- Install Node.js link
npm install
npm run dev
- check http://localhost:8080/
note: do not edit 'index.html', 'package.json', 'package-lock.json', or anything in the './public/build/ folder as these are auto-generated by node.
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Create a new branch with a descriptive name about the task/feature that you're working on. (ex: 'adding-menu')
- Publish the branch to the repository
- Do the work on that branch by modifying the necessary files.
- Go to localhost:8080 to test your feature (work you just did)
- Commit your changes to your branch (with a descriptive message)
- After you're satisfied with your changes (please do some testing), you may open a Pull Request to merge into the main branch (or another branch if you're doing some multi-branch stuff)
dm me on discord: justins#4939