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2019-07-16 (Tue) 14:21:06
KAML ain't markup language
The specifications
Jean-Michel Marcastel

KAML ain't markup language

Sub-sections : Overview | Version | Examples

Next sections : Specifications | About

KAML aims to be a minimal configuration file format that is easy to read by programs and humans alike. KAML is the formal specification of Korn shell compound variables (renamed here dictionaries) which have been around since the mid 1980s -- we have, with ksh93, a reference implementation and linter, and with libast a reference C implementation. With this heritage, KAML could be said to be POSIX compliant -- though obviously this is an Open Group prerogative.

KAML stands for KAML ain't markup language... it's Korn shell (with GNU lineage). Pronounced camel (/'kæməl/), the acronym was chosen to sound like YAML, for which KAML is intended to be a more flexible and extensible alternative. Like YAML, KAML is a superset of JSON offering many extended features that are practical for configuration files, and less important to data exchange. KAML is a superset of YAML too; providing much of the functionality of ASN-1 or XSLT transformations in the robust and simple syntax of POSIX shells.

The KAML reference implementation (i.e. Korn shell compound variables) has been stable over three decades. The KAML specification is still work-in-progress as many of the more powerful features of KAML have not yet been documented.

KAML Version Korn shell version Version notes
n/a ksh88 Korn shell (1988 incarnation). First official appearance of compound variables.
n/a ksh93 Korn shell (1993 incarnation). Reference implementation for KAML 0.1.0.
[0.1.0] AJM 93u+ 2012-08-01 First formal definition. Still in the workings. Implementation very stable.

Topics : Plain scalars | Scalars with type attributes | Indexed and associative arrays, compound properties | Custom types and classes | POSIX shell features | Korn shell extensions | Custom type definitions

title="KAML Example"                    # A simple string
author=Jean-Michel\ Marcastel           # Alternate string representation with escaped whitespaces
number=1234                             # Numeric value handled as a string
bool_e      flag=true                   # Enumeration type `bool_e` (true, false)

upper       tag=kaml                    # String converted automatically to uppercase
lower       extension=.xml              # String converted automatically to lowercase
nameref     brief=title                 # Name reference. Here brief evaluate to "KAML Example"
binary      image=...                   # Binary data encoded as Base64

readonly    pi=3.1415926                # Declare property as read only
longint     long=1234                   # Numeric value evaluated as a `long int`
longuint    long=1234                   # Numeric value evaluated as an `unsigned long int`
shortint    short=1234                  # Numeric value evaluated as a `short int`
shortuint   short=1234                  # Numeric value evaluated as an `unsigned short int`
hexint      commit=a23ef9               # Numeric value in base 16
octal       mode=0777                   # Numeric value in base 8
bits        flags=010101                # Numeric value in base 2
float       rate=0.1234567              # Float represented in scientific notation with 10 significant figures
hexfloat    rate=0.1234567              # Float represented in hexadecimal notation with 10 significant figures
upper       see_also=(                  # Indexed array with uppercased items
    asn-1 ini json kaml sgml yaml xml

coordinates=(                           # Array of arrays
    ( a b c )                           #
    ( i j k )                           # Indexed arrays, associative arrays and compound properties
    ( x y z )                           # allow recursive nesting.

hash bookmarks=(                        # Associative array

compound record=(                       # Compound property
    ports=( 8001 8001 8002 )
    bool_e enabled=true
BookmarkItem website=(                  # Custom class `BookmarkItem`
    label="KAML ain't markup"

website.label+=" (github)"              # Appending to a previous declared property
files=*                                 # Generate filenames matching a pattern
files=**                                # Alternate syntax for recursive descent
path=$PATH                              # Property expansion
system=$(uname -s)                      # Embed output of exec(3)
top_bin=${PATH%%:*}                     # Property manipulation and conversions
content=$(< /etc/passwd )               # Slurp in files
typeset -u tag=kaml                     # String converted automatically to uppercase
typeset -l extension=.xml               # String converted automatically to lowercase
typeset -M[mapping] x=...               # Wide character mapping support using wctrans(3)

typeset -m keywords=tag                 # Move. Here keywords evaluates to "KAML" and tag will be unset

typeset -R 20 label=name                # Right justify, padding with spaces to meet 20 characters.
typeset -RZ 20 label=name               # Right justify, padding with zeros to meet 20 characters.

typeset -L 20 label=name                # Left justify, padding with spaces to meet 20 characters.
typeset -LZ 20 label=name               # Left justify, padding with zeros to meet 20 characters.

