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335 lines (287 loc) · 14.3 KB

Change Log

Version 4.0.0 (2020-05-19)

This version updates to support RxJava 3. No functional changes.

The groupId and package name are now com.jakewharton.rxbinding4.

Version 3.1.0 (2019-11-22)

  • New bindings!
    • rxbinding-viewpager2:
      • ViewPager2:
        • pageSelections
        • pageScrollEvents
        • pageScrollStateChanges

Version 3.0.0 (2019-07-23)

  • New: Maven coordinates are now com.jakewharton.rxbinding3:rxbinding (et al). Package name is now com.jakewharton.rxbinding3.*.
  • New: AndroidX support! The library is now AndroidX-only. For use with the old support libraries use version 2.2.0.
  • New: Library is now Kotlin-first and -kotlin artifacts are gone. Java callers get the same API as before. Kotlin callers get the extension-based API. Event classes are now Kotlin data classes instead of using AutoValue. RxJava's Predicate and Java's Callable are no longer used and are replaced by Kotlin functional types. For Java callers these can still be used as Function1 but the use of lambdas is encouraged.
  • New: Observables which signal an event without any information use Unit instead of Object. (Note: This was always true for Kotlin extension users)
  • All deprecated methods have been removed.
  • Some trivial consumer factories have been removed. You can subscribe lambdas to the stream to replicate their functionality.

Changes from 3.0.0-alpha2:

  • Fix: Correct binary compatibility with Material Design Components v1.1.0.

Version 3.0.0-alpha2 (2018-12-18)

  • Fix: Correct nullability of adapter view callback's clicked view.

Version 3.0.0-alpha1 (2018-10-17)

  • New: Maven coordinates are now com.jakewharton.rxbinding3:rxbinding (et al). Package name is now com.jakewharton.rxbinding3.*.
  • New: AndroidX support! The library is now AndroidX-only. For use with the old support libraries use version 2.2.0.
  • New: Library is now Kotlin-first and -kotlin artifacts are gone. Java callers get the same API as before. Kotlin callers get the extension-based API. Event classes are now Kotlin data classes instead of using AutoValue. RxJava's Predicate and Java's Callable are no longer used and are replaced by Kotlin functional types. For Java callers these can still be used as Function1 but the use of lambdas is encouraged.
  • New: Observables which signal an event without any information use Unit instead of Object. (Note: This was always true for Kotlin extension users)
  • All deprecated methods have been removed.
  • Some trivial consumer factories have been removed. You can subscribe lambdas to the stream to replicate their functionality.

Version 2.2.0 (2018-09-25)

  • New bindings!
    • rxbinding-support-v4:
      • ViewPager:
        • pageScrollEvents
    • rxbinding-recyclerview-v7:
      • RecyclerView:
        • flingEvents
  • New: Target Java 8 bytecode. Use AGP 3.2 or newer and enable Java 8 source/target compatibility.
  • Deprecate RxMenuItemCompat which is no longer needed. Use RxMenuItem directly.
  • Deprecate more simple consumers which delegate directly to a method. You should use method references for these instead. For example, RxView.enabled(view) becomes view::setEnabled.

Version 2.1.1 (2018-02-12)

  • Fix: Include consumer ProGuard rules to prevent warning about AutoValue annotation.
  • Fix: Useless BuildConfig classes are no longer included.
  • Fix: Eliminate Java interop checks for Kotlin extensions as they're only for Kotlin consumers and the checks exist in the Java code they delegate to anyway.

Version 2.1.0 (2018-01-30)

  • New bindings!
    • rxbinding-design:
      • FloatingActionButton:
        • visibility: Shows or hides FAB.
  • Use add/remove callback for Snackbar dismisses.
  • Deprecate simple consumers which delegate directly to a method. You should use method references for these instead. For example, RxView.enabled(view) becomes view::setEnabled.
  • Fix: Propagate @RequiresApi annotations to Kotlin extensions.

Version 2.0.0 (2017-03-06)

This version only supports RxJava 2.

  • New: Maven coordinates are now com.jakewharton.rxbinding2:rxbinding (et al). Package name is now com.jakewharton.rxbinding2.*.
  • New: Bindings which emit an initial value now return an InitialValueObservable<T> which offers a type-safe way to skip that value via skipInitialValue().
  • Event objects which previously contained an enum now use an abstract event type and subclasses for easier filtering using the ofType(Class) operator.
  • Bindings which previously emitted null using the Void type now use Object and omit an opaque item instance for which no guarantees are provided. You can neither rely on the emitted instance being the same, equal, nor different for subsequent events.

