This release was tested with QGIS 3.28 (LTR) and 3.32 (latest release)
- the previous Berlin example dataset (based on simulated data) was replaced by a new dataset derived from real EnMAP L2A data, covering the Potsdam region
- the underlying full EnMAP L2A scene can be downloaded from within the EnMAP-Box Menu > Project > Download Example Scene (without user registration etc.)
- updated the EnMAP sensor model (wavelength and fwhm) (#496)
- updated PyQtGraph to version 0.13.4 (via update of QPS)
- Profile Analytics application: added option for linking profiles from GEE Time Series Explorer (#531)
- Profile Analytics application: added option for linking profiles into Spectral Views (#530)
- Spectral View: added distance units (e.g. m, km) for properly plotting spatial profiles (#525)
added Classification layer from rendered image algorithm: allows to create a classification layer from a rendered image; classes are derived from the unique RGB values (#611)
added Random points from raster layer value-ranges algorithm: allows to create a point layer with a given number of random points, all of them within specified value-ranges of the given raster band (#593)
added Spectral resampling (to wavelength) algorithm: allows to spectrally resample a spectral raster layer by applying linear interpolation at given wavelengths (#580)
added Class separability report algorithm: allows to evaluate the pair-wise class separability in terms of the Jeffries Matusita distance (#469)
Create classification|regression|unsupervised dataset algorithms: added Exclude bad bands (#560)
Subset raster layer bands algorithm: added Exclude bad bands and Derive and exclude additional bad bands (#638)
Spectral resampling (to spectral raster layer wavelength and FWHM) algorithm: the wavelength anf fwhm information can now also provided via a) an ENVI Spectral Library, b) an ENVI Header file, or c) a CSV table (#574)
Edit raster source band properties algorithm: allow expressions using counter variables to derive value lists, e.g. to specify band names list (#539)
Raster math algorithm: output band names are now enumerated by defaults, which avoids empty band names (#532)
Import EnMAP L2A product algorithm: added Order by detector (VNIR, SWIR) option, which allows to reorder the spectral bands: all VNIR bands first, followed by all SWIR bands (#515)
- we now support sensor models (used for spectral resampling) provided as CSV tables with center wavelength and fwhm information; one row for each band; two column, i.e. "wavelength" and "fwhm" in nanometers
This release was tested under QGIS LTR 3.28.4
- added range-slider in Raster Layer Styling for interactively masking values to be displayed (#247)
- QGIS Temporal Controller: added support for temporal raster stacks (#245)
The label EO4Q refers to a new collection of EnMAP-Box tools and applications designed to integrate well in both, EnMAP-Box and QGIS environments. Also see
- added Location Browser application: allows to navigate to a map location directly, or to send a request to the Nominatim geocoding service. (#200)
- added Raster Band Stacking application: allows to easily stack bands into a new VRT raster layer (#155)
- added Sensor Product Import application: allows to import various sensor products via drag&drop (#211)
- note that Profile Analytics app was already released with EnMAP-Box 3.11 (#81)
- note that GEE Time Series Explorer app was already released with EnMAP-Box 3.10
- added Profile Analytics UFUNC for RBF-based Timeseries Fitting (#273)
returns an array with the pixel values at geometry (point) position (point).raster_profile(layer[,geometry='@geometry'][,encoding='text'])
returns the pixel values at the geometry (point) position as spectral profile (json/string/map/blob)- renamed some Spectral Libraries functions for consistency with other QGIS functions
- Spectral profiles are plotted by default in the same color as used to plot map symbols (
- added Import EMIT L2A product processing algorithm: added support for EMIT L2A products (#278)
- added Sum-to-one constraint option to Regression-based unmixing algorithm (#239)
- Aggregate Spectral Profiles (
) takes a spectral library vector layer and aggregates profiles based on a group-by expression. Spectral profiles for which the group-by expression return the same value aggregated by min, mean, max or median.
- added support for NETCDF_DIM_time format (#251)
This release was tested under QGIS 3.26.2
Important Notice: the EnMAP-Box repository moved to
added Profile Analytics app: (#81)
- allows various profile plot types like spectral profiles, temporal profiles, spatial profiles.
