"EthereumTestSettings": {
"GethPath": "..\\..\\..\\..\\testchain\\gethclique\\geth.exe",
"AccountAddress": "0x12890d2cce102216644c59daE5baed380d84830c",
"AccountPrivateKey": "0xb5b1870957d373ef0eeffecc6e4812c0fd08f554b37b233526acc331bf1544f7",
"ManagedAccountPassword": "password",
"ChainId": "444444444500",
"Client": "Geth",
"InfuraNetwork": "Rinkeby",
"HttpUrl": "http://localhost:8545"
"Comments": {
"GetPath": "This is the path to your geth executable , this is already set to your testchain path, with the preconfigured genesis, if you work on linux, mac download the right executable, and in windows to updated",
"AccountAddress": "The account address of your private key",
"AccountPrivateKey": "The private key to sign your transactions , preconfigured to the genesis test account used by Nethereum preconfigured testchain",
"ManagedAccountPassword": "If you want to work with managed accounts , by the client, the password for your web3 storage",
"ChainId": "The chainId of the node to connect",
"Client": "Geth , Ganache, Infura, External, HardHat.. The client to connect to, if External it will use the HttpUrl",
"InfuraNetwork": "The Infura network to connect to",
"InfuraId": "The InfuraId to connect to",
"HttpUrl": "The external http url to connect to , i.e http://localhost:8545 or other testchains etc"
The preset contract can be found here.
Overall sample (Integration test)
//Using rinkeby to demo opensea, if we dont want to use the configured client
//please input your infura id in appsettings.test.json
var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetInfuraWeb3(InfuraNetwork.Rinkeby);
//var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetWeb3(); //if you want to use your local node (ie geth, uncomment this, see appsettings.test.json for further info)
//example of configuration as legacy (not eip1559) to work on L2s
web3.Eth.TransactionManager.UseLegacyAsDefault = true;
//creating our deployment information (this includes the bytecode already)
//This example creates an NFT Property (Real state) registry
var erc721Deployment = new ERC721EnumerableUriStorageDeployment() { Name = "Property Registry", Symbol = "PR" };
//Deploy the erc721Minter
var deploymentReceipt = await ERC721EnumerableUriStorageService.DeployContractAndWaitForReceiptAsync(web3, erc721Deployment);
//creating a new service with the new contract address
var erc721Service = new ERC721EnumerableUriStorageService(web3, deploymentReceipt.ContractAddress);
//uploading to ipfs our documents
var nftIpfsService = new NFTIpfsService("");
var imageIpfs = await nftIpfsService.AddFileToIpfsAsync("Documents/TitlePlanImage.png");
var titleIpfs = await nftIpfsService.AddFileToIpfsAsync("Documents/example_title_plan.pdf");
var registerIpfs = await nftIpfsService.AddFileToIpfsAsync("Documents/example_register.pdf");
//adding all our document ipfs links to the metadata and the description
var metadataNFT = new NFTPropertyRegistryMetadata()
Name = "CS72510: Property registry example",
AddressOfProperty = "23 Cottage Lane, Kerwick, PL14 3JP",
Image = "ipfs://" + imageIpfs.Hash, //The image is what is displayed in market places like opean sea
TitleDocument = "ipfs://" + titleIpfs.Hash,
RegisterDocument = "ipfs://" + registerIpfs.Hash,
PlanReference = "SD4008",
TitleNumber = "CS72510",
MapReference = "SY6676NE",
ExternalUrl = ""
//Adding the metadata to ipfs
var metadataIpfs =
await nftIpfsService.AddNftsMetadataToIpfsAsync(metadataNFT, "PropertyRegistryMetadata.json");
var addressToRegisterOwnership = "0xe612205919814b1995D861Bdf6C2fE2f20cDBd68";
//Minting the nft with the url to the ipfs metadata
var mintReceipt = await erc721Service.MintRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(
addressToRegisterOwnership, "ipfs://" + metadataIpfs.Hash);
//we have just minted our first nft so the nft will have the id of 0.
var ownerOfToken = await erc721Service.OwnerOfQueryAsync(0);
var addressOfToken = await erc721Service.TokenURIQueryAsync(0);
Assert.Equal("ipfs://" + metadataIpfs.Hash, addressOfToken);
//Url format[nftAddress]/[id]
//opening opensea testnet to visualise the nft
var ps = new ProcessStartInfo(""+ deploymentReceipt.ContractAddress+ "/0")
UseShellExecute = true,
Verb = "open"
Metadata example:
The preset contract can be found here.
Overall sample (Integration test)
//Using rinkeby to demo opensea, if we dont want to use the configured client
//please input your infura id in appsettings.test.json
var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetInfuraWeb3(InfuraNetwork.Rinkeby);
//var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetWeb3(); //if you want to use your local node (ie geth, uncomment this, see appsettings.test.json for further info)
//example of configuration as legacy (not eip1559) to work on L2s
web3.Eth.TransactionManager.UseLegacyAsDefault = true;
var ercERC1155Deployment = new MyERC1155Deployment();
//Deploy the 1155 contract (shop)
var deploymentReceipt = await MyERC1155Service.DeployContractAndWaitForReceiptAsync(web3, ercERC1155Deployment);
//creating a new service with the new contract address
var erc1155Service = new MyERC1155Service(web3, deploymentReceipt.ContractAddress);
//uploading to ipfs our documents
var nftIpfsService = new NFTIpfsService("");
var imageIpfs = await nftIpfsService.AddFileToIpfsAsync("ShopImages/hard-drive-by-vincent-botta-from-unsplash.jpg");
//adding all our document ipfs links to the metadata and the description
var metadataNFT = new ProductNFTMetadata()
ProductId = 12131,
Name = "4TB Black Performance Desktop Hard Drive",
Image = "ipfs://" + imageIpfs.Hash, //The image is what is displayed in market places like opean sea
Description = @"Capacity: 4TB
Interface: SATA 6Gb / s
Form Factor: 3.5 Inch
Easy Backup and Upgrade
5 Year Warranty (Photo by: Vincent Botta",
ExternalUrl = "",
Decimals = 0
var stockHardDrive = 100;
//Adding the metadata to ipfs
var metadataIpfs =
await nftIpfsService.AddNftsMetadataToIpfsAsync(metadataNFT, metadataNFT.ProductId + ".json");
var addressToRegisterOwnership = "0xe612205919814b1995D861Bdf6C2fE2f20cDBd68";
//Adding the product information
var tokenUriReceipt = await erc1155Service.SetTokenUriRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(metadataNFT.ProductId,
"ipfs://" + metadataIpfs.Hash);
var mintReceipt = await erc1155Service.MintRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(addressToRegisterOwnership, metadataNFT.ProductId, stockHardDrive, new byte[]{});
// the balance should be
var balance = await erc1155Service.BalanceOfQueryAsync(addressToRegisterOwnership, (BigInteger)metadataNFT.ProductId);
Assert.Equal(stockHardDrive, balance);
var addressOfToken = await erc1155Service.UriQueryAsync(metadataNFT.ProductId);
Assert.Equal("ipfs://" + metadataIpfs.Hash, addressOfToken);
//Url format[nftAddress]/[id]
//opening opensea testnet to visualise the nft
var ps = new ProcessStartInfo("" + deploymentReceipt.ContractAddress + "/" + metadataNFT.ProductId)
UseShellExecute = true,
Verb = "open"
//lets sell 2 hard drives
var transfer = await erc1155Service.SafeTransferFromRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(addressToRegisterOwnership, addressToRegisterOwnership, (BigInteger)metadataNFT.ProductId, 2, new byte[]{});