All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- ianmkenney
- tylerjereddy
- IAlibay
- All dependencies added to pyproject.toml,, and conda envs (#57)
- Temporary fix for Windows integer size default change in NumPy 2.0.0
- Update CI and wheel deployment to include macos-arm64 and py3.12 (PR #63)
- Minimum Python version has been raised to 3.10 (PR #66)
- Minimum MDAnalysis version has been raised to 2.1.0 (PR #66)
1.0.0 - 2023-11-09
- IAlibay
- lilyminium
- orbeckst
- ianmkenney
- wheel deployment workflow (#22)
- documentation fixes (#13, #18, #49, #51)
- switched from versioneer to versioningit (#53)
0.1.0 - 2023-08-25
The original MDAnalysis.analysis.encore
was written by Matteo Tiberti,
Wouter Boomsma, and Tone Bengtsen in 2016 and had been part of MDAnalysis
since release 0.16.0,
Ian Kenney created the mdaencore
MDAKit in 2023, based on the original code
in MDAnalysis. Additional contributors to the original source code are listed
in the file.
- ianmkenney
- the core functionality of mdaencore (and its tests) was implemented using the source code from MDAnalysis.analysis.encore
- documentation deployed to github pages and read the docs (#1)
- removed ffast-math compiler flag (PR #14)