Support for Akka.NET 1.3, .NET Standard 1.6, and the first stable RTM release of Akka.Persistence.
Migration from 1.1.0-beta Up**
The event journal and snapshot store schema has changed with this release. In order to keep existing stores compatible with this release, you must add a column to both stores for SerializerId
like so:
ALTER TABLE {your_journal_table_name} ADD COLUMN SerializerId INTEGER NULL
ALTER TABLE {your_snapshot_table_name} ADD COLUMN SerializerId INTEGER NULL
Updated for Akka.NET 1.1.2.
- Changed tables schema: renamed payload_type column to manifest for journal and snapshot tables
- Changed tables schema: added created_at column to journal table
- Added compatibility with Persistent queries API
- Added ability to specify connection string stored in *.config files
Bugfix release for Akka.NET v1.0.2.
This release addresses an issue with Akka.Persistence.SqlServer and Akka.Persistence.PostgreSql where both packages were missing a reference to Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.
In Akka.NET v1.0.3 we've packaged Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common into its own NuGet package and referenced it in the affected packages.
Initial Release of Akka.Persistence.PostgreSql
Fixes & Changes - Akka.Persistence
- Renamed GuaranteedDelivery classes to AtLeastOnceDelivery
- Changes in Akka.Persistence SQL backend
- PostgreSQL persistence plugin for both event journal and snapshot store
- Cassandra persistence plugin
New Features:
Akka.Persistence.PostgreSql and Akka.Persistence.Cassandra Akka.Persistence now has two additional concrete implementations for PostgreSQL and Cassandra! You can install either of the packages using the following commandline:
Akka.Persistence.PostgreSql Configuration Docs
PM> Install-Package Akka.Persistence.PostgreSql