integer -l  long=1234                   # Numeric value evaluated as a `long int`
integer -ul long=1234                   # Numeric value evaluated as an `unsigned long int`
integer -s  short=1234                  # Numeric value evaluated as a `short int`
integer -us short=1234                  # Numeric value evaluated as an `unsigned short int`
integer -i8 mode=0777                   # Numeric value in base 8 -- arithmetic bases 2 to 64 are supported

float       rate=0.1234567              # Float represented in scientific notation with 10 significant figures
float -E2   rate=0.1234567              # Float represented in scientific notation with 2 significant figures
typeset -F2 rate=0.1234567              # Float with 2 significant figures
typeset -X0 rate=0.1234567              # Float represented in hexadecimal notation with 0 significant figures

typeset -b image=...                    # Binary data encoded as Base64


Sub-sections : Overview | Identifiers | Properties | Scalars | Numbers | Arrays | Dictionaries | Custom types | Comments

Previous section : Top

Next section : About

  • KAML is Korn shell syntax
    • character encoding is either ANSI ASCII or UTF-8
    • whitespace matches POSIX regexp class [[:space:]]
    • ksh -n is the KAML linter
  • KAML files should use the extension .kml.
  • KAML files should follow UNIX conventions for newlines
identifier          = identifier-first, { identifier-next } ;
identifier-first    = ? [[:alpha:]] or "_" ? ;
identifier-next     = ? [[:alnum:]] or "_" ? ;

Identifiers are used to construct the name of properties. An identifier is a sequence of characters consisting of one or more characters in the POSIX alnum character class (A-Z, a-z and 0-9.) or an underscore (_). The first character cannot be a digit. There is no limit on how many characters an identifier may consist of. Identifiers are case-sensitive.

kaml-stream         = { property-assignment | comment } ;
property-assignment = [ typedef ], name, "=", value, [ comment ] ;

Properties are the primary building block of a KAML documents. The KAML syntax is primarily about assigning values to properties, identified by their name. KAML primarily supports character strings and numbers. Custom types can be defined with the typedef syntax.

Note: No unquoted white space are allowed before or after the assignment operator (=).

name                = simple-name | compound-name ;
simple-name         = identifier ;
compound-name       = ( ".",  simplename
                      | [ "." ],  simple-name, { ".", simple-name } ;

Property names are either simple or compound. A simple variable name is an identifier. A compound property name is either:

  • an identifier preceded by a dot (.)
  • more than one identifier each separated by a dot (.) and optionally preceded by a dot.

Recommendation: naming conventions vary widely in flavour and type; consider providing utilities to normalise imported and/or exported property names such that users can continue using the naming conventions to which they are accustomed. For instance myPropertyName, my-property-name, My property name all map to a canonical form used in KAML: my_property_name.

value               = [ scalar | array | dictionary | custom ] ;

These are discussed hereafter.

Some characters have a special meaning KAML files or the environment in which they are used -- the dollar ($) sign for instance. To remove that meaning, you must quote the character. Single characters can be escaped -- that is they can be preceded with the backslash character (\) which escapes their default meaning. You can quote a string of characters by enclosing them in:

  • literal (single) quotes ('...') to remove the special meaning of all characters except the single quote itself (').

  • grouping (double) quotes ("...") to remove the special meaning of all characters except the dollar sign ($), the backslash (\) and the backtick (````). If the dollar sign ($) is not escaped, then property substitution is done inside the double quotes.

  • message grouping (double) quotes ('$"..."), the same as grouping quotes except that the string will be looked up in a locale-specific message dictionary and replaced if found. The dollar sign (\$) is always deleted.

    greeting=\$"Welcome" # := Bienvenu
  • ANSI C strings (\$'...') to remove the special meaning of all characters except the ANSI C escape sequences:

    Escape sequence Character
    \a Bell character
    \b Backspace
    \f Formfeed
    \n Newline
    \r Return
    \t Tab
    \v Vertical tab
    \\ Backslash
    \E Escape character
    \0x The 8-bit character whose ASCI code is the 1-, 2-, or 3-digit octal number x
number          := integer | float | boolean ;
integer         := whole-number | arithmetic-expression ;
float           := real-number | arithmentic-expression ;
boolean         := (? truthness expressed as 0 or 1 ?) ;

KAML provides extensive features to handle scalar values which represent numbers, be they integers or floating point numbers.

