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BCR Seq Analysis

VDJ (B-cell receptor) sequencing data was processed using the Immcantation toolbox, and later merged with the RNA-Seq data in the Seurat object (or AnnData object in Scanpy).

VDJ workflow

The entire VDJ processing workflow can be executed using the bash script within this directory. Be sure to first specify the main project directory (main=...) at the top of the script.

cd scripts/VDJ_analysis/

Note that there is a metadata.csv file in the data/ directory of the repository which contains information about each of the samples to be processed. For example:

dataset assay chemistry mouse_nr infection day_post_infection organ organ_day
spleen0_1 rna v2 M7 naive D0 spleen spleen0
spleen0_2 rna v2 M8 naive D0 spleen spleen0
spleen7_1 rna v2 M9 infected D7 spleen spleen7
spleen7_2 rna v2 M10 infected D7 spleen spleen7
spleen14_1 rna v2 M1 infected D14 spleen spleen14
spleen14_2 rna v2 M2 infected D14 spleen spleen14
spleen14_3 rna v2 M3 infected D14 spleen spleen14
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

If a different dataset is to be used, this metadata.csv file will need to be updated accordingly. It is important that the dataset column is present and the entries match the names of the folders in the data/VDJ_OTUs/ directory containing the BCR sequencing data output. Also, the mouse_nr column must be present in order to combine datasets based on subject (mouse) when performing the clone assignment.

The following sections describe each step of the VDJ workflow included in the bash script.

Define directories

Change the main directory such that it corresponds to the path on your local system

# specify main project directory

Prepare environment

Activate the immcant-env conda environment containing the packages necessary to run the pipeline. If the immcant-env conda environment has not been created, the conda environment .yml files are in the envs/ directory of this repository, and can be used to create the required conda environments (more details can be found within the envs/ directory).

source activate immcant-env

The Immcantation pipeline requires some accessory scripts that are not included in a nicely packaged conda or python package, but instead must be retrieved from their Bitbucket repository. The necessary files have already been retrieved from their repository and placed in the scripts/immcantation/ subdirectory, so it is only necessary to add this subdirectory to your PATH so bash is able to find the scripts within.

# On MacOS, for example

Retrieve Ig BLAST reference databases

The Immcantation accessory functions are used to retrieve and build the mouse Ig reference sequences. The output of these commands is placed in the data/immcantation/ subdirectory. -o $main/data/immcantation/igblast -o $main/data/immcantation/germlines/imgt -i $main/data/immcantation/germlines/imgt -o $main/data/immcantation/igblast

Note that the script uses the realpath command that does not come natively installed on MacOS, and therefore may need to be installed using e.g. homebrew:

brew install coreutils

Run Ig BLAST on VDJ FASTA files

Use the script to BLAST the VDJ FASTA files and assign reads to Ig genes. The * wildcards act to process fasta files for all samples within the data/VDJ_OTUs/ subdirectory.

Parse VDJ files into Change-O database format

Process and filter each VDJ seq sample individually to produce Change-O database (.tab) files. These .tab files are just tab-delimited files containing information on each read, such as V/D/J assignments, their actual sequences, etc.

Infer Ig genotype and estimate sequence distance threshold

Run the 01_VDJ_genotype_and_threshold.R script to retrieve (unmutated) germline VDJ sequences and to calculate the distribution of Hamming distances between measured sequences for each mouse. The script will automatically predict the threshold Hamming distance that defines which mutants should be treated as distinct clones (those with a distance above the threshold), and which should be collapsed into the same germline sequence (those with a distance below the threshold).

The results of the Hamming distance distributions and threshold estimation are placed in the analysis/immcantation/threshold_estimation/ subdirectory, where predicted thresholds are drawn as a vertical dashed red line, and summarized in the predicted_thresholds.csv file.

Note that for some mice, the automatic threshold prediction fails (because the distribution is not bimodal) and therefore a default value (0.1) is assumed.

Define clones and germline sequences

Using the VDJ sequence Hamming distance thresholds estimated in the previous step, each read is assigned to a germline sequence to define individual clones.

Quantify VDJ mutation burden

The R-script 02_VDJ_mutation_quant.R is used to estimate the mutation burden of each sequence based on its difference from its inferred germline sequence.

Add VDJ data to Seurat object

All of the VDJ sequence, clonotype, and mutation data obtained from the steps above can be integrated with the scRNA-seq Seurat object (in the metadata slot) using the 03_VDJ_RNAseq_integration.R script. This allows for integrated analysis of VDJ and mRNA sequencing data; for example by overlaying VDJ mutation frequencies onto the transcriptome-based UMAP.