- profile data can be analysed by user-defined function; the user-function has access to the plot widget and can draw additional plot items
improved Scatter Plot app:
- added custom Bivariate Color Raster Renderer: allows to visualize two bands using a 2d color ramp. Find a mapping example here: (#70)
- added custom CMYK Color Raster Renderer: allows to visualize four bands using the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (black)) color model. Find a mapping example here: (#74)
- added custom HSV Color Raster Renderer: allows to visualize three bands using the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value (black)) color model. Find a mapping example here: ; select Maps > Global Landcover Dynamics 2016-2020 (#73)
- added custom Multisource Multiband Color Raster Renderer: same functionality as the default QGIS Multiband Color Raster Renderer, but the Red, Green and Blue bands can come from different raster sources (#112)
- GDAL metadata like band names can be edited in layer properties (support for ENVI images available with GDAL 3.6
- added support for JSON files for storing classification/regression datasets used in ML algorithms (#21)
- added support for marking a raster bands as bad inside the Raster Layer Styling panel (#31)
- added support for FORCE v1.2 TSI format (#111)
This release was tested under QGIS 3.24.1
- Project -> Create Data Source to create new shapefiles, Geopackages or in-memory vector layers
- refactored layer handling and added layer groups (#649)
- connected attribute table context menu 'Zoom/Pan to/Flash Feature' with EnMAP-Box maps (#1250, #1260)
- added 16 predefined RGB band combinations in the raster source context menu (thanks to the GEE Data Catalog plugin)
- added Create/update ENVI header option in raster source context menu: allows to quickly create an ENVI header with proper metadata required for ENVI Software; works for ENVI and GeoTiff raster
- added option for opening a band in an existing map view
- added Save as option in the layer source context menu
- shows in-memory vector layers
- shows sub-dataset names (#1145)
- source properties are updated in regular intervals (#1230)
- added Add Group to create layer groups
- added Copy layer to QGIS option in layer context menu
- added Apply model option in raster layer context menu: allows to quickly apply a machine learner to predict a map using the raster
- fixed drag & drop (#1143)
- fixed floating & unfloating issues (#1231)
- spectral profiles can be stored in text and JSON fields
- added functions to access and modify spectral profiles within field calculator expressions, e.g. encodeProfile(field, encoding) to convert a profile into its binary or JSON string representation
- added first aggregation functions: maxProfile, meanProfile, medianProfile, minProfile (#1130)
- added Spectral Processing allows to create and modify spectral profiles using raster processing algorithms / models
- revised import and export of spectral profiles from/to other formats (e.g. #1249, #1274)
- new editor to modify single spectral profiles
- reads profiles from Spectral Evolution .sed files (reference, target, reflectance)
- moved plot settings like background and crosshair color from context menu to the visualization settings tree view
- color and line style of temporary profiles can be defined in spectral profile source panel
- fixed smaller plot update issues and optimized profile plot speed
- allows to show/hide bad band values
- allows to show renderer band positions (RGB / single band)
- allows to show/hide current/temporary profiles
Metadata Viewer revised (#1185, #1329), added more band-specific settings
included the GEE Timeseries Explorer plugin into the EnMAP-Box
(slightly) new name GEE Time Series Explorer app
can be used inside EnMAP-Box GUI and stand-alone QGIS GUI
overhauled the GUI
highlighted the most important satellite archive collections like Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel, and the only hyperspectral collection available (i.e. EO-1 Hyperion Hyperspectral Imager)
added a band properties table showing band names, wavelength, data offset and gain, and a description
added over 100 predefined spectral indices (thanks to the Awesome Spectral Indices project:
improved collection filtering by date range and image properties
added pixel quality filtering
improved temporal profile plot styling
requests to Google Earth Engine server is now asyncronized (i.e. not blocking the GUI)
made better use of collection metadata
- use spectral wavelength for showing spectral profiles
- use offset and scale values for proper data scaling
- use band descriptions in tooltips
- use band properties to enable pixel quality screening
- use predefined RGB visualizations for band rendering
- improved bulk download
- added bulk download for image chips (500x500 pixel around the data point location)
added Classification Dataset Manager app: allows to edit existing datasets (change class names and colors) and supports random subsampling
added Raster Layer Styling panel
- allows to quickly select an RGB, Gray or Pseudocolor visualization
- supports band selection by wavelength
- provides predefined RGB band combinations (e.g. Natural color, False color etc.)
