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JPBGoe edited this page Aug 17, 2017 · 1 revision


The simulation XCSITDetectorSimulation, which includes a particle and a charge simulation, requires certain parameters. They have to be specified in XCSITDetectorSimulationParameters instances that are passed to the simulation instance during initialization. There the following parameters are specified with setter functions:

  • The type of the detector. Choose from one of the following to specify:

    detectortype = "pnCCD" | "LPD" | "AGIPD | "AGIPDSPB"
  • The method used for searching the plasma created by the interaction:

    plasmasearch = "BLANK"
  • The method used for propagating the plasma created by the interaction:

    plasmasim = "BLANKPLASMA"
  • The model:

    pointsim = "FULL"|"FANO"|"LUT"|"BINNING"


"x" describes the string x

a = "x" | "y" | "z" means choose the single value you assign to a from {"x" "y" "z"}

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