Version 1.0.1 (2017-02-28)

  • Fix: Reduce method count cost for Kotlin modules.

Version 1.0.0 (2016-12-01)

  • New bindings!
    • rxbinding:
      • Toolbar:
        • title - Toolbar title.
        • titleRes - Toolbar title from resource.
        • subtitle - Toolbar subtitle.
        • subtitleRes - Toolbar subtitle from resource.
      • View:
        • keys - View key events.
    • rxbinding-appcompat-v7:
      • Toolbar:
        • title - Toolbar title.
        • titleRes - Toolbar title from resource.
        • subtitle - Toolbar subtitle.
        • subtitleRes - Toolbar subtitle from resource.
    • rxbinding-design:
      • BottomNavigationView:
        • itemSelections - Navigation item selections.
    • rxbinding-support-v4:
      • NestedScrollView:
        • scrollChangeEvents - Nested scrolling change events.
      • SlidingPaneLayout:
        • open - Opens the panel.
        • panelOpens - Sliding panel opens.
        • panelSlides - Sliding panel open offsets.
      • ViewPager:
        • pageScrollStateChanges - Page scrolling change events.
        • currentItem - Sets the current page item.
  • New: rxbinding-support-v4 now only depends on support-core-ui.
  • Fix: Kotlin Action generic types now properly allow nulls when applicable.
  • Fix: Correct nullability of TextViewAfterTextChangeEvent's editable property.
  • Fix: Correct nullability of TextViewEditorActionEvent's keyEvent property.

Version 0.4.0 (2016-02-18)

  • New bindings!
    • rxbinding:
      • RxAbsListView:
        • scrollEvents - List scroll events.
      • RxAutoCompleteTextView:
        • completionHint - Sets the hint text at the bottom of the suggestion list.
        • threshold - Sets the minimum number of characters before suggestions are shown.
      • RxPopupMenu:
        • itemClicks - Menu item clicks.
        • dismisses - Menu item dismissal.
    • rxbinding-appcompat-v7:
      • RxActionMenuView:
        • itemClicks - Menu item clicks.
      • RxPopupMenu:
        • itemClicks - Menu item clicks.
        • dismisses - Menu item dismissal.
    • rxbinding-design:
      • RxTextInputLayout:
        • error - Sets the error text for the text input.
        • errorRes - Sets the error text resource for the text input.
    • rxbinding-support-v4:
      • RxMenuItemCompat:
        • actionViewEvents- Menu item action view events.
  • Update Kotlin modules dependency to v1.0.0.
  • Fix: Remove 76 needless synthetic accessor methods.

Version 0.3.0 (2015-10-22)