- supports the linking of the style between multiple raster layer
added Spectral Index Creator app: allows to calculated over 100 spectral indices (thanks to the Awesome Spectral Indices project:
added Raster Source Band Properties Editor application: allows to view and edit band properties of GDAL raster sources; with special support for ENVI metadata
added Color Space Explorer application: allows to animate RGB / Gray bands of a raster layer (comparable to the ENVI Band Animator, but more advanced)
replaced the old Band statistics application with a new more interactive application
replaced the old Classification statistics application with a new more interactive application
replaced the old Scatter plot application with a new more interactive application
added Python Console option under Tools > Developers menu: mainly for debugging in EnMAP-Box stand-alone mode, where the QGIS GUI and QGIS Python Console isn't available
added Remove non-EnMAP-Box layers from project option under Tools > Developers menu: mainly for closing layers that aren't accessible in EnMAP-Box stand-alone mode, where the QGIS GUI isn't available
- added custom Enhanced Multiband Color Rendering raster renderer: allows to visualize arbitrary many bands at the same time using individual color canons for each band (it's currently more a prototype)
added Classification workflow processing algorithm: combines model fitting, map prediction and model performance assessment in one algorithm
added Regression workflow processing algorithm: combines model fitting, map prediction and model performance assessment in one algorithm
added Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and detection error tradeoff (DET) curves processing algorithm
added Create regression dataset (SynthMix from classification dataset) processing algorithm
added Fit Spectral Angle Mapper processing algorithm
added Fit Spectral Angle Mapper processing algorithm
added Edit raster source band properties processing algorithm: allows to set band names, center wavelength, FWHM, bad band multipliers, acquisition start and end times, data offset and scale, and no data values, to a GDAL raster source
added Stack raster layers processing algorithm: a simple way to stack the bands of a list of rasters
added Fit CatBoostClassifier processing algorithm
added Fit LGBMClassifier processing algorithm
added Fit XGBClassifier processing algorithm
added Fit XGBRFClassifier processing algorithm
added Fit CatBoostRegressor processing algorithm
added Fit LGBMRegressor processing algorithm
added Fit XGBRegressor processing algorithm
added Fit XGBRFRegressor processing algorithm
added Merge classification datasets processing algorithm
added Import PRISMA L2B product processing algorithm
added Import PRISMA L2C product processing algorithm
improved Import Landsat L2 product processing algorithm: added support for Landsat 9
improved Import PRISMA <XYZ> product processing algorithms: set default style for QA masks with nice colors
improved Import PRISMA L2D product processing algorithm: allow to identify bad bands, based on the amount of bad pixels observed in the band
improved Translate raster layer processing algorithm: remove several items from the ENVI dataset metadata domain, to avoid inconsistencies after band subsetting
improved Aggregate raster layer bands processing algorithm: we support more aggregation functions and multi-band output
overhauled Regression layer accuracy report processing algorithm
overhauled Regressor performance report processing algorithm
overhauled Import PRISMA L1 product processing algorithms: now supports all sub-datasets
replaced Regression-based unmixing application by a processing algorithm
added Aggregate Spectral Profiles (enmapbox:aggregrateprofiles) (#1130)
added custom processing widgets for selecting predefined classifier, regressor, clusterer and transformer specifications (i.e. code snippets)
added custom processing widgets for selecting, and on-the-fly creating, training datasets: this makes ML workflows more convenient
added custom processing widgets for selecting raster output format and creation options in the Translate raster layer processing algorithm
- plugin settings are now defined in .plugin.ini
- refactored unit tests
- new vector layers are added on top of the map canvas layer stack (#1210)
- fixed bug in cursor location value panel in case of failed CRS transformation (#1221)
- fixed crosshair distance measurements
- introduces EnMAPBoxProject, a QgsProject to keep EnMAP-Box QgsMapLayer references alive (#1227)
- fixe bug in Spectral Profile import dialog
This release was tested under QGIS 3.18 and 3.20.
Note that we are currently in a transition phase, where we're overhauling all processing algorithms. Already overhauled algorithms are placed in groups prefixed by an asterisk, e.g. "Classification".
added drag&drop functionality for opening external products (PRISMA, DESIS, Sentinel-2, Landsat) by simply dragging and dropping the product metadata file from the system file explorer onto the map view area.
added map view context menu Set background color option
new Save as options in data source and data view panel context menus:
- opens Translate raster layer dialog for raster sources
- opens Save Features dialog for vector sources
added data sources context menu Append ENVI header option: opens Append ENVI header to GeoTiff raster layer algorithm dialog
added single pixel movement in map view using <Ctrl> + <Arrow> keys, <Ctrl> + S to save a selected profile in a Spectral Library
revised Data Source Panel and Data Source handling (#430)
revised Spectral Library concept:
- each vector layer that allows storing binary data can become a spectral library (e.g. Geopackage, PostGIS, in-memory layers)
- spectral libraries can define multiple spectral profile fields
revised Spectral Profile Source panel:
- tree view defines how spectral profile features will be generated when using the Identify map tool with activated pixel profile option
- allows to extract spectral profiles from different raster sources into different spectral profile fields of the same feature or into different features
- values of extracted spectral profiles can be scaled by a (new) offset and a multiplier
- other attributes of new features, e.g. for text and numeric fields, can be added by static values or expressions
revised Spectral Library Viewer:
- each vector layer can be opened in a Spectral Library Viewer
- spectral profile visualizations allow to define colors, lines styles and profile labels
- spectral profile visualizations are applied to individual sets of spectral profiles,
e.g. all profiles of a spectral profile field, or only to profiles that match
filter expressions like
"name" = 'vegetation'
- profile colors can be defined as static color, attribute value or expression
- profile plot allows to select multiple data points, e.g. to compare individual bands between spectral profiles
- dialog to add new fields shows data type icons for available field types
We started to introduced new raster renderer into the EnMAP-Box / QGIS. Unfortunately, QGIS currently doesn't support registering custom Python raster renderer. Because of this, our renderers aren't visible in the Renderer type list inside the Layer Properties dialog under Symbology > Band Rendering.