integer             = base10-integer | altbase-integer | arithmetic expression ;
base10-integer      = [ "+" | "-" ], whole-number ;
altbase-integer     = base "#" whole-number ;

whole-number        = (? any non-negative whole number ?) ;
base                = (? a decimal integer between 2 and 64 ?) ;

Integers are decimal (i.e. base 10) whole numbers. Positive numbers may be prefixed with a plus operator (+). Negative numbers are prefixed with a minus operator (-). KAML allows to assign an integer using an arithmetic base between 2 and 64. A number in a base greater than 10 uses upper-case and lower-case letters of the alphabet to represent a digit. For instance 16#b or 16#B represents the value 11 in base 16. For bases greater than 36, upper-case and lower-case letters are distinct. The characers @ and _ are the two highest digits. For example 40#b represents 11, whereas 40#B represents 37, both in base 40. Anything after a decimal point is truncated. Leading zeros are dropped.

float               = base10-integer, [ decimal-number ], [ exponent ] ;
decimal-number      = decimal-separator, whole-number ;
exponent            = [ "E" | "e" ], whole-number ;

decimal-separator   = (? "." -- the decimal separator is comma in some locales ?) ;

Floats should be implemented as IEEE 754 binary64 values. A float consists of an integer part (which follows the same rules as integer values) optionally followed by a fractional part and/or an exponent part. If both a fractional part and exponent part are present, the fractional part must precede the exponent part.

Some examples:

# fractional
float1=+1.0 float2=3.1415 float3=-0.01

# exponent
float4=5e+22 float5=1e6 float6=-2E-2

# both

Float values -0.0 and +0.0 are valid and should map according to IEEE 754 (i.e. the unary minus is remembered.)

Note: though desirable, there is currently no support for special float values such as infinity, pi or not a number.

KAML does not provide per se a boolean data type. Nonetheless boolean values and toggles can be easily implemented in several ways. We describe such implementation here in Korn shell syntax, as this is KAML's reference syntax.

Below are some easy implementation examples. Many others can be imagined. The master recommendation when catering with boolean values, when these are to be used in arithmetic expressions, is how to you want to match truthness to digital values.

  1. Boolean values expressed as true or false which can be used in arithmetic expressions. This is the Korn-shell notion of TRUE which is equivalent to decimal 0, anything other is false, and evaluates to 1.

    enum bool_e=( true false )

    We can then use the following in KAML streams:

    bool_e shell_boolean=true   # Evaluates to 0
  2. Boolean value expressed as true or false, which can be used in arithmetic expressions, and where TRUE is truthness as expressed in the C language; that is the reverse logic compared to the previous example.

    enum cbool_e=( false true )

    We can then use the following in KAML streams:

    cbool_e clang_boolean=true  # Evaluates to 1
  3. Boolean values expressed as true or false in a given locale. We use here C language truthness.

    enum togge_e=( $"false" $"true" )

    We can then use the following in KAML streams:

    toggle_e toggle=faux        # Evaluates to 0

KAML does not provide a built-in data type for date and time values. These can be represented as scalars in a human readable format. Or as a numerical value with reference to a point in time -- such as the UNIX epoch, and on which arithmetic expressions can be performed. Providing a means of switching from one representation to another doesn't appear to be within the scope of KAML.

Nonetheless manipulation of times and dates is a necessity. KAML addresses this with:

  1. The smallest unit of time is the second.

  2. A point in time reference for arithmetic calculations: the UNIX Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00).

    1518013975  # The unix time at which this example was written
  3. A standard for the string representation of dates and times: RFC 3339 (which is a profile of ISO 8601).

    2018-02-07T15:32:55 # The previous example represented in a human readable format
  4. A means of converting scalar representations to numeric values, and vis-versa.

    # A time represented as a number
    integer number=1518013975
    # Conversion of the number into a scalar
    scalar=$(date -j -r ${this.number} +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)
    # Conversion of the scalar back to the original number
    integer number_again=$(date -j -f %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S ${this.scalar} +%s)

When a scalar is explicitly typed as an integer or a float, the right hand side value can be an arithmetic expression, hereafter simply called expression. An expression is a constant, a property, an environment variable, or is constructed with one of the following operator(s) -- listed here from highest to lowest precedence.