  • New modules!
    • rxbinding-leanback-v17 (and rxbinding-leanback-v17-kotlin) for the 'Leanback Support Library':
      • RxSearchBar:
        • searchQuery - Sets the query text.
        • searchQueryChanges - Query text changes.
        • searchQueryChangeEvents - Query text change events.
      • RxSearchEditText:
        • keyboardDismisses - Keyboard dismisses.
  • New bindings!
    • rxbinding:
      • RxAutoCompleteTextView:
        • itemClickEvents - Suggestion item clicks.
      • RxCheckedTextView:
        • checked - Sets the checked state.
      • RxMenuItem:
        • actionViewEvents - Action view expand and collapse events.
        • checked - Sets the checked state.
        • clicks - Item clicks.
        • enabled - Sets the enabled state.
        • icon - Sets the icon.
        • iconRes - Sets the icon using a resource.
        • title - Sets the title.
        • titleRes - Sets the title using a resources.
        • visible - Sets the visible state.
      • RxSeekBar:
        • userChanges - Only user value changes.
        • systemChanges - Only system value changes.
      • RxTextView:
        • afterTextChangeEvents - After text change events.
        • beforeTextChangeEvents - Before text change events.
        • color - Sets the text color.
        • error - Sets the error text.
        • errorRes - Sets the error text using a resource.
        • hint - Sets the hint text.
        • hintRes - Sets the hint text using a resource.
      • RxToolbar:
        • navigationClicks - Clicks on the navigation view.
      • RxView:
        • draws - ViewTreeObserver draw events.
        • globalLayouts - ViewTreeObserver global layout events.
        • hovers - View hover MotionEvent.
        • hoverEvents - View hover MotionEvent events.
        • layoutChanges - ViewTreeObserver layout changes.
        • layoutChangeEvents - ViewTreeObserver layout change events.
        • preDraws - ViewTreeObserver pre-draw events.
        • scrollChangeEvents - Scroll offset change events.
        • systemUiVisibilityChanges - System UI visibility changes.
      • RxViewGroup:
        • changeEvents - Child add and remove events.
    • rxbinding-appcompat-v7:
      • RxToolbar:
        • navigationClicks - Clicks on the navigation view.
    • rxbinding-design:
      • RxAppBarLayout:
        • offsetChanges - Offset value changes.
      • RxSwipeDismissBehavior:
        • dismisses - Dismiss events.
      • RxTextInputLayoutTest:
        • counterEnabled - Sets the enabled state of the counter.
        • counterMaxLength - Sets the maximum length of the counter.
        • hint - Sets the hint text.
        • hintRest - Sets the hint text using a resource.
    • rxbinding-recyclerview-v7:
      • RxRecyclerView:
        • scrollStateChanges - Scroll state changes (dragging, settling, idling).
      • RxRecyclerViewAdapter:
        • childAttachStateChangeEvents - Child attach and detach events.
        • dataChanges - Adapter data changes.
    • rxbinding-support-v4:
      • RxViewPager:
        • pageSelections - Page index selections.
  • Update Kotlin modules dependency to v1.0.0-beta-1038.
  • Update support library dependencies to v23.1.0.
  • Fix: Bindings whose values are irrelevant now use Void instead of Object (and Unit in Kotlin).
  • Fix: Remove binding overloads which provided event objects that included no additional information (aside from the source view). To include the source view for an event, add it with the map operator (e.g., -> new Pair<>(sourceView, data))).
    • RxCompoundButton.checkedChangeEvents
    • RxRadioGroup.checkedChangeEvents
    • RxRecyclerView.scrollStateChangeEvents
    • RxView.clickEvents
    • RxView.dragEvents
    • RxView.focusChangeEvents
    • RxView.hoverEvents
    • RxView.longClickEvents
    • RxView.touchEvents

Version 0.2.0 (2015-08-23)

  • New modules!
    • rxbinding-appcompat-v7 (and rxbinding-appcompat-v7-kotlin) for the 'AppCompat Support Library':
      • RxSearchView:
        • queryTextChanges - Query text changes.
        • queryTextChangeEvents - Query text change events.
        • query - Sets the query text.
      • RxToolbar:
        • itemClicks - Item clicks.
    • rxbinding-design (and rxbinding-design-kotlin) for the 'Design Support Library':
      • RxNavigationView:
        • itemSelections - Item selections.
      • RxSnackbar:
        • dismisses - Dismiss events.
      • RxTabLayout:
        • selections - Tab selections.
        • selectionEvents - Tab selection, reselection, and unselection events.
        • select - Sets the selected tab.
    • rxbinding-recyclerview-v7 (and rxbinding-recyclerview-v7-kotlin) for the 'RecyclerView Support Library':
      • RxRecyclerView:
        • scrollEvents - Scroll events.
        • scrollStateChangeEvents - Scroll state change events (dragging, settling, idling).
  • New bindings!
    • rxbinding:
      • RxSearchView:
        • queryTextChanges - Query text changes.
        • queryTextChangeEvents - Query text change events.
        • query - Sets the query text.
      • RxSwipeRefreshLayout:
        • refreshes - Refresh events.
        • refreshing - Whether showing the refreshing indicator.
      • RxTextSwitcher:
        • text - Sets the text to display.
        • currentText - Sets the current displayed text.
      • RxToolbar:
        • itemClicks - Item clicks.
      • RxView:
        • attaches - Attach indication.
        • attachEvents - Attach and detach events.
        • detaches - Detach indication.
  • Added @CheckResult to methods which will generate lint warnings if the return value is ignored.
  • Added @NonNull to methods to indicate to lint that they will never return null and added to parameters to indicate to lint for which arguments is null not allowed. Explicit null checks have been removed.
  • Update Kotlin modules to Kotlin v0.12.1230.
  • Update support library dependencies to v23.0.0.
  • Minimum SDK version is now 14 because reasons.
  • Fix: Kotlin modules now have correct dependencies on the corresponding Java modules.

Version 0.1.0 (2015-08-02)

Initial release.