For simplicity, let us use L to represent the number of digits in N, note the scale of L is actually O(log10N). And let us use {aL−1,aL−2,…,a1,a0} to represent the digits of N, where aL−1 is the most significant digit and a0 is the least significant digit (0 ≤ ai ≤ 9 for all i < L−1, and 1 ≤ aL−1 ≤ 9). We can read N as a string, where the characters in the string {s[0],s[1],…,s[L−2],s[L−1]} represent {aL−1,aL−2,…,a1,a 0}. Or, we can read N as an integer, whose value equals aL−1 × 10L−1 + aL−2 × 10L−2 + ⋯ + a1 × 10 + a0. Inserting a new digit d in the k−th position in N means inserting it after the first L − k digits (on the left side) and before the last k digits (on the right side) of N. If N is string type, then the new number can be built by slicing and concatenating the string as s[0…L − k] + string(d) + s[L − k…L] in linear time, where s[i…j] means characters of string s from index i to index j. On the other hand, if N is integer type, then the new number can be calculated as (N−N%10k) × 10 + d × 10k + (N%10k) in constant time.
Since N ≤ 105, the number of digits of N is at most 6, which
means there are at most 7 positions to insert a new digit. As for the new
digit, there are at most 10 options (0
… 9
), therefore the total number
of results is at most 70. We can enumerate all these 70 results, eliminate
those ones which are not multiples of 9 or have leading zeros, then find the
smallest one from them.
In this solution, there are O(L) positions to insert a new digit, and a
constant number of choices for the new digit (0
… 9
). If N is read
as an integer, then we need constant time to insert a new digit, decide if the
inserted result is a multiple of 9 and compare the candidates, so the time
complexity of this solution is O(L). If N is read as a string, then
every operation such as the insertion of a new digit or value comparison among
candidates will take O(L) time, so the time complexity will be
Now that N is at most 10123456, we cannot read N as 32-bit/64-bit integer [sic]. Instead, we should read N as string [sic] where each character represents a digit of N. Since L is at most 123456 + 1, the brute force enumeration method with time complexity O(L2) is unacceptable. We need a more efficient algorithm.
First, let us decide which digit to insert. In fact, a number is a multiple of 9 if and only if the sum of its all digits is a multiple of 9. Therefore, we can add up all the L digits of the given N, and use 9 − (sum mod 9) to get the new digit we want. Wherever we insert it, the sum of all digits of the new number and the new number itself will be a multiple of 9. Note that when sum mod 9 = 0, adding either a new 0 or a new 9 can make the result be a multiple of 9, but 0 is always more preferable than 9 because we are looking for the smallest answer.
Secondly, let us decide where to insert the new digit. Let us use d to represent the new digit we are going to insert. We can start from the most significant digit aL−1, then aL−2, and then use this order to visit all the digits in N, to find the first digit in N that is larger than d. Then we should insert d right before this digit. In other words, say ak is the first digit in N that is larger than d (i.e. ai ≤ d for all k + 1 ≤ i ≤ L − 1), then the new number we are going to make is {aL−1,aL−2,…,ak+1,d,ak,…,a0}, whose value equals to Ng = aL−1 × 10L + aL−2 × 10L−1 + ⋯ + ak+1 × 10k+2 + d × 10k+1 + ak × 10k + ⋯ + a0.
Is this always the best choice? Yes, let us prove it. If we insert d to a more significant position, i.e. between aq+1 and aq where q > k, then the new number we are going to make is {aL−1,aL−2,…,aq+1,d,aq,…,ak,…,a0} with value No = aL−1 × 10L + aL−2 × 10L−1 + ⋯ + aq+1 × 10q+2 + d × 10q+1 + aq × 10q + ⋯ ak × 10k + ⋯ + a0. The difference between this solution and the solution we claimed is No − Ng = d × 10q+1 − 9 × (aq × 10q + aq-1 × 10q-1 + ⋯ + ak+2 × 10k+2 + ak+1 × 10k+1) − d × 10k+1. Since we have that aq is always no greater than d, we can make sure that 9 × (aq × 10q + aq-1 × 10q-1 + ⋯ + ak+2 × 10k+2 + ak+1 × 10k+1) + d × 10k+1 is always no greater than d × 10q+1. Therefore, no matter what other position q we choose to insert d, the result is always no less than inserting at k.
On the other hand, if we insert d to a less significant position, i.e. between ap+1 and ap where p < k, then the new number we are going to make is {aL−1,aL−2,…,ak,…,ap+1,d,ap,…,a0} with value No = aL−1 × 10L + aL−2 × 10L−1 + ⋯ + ak × 10k+1 + ⋯ + ap+1 × 10p+2 + d × 10p+1 + ap × 10p + ⋯ + a0. The difference between this solution and the solution we claimed is No − Ng = −d × 10k+1 + 9 × (ak × 10k + ⋯ + ap+1 × 10p+1) + d × 10p+1. Since we have that ak > d, we can make sure that 9 × (ak × 10k + ⋯ + ap+1 × 10p+1) + d × 10p+1 is always greater than d × 10k+1. Therefore, no matter what other position p we choose to insert d, the result is always greater than inserting at k.
Note that there are some edge cases. For example, all digits in N are less than d. In this case, we should append d to the end of N. And if d is 0, we will find that the first digit in N that is larger than d is the leading digit. Be careful that we should not put d before it because the result cannot have leading zeros. In this case, we should put 0 right after the leading digit of N to get the smallest result.
The time complexity for finding out which d to insert is O(L) because we need to add up all digits of N to get the remainder of N divided by 9. Then to find where to insert d, we also need O(L) time to visit all the digits to find the first digit that is larger than d (or find out all the digits are no larger than d). Therefore, the total time complexity of this solution is O(L + L) = O(L).