#. Operator Purpose
(a) ( expression ) Overrides precedence rules
(b) "++" name | name "++" Prefix/postfix increment of property name's value
"--" name | name "--" Prefix/postfix decrement of property name's value
"+" expression Unary plus
"-" expression Unary minus
"!" expression Logical negation
"~" expression Bitwise negation
(c) expression "*" expression Multiplication
expression "/" expression Division
expression "%" expression Modulo
(d) expression "+" expression Addition
expression "-" expression Subtraction
(e) expression "<<" expression Left shift
expression ">>" expression Right shift
(f) expression "<=" expression Less than or equal to
expression ">=" expression Greater than or equal
expression "==" expression Equal to
expression "!=" expression Not equal to
(g) expression "&" expression Bitwise AND
expression "^" expression Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR)
expression "|" expression Bitwise OR
(h) expression "&&" expression Logical AND
(i) expression "||" expression Logical OR
(j) expr. "?" expr. ":" expr. Conditional operator.
(k) name "=" expression Assignment.
(l) name op "=" expression Compound assignment (op: `[*/%^
(m) expression "," expression Comman operator (both expressions are evaluated)

Simple expressions can be type as-is -- but without spaces:

integer sum=10+11+12

More complex expressions should use arithmetic expansion ($(( ... ))). Each $(( ... )) is replaced by the value of the arithmetic expression within the double parenthesis.

integer     a=$(( RANDOM % 5 ))
integer     b=$(( a * 10 + 256 ))
arithmetic-function     = "function(", expression, ")" ;

Arithmetic expressions can use arithmetic functions. The following functions are available:

Name Implements
abs Absolute value
acos Arc cosine of angle in radians
asin Arc sine
atan Arc tangent
cos Cosine
cosh Hyperbolic cosine
exp Exponential with base e where e ~ 2.178
int Greatest integer less than or equal to value of expression
log Logarithm
sin Sine
sinh Hyperbolic sine
sqrt Square root
tan Tangent
tanh Hyperbolic tangent

An array is a property that can store multiple values, where each value is associated with a subscript.

There are two types of arrays -- indexed arrays and associative arrays. The subscript for indexed arrays is an arithmetic expression; the subscript for an associative array is an arbitrary string. You can specify a subscript with any property using the array syntax notation: name[subscript]. The property for an indexed array can be any arithmetic expression that evaluates between 0 and some implementation-defined value that is at least 4095. The subscript of an associative array can be any string.

You can assign values to array elements individually with property assignment commands. You can assign values to indexed array elements sequentially, starting at 0, using the compound assignment name=( value ... ). You can assign values to an indexed array using the compound assignment hash name=( [subscript]=value ... ).

Alternatively you can assign a list of values to an array sequentially: name[subscript]=value. You also the subscript-less syntax for indexed arrays name+=( value); the equivalent form for associative arrays requires the subscript: name+=( [subscript]=value ).

digits=( one two three four )
digits+=( six seven eight nine ten)

alphabet=( [a]=alpha [b]=bravo [c]=charlie )
alphabet+=( [e]=echo [f]=foxtrot ... )

Note: using Perlish naming conventions, we interchangeably use the term hash for associative arrays, and the bare word array for indexed arrays. For greater legibility of KAML files, the singular form of these alternate names can be used to specify the type of a property.

array digits=( one two three ... )
hash alphabet=( [a]=alpha [b]=bravo [c]=charlie ...)

You can refer to previously defined properties (or environment variables) in right hand side values using the conventional UNIX brace syntax:

colour=([apple]=red [grape]=purple [banana]=yellow)

Note: Omitting the braces is not a syntax error, but yield a different result as expansion will be applied to the first identifier in the name, here $colour; which, if it doesn't exist, will be silently replaced with an empty string. In Korn shell environments you can force the shell to complain using the set -u option whenever it encounters a variable (or property) that has not been set.

When you reference an array without specifying a subscript, then the subscript of the first element in the array is assumed. The special subscripts @ and * refer to all the elements in the array. As for regular shell variables, the ! operand can be used to expand the list of subscripts in an array. The size operator # can be used in place of ! to obtain the number of elements in an array. Using our previous example, this can be summarised as:

${colour[apple]}    # := red
${colour[]}         # := red
${!colour[@]}       # := apple banana grape
${colour[@]}        # := red yellow purple
${#colour[@]}       # := 3
$colour[apple]      # := [apple] (if colour is undefined)

Note: The associative array is automatically sorted alphabetically.

69-70 132 136 144 179 183 188 189 190 215 323

to assign multiple elements to an associative array.