To actually use one of our renderers, you need to choose it from the Custom raster renderer submenu inside the raster layer context menu in the Date Views panel.
- added custom Class fraction/probability raster renderer: allows to visualize arbitrary many fraction/probability bands at the same time; this will replace the Create RGB image from class probability/fraction layer processing algorithm
- added custom Decorrelation stretch raster renderer: remove the high correlation commonly found in optical bands to produce a more colorful color composite image; this will replace the Decorrelation stretch processing algorithm
- added PRISMA L1 product import
- added Landsat 4-8 Collection 1-2 L2 product import
- added Sentinel-2 L2A product import
- added custom processing widget for selecting classification datasets from various sources; improves consistency and look&feel in algorithm dialogs and application GUIs
- added custom processing widget for Python code with highlighting
- added custom processing widget for building raster math expressions and code snippets
- improved raster math algorithms dialog and provided comprehensive cookbook usage recipe on ReadTheDocs
- added Layer to mask layer processing algorithm
- added Create mask raster layer processing algorithm
- overhauled all spatial and spectral filter algorithms
- added Spatial convolution 2D Savitzki-Golay filter processing algorithm
- overhauled all spectral resampling algorithms; added more custom sensors for spectral resampling: we now support EnMAP, DESIS, PRISMA, Landsat 4-8 and Sentinel-2; predefined sensor response functions are editable in the algorithm dialog
- added Spectral resampling (to response function library) processing algorithm: allows to specify the target response functions via a spectral library
- added Spectral resampling (to spectral raster layer wavelength and FWHM) processing algorithm: allows to specify the target response functions via a spectral raster layer
- added Spectral resampling (to custom sensor) processing algorithm: allows to specify the target response function via Python code
- improved Translate raster layer processing algorithm: 1) improved source and target no data handling, 2) added option for spectral subsetting to another spectral raster layer, 3) added options for setting/updating band scale and offset values, 4) added option for creating an ENVI header sidecar file for better compatibility to ENVI software
- added Save raster layer as processing algorithm: a slimmed down version of "Translate raster layer"
- added Append ENVI header to GeoTiff raster layer processing algorithm: places a _.hdr ENVI header file next to a GeoTiff raster to improve compatibility to ENVI software _ added Geolocate raster layer processing algorithm: allows to geolocate a raster given in sensor geometry using X/Y location bands; e.g. usefull for geolocating PRISMA L1 Landcover into PRISMA L2 pixel grid using the Lat/Lon location bands
- added EnMAP spectral response function library as example dataset
- change example data vector layer format from Shapefile to GeoPackage
- added example data to enmapbox repository
- added unittest data to enmapbox repository
- introduced a Glossary explaining common terms
- added processing algorithm for creating default style (QML sidecar file) with given categories
- overhauled Classification Workflow app; old version is still available as Classification Workflow (Classic)
- overhauled several processing algorithms related to classification fit, predict, accuracy accessment and random sub-sampling
- overhauled processing algorithms show command line and Python commands for re-executing the algorithms with same inputs
- added a processing algorithm for calculating a classification change map from two classifications
- overhauled existing and introduced new processing algorithms for prepare classification (training/testing) datasets; currently we support classification data from raster/vector layers, from table; from text file; from spectral library
- added processing algorithm for supervised classifier feature ranking using permutation importances
- added processing algorithm for unsupervised feature clustering
- overhauled processing algorithm for creating RGB images from class probability or class fraction layer
- added processing algorithm for creating a grid (i.e. an empty raster layer) by specifying target CRS, extent and size
- added processing algorithm for doing raster math with a list of input raster layers
- added processing algorithm for rasterizing categorized vector layers
- overhauled processing algorithm for rasterizing vector layers (improved performance)
- added processing algorithm for translating categorized raster layers
- overhauled processing algorithm for translating raster layers
- added processing algorithms for creating random points from mask and categorized raster layers
- added processing algorithm for sampling of raster layer values
- added processing algorithm for decorrelation stretching
- rename layers, map views and spectral library views with F2
- model browser: improved visualization (#645, #646, #647), array values can be copied to clipboard (#520)
- layers can be moved between maps (#437)
- updated pyqtgraph to 0.12.1
- added EnMAP L1B, L1C and L2A product reader
- added PRISMA L2D product import
- added DESIS L2A product reader
- added Classification Statistics PA
- added Save As ENVI Raster PA: saves a raster in ENVI format and takes care of proper metadata storage inside ENVI header file
- added Aggregate Raster Bands PA: allows to aggregate multiband raster into a single band using aggregation functions like min, max, mean, any, all, etc.
