Voxel Workbench for FreeCAD
#####Using git on Ubuntu & Mint:
Open the terminal with the keys ctrl+alt+t
Install git: sudo apt-get install git
Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/JMG1/VoxelWorkbench ~/.FreeCAD/Mod/VoxelWorkbench
That's all, the next time you launch FreeCAD the workbench should be incorporated automagically.
#####To install manually download this repository as ZIP and:
- For Ubuntu, Mint and similar OS's, extract it inside /home/username/.FreeCAD/Mod
- For Windows, extract it inside drive: \Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod
- Place a cube with a click of the left mouse button over the face of an existing cube.
- Press "r" key to alternate between creating and destroying cubes.
- Select "XY_MidPlane" as true in the properties tab of the BaseCube object to place cubes symmetrically to the XY plane.
- Remove all blocks by setting the "clear_cubes" property to true and then "rebuild" to true
- Some screen freezing when playing with big amounts of cubes
- Place other objects (wedges, arcs...)