This is a OpenAI-gym-styled RL-environment for the game 2048 by Gabriele Cirulli. The game-logic and visualization is adapted from Yangshun's python implementation of the game.
The repository contains the game environment, the possibility to train policies for the environment (with REINFORCE and a few policy networks preimplmented) and the possibility to visualize a given policy.Set things up by running:
conda create -n 2048-RL python=3.10
conda activate 2048-RL
pip install -r requirements.txt
Train a REINFORCE policy with default hyperparameters using a 4-layer Transformer as policy network by running:
python RLenv_2048/scripts/ --train \
--exp my_first_run \
--model_name Transformer4L
Here, the arg --model_name
specifies the policy network to use. If you train from scratch, use one of the pre-implemented model-classes from RLenv_2048/models
or implement your own in the same file (don't forget to add it to the MODEL_REGISTER
on the bottom!). Otherwise, you can also use a pre-trained network. To do so, use the file-name of the saved model as --model_name
, like so:
python RLenv_2048/scripts/ --visualize \
--model_name REINFORCE_Transformer4L_sess_2000_tmax_10000_gamma_0.99_epsilon_0.0_entropy_0.1_lr_0.0001_greedy
Note that I replaced the --train
flag with --visualize
. We can train but also visualize or simply --run_inference
on a given policy that we are interested in.
The currently highest performing model scored 16,920 points. It is a Transformer12L
Upcoming features are:
- script to pretrain new agents on state-action pairs collected from high-scoring agents