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Installation instructions

André Storhaug edited this page Jan 15, 2022 · 1 revision

Installation instructions

Moodle plugins directory

Click on Install now within the plugins directory, and then select your site from the list of "My sites"


Unzip all the files into a temporary directory. Rename the moodle-block_qtracker folder to qtracker, and move it into moodle/blocks. The system administrator should then log in to moodle and click on the Notifications link in the Site administration block.

From git repo

Instead of downloading the zip file, you can clone the git repo. Such a working copy of the repo is easier to upgrade than the zip file. The directory must be renamed and moved as above, and the administrator must log into moodle and click Notifications to have moodle upgrade the database.


  • master - Stable branch, usually identical to the most recent release.
  • develop - The bleeding edge. It is likely to be working, since experiemental development is made on separate branches.


Requires QTracker and a supported activity module.


Delete the module from the blocks plugin list in the admin section.