Arrays are square brackets with values inside. Whitespace is ignored. Elements are separated by commas. Data types may not be mixed (different ways to define strings should be considered the same type, and so should arrays with different element types).

arr1=( 1 2 3 )
arr2=( red yellow green )
arr3=( ( 1 2 ) (3 4 5) )
arr4=( all strings are the same type)
arr5=( ( 1 2 ) (a b c) )

A dictionary is a property whose name consists of more than one identifier. A compound assignment is an assignment of the form:

name=( word ... )

which is used for array assignment as described earlier, or

name=( assignment ... )

where assignment can be a simple assignment or a compound assignment. For each assignment in the list, the property name.assignment is assigned to. In addition, the value of name, $name, consists of a list of assignments enclosed in parantheses that is equivalent to an assignment for all compound properties whose name begins with name.

Once the compound property name has been created, you can operate on each member independently. Properties of the form name, created or deleted, will be created or deleted from the compound property name.

    colour=([apple]=red [grape]=purple [banana]=yellow)
    size=( typeset -E x=8.5 y=11.0)

In JSON land, that would give you the following structure.

    "picture": {
        "bitmap": "/path/to/pict/dir/fruit",
        "colour": {
            "apple": "red",
            "grape": "purple",
            "banana": "yellow"
        "size": {
            "x": 8.5,
            "y": 11.0

KAML allows for the definition of custom data types. Since the official linter for KAML is the Korn shell, we represent the definition of custom data types in this section based on Korn shell capabilities, in particular the typeset and enum commands.

Data types

The typeset command is the primary Korn shell interface to define custom data types. Being a UNIX shell command, data type are declare through command line interface options. We use the same syntax in KAML files. Commonly used data types have an associated alias name (e.g. integer or float).

Uppercase (-u)

Change lower-case characters to upper-case when the property is expanded.

typeset -u x=abc    # := ABC
Lowercase (-l)

Change upper-case characters to lower-case when the property is expanded.

Floating point, scientific notation (-E or -En)

Evaluate the property's value as an arithmetic floating point expression. Output should match the %g format of the C language printf(3) function. The n in En is the number of significant digits; the default is 10.

You can use the predefined float alias to declear floating point variables.

Floating point, fixed precision (-F or -Fn)

Evaluate the property's value as an arithmetic floating point expression. Output should match the %f format of the C language printf(3) function. The n in En is the number of significant digits; the default is 10.

Integer (-i or -ibase)

Evaluate the property's value as an arithmetic integer expression. The base is the integer's arithmetic base, and can be a decimal integer between 2 and 64.

You can use the predefined integer to declare integer variables.

integer x=6
typeset -i8 y=x+x # := 8#14
Associative array (-A)

Define an associative array, as opposed to an indexed array. The subscript for an associative array element is an arbitrary string.

Left-justified (-L or -Lwidth)

Left justify the character's of the property's value to fit width and put trailing spaces, tf needed. The width is any positive number. If unspecified, use the number of characters of the first value assigned to the property.

If you assign a value that is too big to fit width, the value will be truncated to match the specified width.

Strip leading zeros (-LZ or -LZwidth)

This is similar to the left justification attribute (above), except that upon expansion leading zeros at the left are stripped.

typeset -LZ3 x=abcd         # Expands to 'abc'
typeset -LZ3 y=03           # Expands to '3  '
typeset -LZ3 z=00abcd       # Expands to 'abc'
Right justified (-R or -Rwidth)

Right justify the characters to fit width, putting leading spaces at the left, if needed, to fill width. The width is any positive number. If unspecified, use the number of characters of the first value assigned to the property.

If you assign a value that is too big to fit width, the value will be truncated to match the specified width.

typeset -R3 x=abcd          # Expands to 'bcd'
typeset -R3 y=3             # Expands to '  3'
Zero-filled (-RZ or -RZwidth, alternatively -Z or -Zwidth)

This is similar to the right justification attribute (above). However up expansion leading zeros are prepended at the left.

typeset -Z3 x=abcd          # Expands to 'bcd'
typeset -Z3 y=3             # Expands to '003'
Read-only (-r)

When a property has the read-only attribute set, any attempt to change the property's value in subsequent processing should raise a (fatal) exception. Once set, the read-only attribute cannot be unset.

You can set use the readonly or typeset -r to set this attribute.

readonly foo=bar
foo=nobar                   # Raises exception 'foo: is read only'


The Korn shell enum command allows to create enumeration types that can be used in KAML streams.

enum [ options ] typename=( value ... )

enum is a declaration command that creates an enumeration type typename that can only store any one of the values in the indexed array variable typename. See the discussion on booleans for examples.

comment                 = plain-comment | special-comment ;
plain-comment           = "#",  comment-string, newline ;
special-comment         = "#!", comment-string, newline ;
comment-string          = (? any character except newline ?)