- classification scheme is now defined by the layer renderer
- Spectral Resampling PA reworked spectral resampling
- Classification Workflow support libraries as input
- ImageMath added predefined code snippets
- Subset Raster Wavebands PA support band selection via wavelength
- LayerTreeView: enhanced context menus: double-click on map layer opens Properties Dialog, double-click on a vector layers' legend item opens a Symbol dialog
- GDAL raster metadata can be modified (resolves #181)
- map canvas preserves scale on window resize (#409)
- Reclassify Tool: can save and reload the class mapping, fixed (#501)
- several fixed in Image Cube App
- updated PyQtGraph to version 0.11
- Virtual Raster Builder and Image Cube can select spatial extents from other QGIS / EnMAP-Box maps
- several improvements to SpectralLibrary, e.g. to edit SpectralProfile values
- QGIS expression builder: added 'format_py' to create strings with python-string-format syntax, added spectralData() to access SpectralProfile values added spectralMath(...) to modify / create new SpectralProfiles
- fixes some bugs in imageCube app
(including hotfixes from 2020-06-22)
- added workaround for failed module imports, e.g. numba on windows (#405)
- EnMAP-Box plugin can be installed and started without having none-standard python packages installed (#366)
- Added installer to install missing python packages (#371)
- Map Canvas Crosshair can now show the pixel boundaries of any raster source known to QGIS
- Spectral Profile Source panel
- added color schemes to set plot and profile styles
- fixed color scheme issue (# fixed #467 )
- profile styles can be changed per profile (#268)
- current/temporary profiles are shown in the attribute table
- added workaround for #345 (Spectral library create new field: problems with default fields)
- loading profiles based in vector position is done in a background process (closed #329)
- profile data point can be selected to show point specific information, e.g. the band number (#462, #267)
- closed #252
- implemented SpectralProfileRenderer to maintain profile-specific plot styles
- Classification Scheme Widget allows to paste/copy classification schemes from/to the clipboard. This can be used to copy classes from other raster or vector layers, or to set the layer renderer according to the classification scheme
- updated in LMU vegetation app
- updated EnPTEnMAPBoxApp (see for documentation)
- added EnSoMAP and EnGeoMAP applications provided by GFZ
- added ONNS application provided by HZG
- removed several bugs, e.g. #285, #206,
(including last hotfixes from 2019-11-12)
- removed numba imports from LMU vegetation app
- vector layer styling is loaded by default
- fixed error that was thrown when closing the EnMAP-Box
- fixed bug in SynthMixApplication
- Spectral Library Viewer: import and export of ASD, EcoSIS and SPECCHIO csv/binary files
- Spectral Profile Source panel: controls how to extract SpectralProfiles and where to show them
- supports import of multidimensional raster formats, like HDF and netCDF
- ImageCube viewer to visualize hyperspectral data cubes (requires opengl)
- Added and "How to contribute" section to online documention
- Documentation uses HYPERedu stylesheet (
- fixed start up of EO Time Series Viewer and Virtual Raster Builder QGIS Plugins from EnMAP-Box
- Spectral Library Viewer: import spectral profiles from raster file based on vector positions
- Classification Widgets: copy / paste single class information
- Map tools to select / add vector features
- fixed critical bug in IVVRM
- several bug fixed and minor improvements
- added user + developer example to RTF documentation
- renamed plugin folder to "EnMAP-Box"
- SpectralLibraries can be renamed and added to map canvases to show profile locations
- SpectraProfiles now styled like point layers: point color will be line color in profile plot
- Workaround for macOS bug that started new QGIS instances again and again and ...
- Classification Workflow App
- Re-designed Metadata Editor
- Several bug fixes
- ... sorry, but we forgot to track the changes here
- EnMAP-Box is now based on QGIS 3, Qt 5.9,Python 3 and GDAL 2.2
- QGISP lugin Installation from ZIP File
- readthedocs documentation
- version scheme following build dates