Similar to the babysuid 17, a new archive format is introduced bzip2. You can read the man page of bzip2.
bzip2 compresses file using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally considered better than the conventional LZ77/LZ78-based compressor.
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:~$ ls
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:~$ cd /
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ ls
bin boot challenge dev etc flag home lib lib32 lib64 libx32 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ cd challenge/
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/challenge$ ls
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/challenge$ ./babysuid_level18
Welcome to ./babysuid_level18!
This challenge is part of a series of programs that
force you to understand different archive formats.
I just set the SUID bit on /usr/bin/bzip2.
Try to use it to read the flag!
IMPORTANT: make sure to run me (./babysuid_level18) every time that you restart
this challenge container to make sure that I set the SUID bit on /usr/bin/bzip2!
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/challenge$ cd /
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ ls
bin boot challenge dev etc flag home lib lib32 lib64 libx32 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ bzip2 flag
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ ls
bin boot challenge dev etc flag.bz2 home lib lib32 lib64 libx32 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ zcat flag.bz2
gzip: flag.bz2: Permission denied
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ bzcat flag.bz2
bzcat: Can't open input file flag.bz2: Permission denied.
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ ls -l /usr/bin/bzip2
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 39144 Sep 5 2019 /usr/bin/bzip2
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ bzcat -d -c flag.bz2
bzcat: Can't open input file flag.bz2: Permission denied.
hacker@program-misuse-level-18:/$ bzip2 -d -c flag.bz2{EzySAF2ZCBFSzEEYVAhsthr1PQZ.0FM2EDL0AjNzQzW}
But here we can see that bzcat flag.bz2
giving us permission denied
So we have to find another way. We have to think differently.
Then I write bzip2 -d -c flag.bz2
. What it will do is that it will first decompress the file with -d
and -c
writes the output to the standard output(stout) instead of a file. This will successfully print the flag.
[!question] In the
man bzip2
, it saysbzcat (or bzip2 -dc) decompresses all specified files to the standard output
. We can see that forbzip2 -dc
it doesn't showpermission denied
but for the other it shows. Why is that?