KAML streams can include comments. Comments are not preserved. A comment is introduced by the hash symbol (#) which marks the rest of a line as a comment. If the hash symbol is immediately followed by an exclamation mark (!), the comment targets literate programming and embedded documentation.

# This is a full-line comment
name="value" # This is a comment at the end of a line

Plain comments are dropped upon processing a KAML stream. Special comments can be extracted separately to dynamically build the man(1) page or documentation for the KAML stream. Embedded documentation is written in Markdown and can contain Doxygen like commands to structure the documentation content.

#! @param colour
#! @brief a list of colours for demonstration purposes
#! The _colour_ property is an **associative array**.

colour=([apple]=red [grape]=purple [banana]=yellow)

Recommendation: There are many Markdown flavours, despite the recent CommonMark initiative to provide some standardisation. We recommend standardising on Pandoc flavoured Markdown syntax which is rich and extensible. Pandoc exposes the abstract syntax tree of the parsed content allowing easy handling of embedded custom Doxygen-like commands.

When the first 16 bits of a KAML stream (i.e. the UNIX magic number) are the special comment prefix (#!), the comment is handled differently. The comment can either be a version string or a shebang. If the magic number is immediately followed by the upper-case token KAML, then the comment describes the version of the subsequent KAML stream.

#! KAML1.0

Otherwise the special comment is assumed to be a UNIX shebang. A minimal example might be:

output="Hello world"

By supporting shebangs, KAML allows inside out integration rather than the traditional outside in model. Akin to object orientation in programming, this model allows to create a context aware middleman that interacts between multiple programs, pre-processing the KAML data such that each participating program collects the needed information in the format supported by that program, this could be JSON, YAML, XML or other standard or proprietary formats.

#! /usr/bin/awk '/^#!/,/^---/'

A common use case is the practice to embed metadata and character data in a same file. Consider the <HEAD> section of HTML documents or the YAML header that is commonly embedded in Markdown documents. The Markdown document potentially being the source document from which the HTML document is produced. Both documents will then share common metadata which will be used by various programs to enact the life cycles of these documents.

#! /usr/df/bin/blog-manager

By using inside out integration, the middle manager becomes the single point of contact to access and transform the KAML data. No central store, or configuration database, is required, and data can be translated into multiple formats, combined, split, or merged with other data.


Sub-sections : Comparison with other formats | Get involved

Previous sections : Specifications, Top

Why yet another configuration exchange markup language? We already have ASN-1, JSON, TOML, YAML, XML, and countless others! The original motivation was to have a simple to read, simple to parse, and simple to implement configuration file format which could be used across various environments and programming languages.

ASN-1 and SGML/XML are robust and very complete, they are horribly verbose for human-based management and update. JSON is a much simplier syntax that is well specified and maps maps easily to ubiquitous data types. JSON is great for serializing and has become a de facto standard for REST and the like interfaces. JSON however lacks features that help humans maintain the data. YAML brings in such features, but at the expense of being hard to parse. INI files, though not standardised, are simple and easy to maintain; yet they primarily target flat data structures and have no data types. More recently TOML appears as an attempt to make INI files overcome the aforementioned limitations, at the cost of extra verbosity.

KAML pre-dates all these formats -- except perhaps the INI format. KAML is nothing but a formal definition of the compound variables syntax available in the Korn shell since the mid 1980s. KAML came to life in Korn shell pretty much for the same reasons as JSON appeared in Javascript; to allow easy interchange of structured data sets. Indeed an often overlooked feature of Korn shell is that it natively supports classes, type definitions, enumerations and the so-called compound variables, called dictionaries in this specification and which compare to C language struct declarations.

KAML is easier to read by humans than JSON and tagged markups inherited form the SGML syntax. It does not reach the readibility of YAML which was a design consideration. The slightly more verbose syntax of KAML will probably remain unchanged as long as the pre-requisite for KAML to be natively understood by the Korn shell remains. Korn shell (and the associated libast C language library) are the reference implementation for KAML. Should we one day decide to write a parser for the shell, then extra readability would be a high priority. This is not however on the road map.

KAML is immediately available to most, if not all, programming language without writing a single line of parsing code in the target programming language, just a bit of shell scripting wizardry. Samples will be added to this specification as both proof of concept and getting started examples.

Documentation, bug reports, pull requests, and all other contributions are welcome!