A CPP-based ThreadPool for Linux-platform
#include "thread_pool.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
newplan_toolkit::ThreadPool tp(10);
for (int index = 0; index < 100; index++)
VLOG(0) << "Hello, World!";
return 0;
g++ example/thread_pool.cc -o thread_pool -std=c++11 -lpthread -lglog
> ./thread_pool
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0927 18:12:44.019248 21657 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019246 21658 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019246 21663 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019248 21662 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019249 21664 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019248 21660 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019568 21664 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019299 21666 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019297 21659 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019335 21665 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019661 21659 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019676 21665 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019527 21658 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019539 21662 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019598 21660 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019603 21664 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019495 21657 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019645 21666 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019356 21661 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
I0927 18:12:44.019520 21663 test.cc:11] Hello, World!
a thread perf tool to show CPU usage
#include "../thread_perf.h"
using namespace newplan_toolkit;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int pid = 0;
int tid = 0;
string cpu, mem;
if (argc > 1)
pid = atoi(argv[1]);
pid = getpid();
if (argc > 2)
tid = atoi(argv[2]);
printf("pid=%d,tid=%d\n", pid, tid);
if (pid == 0 && tid == 0)
return -1;
while (1)
string s = GetCpuMem(pid, cpu, mem, tid);
cout << "----------------------------" << endl;
cout << s << endl;
return 0;
g++ example/thread_perf.cc -o thread_perf -std=c++11 -lpthread
>./thread_perf [pid] [tid]
pid is the process id and optional. By default, it refers itself
tid is the threads id and optional. For all threads, set tid=-1
Cpu(s): 0.00%us, 0.02%sy, 0.00%ni, 99.98%id, 0.00%wa, 0.00%hi, 0.00%si, 0.00%st
Mem: 131904440k total, 73504124k used, 58400316k free, 128700272k buffer
Swap: 17352536k total, 17023812k used, 328724k free, 2533908k cached
PID=24273 TID=0 0.00%CPU 0.00%MEM VIRT=24273KB RES=31018KB