Install all dependencies of the project with the
make install
Build docker with
docker-compose build --pull --no-cache
- Initialize database with
make new-db
- Drop the existing database if it exists :
docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:database:drop --force
- Create a new database :
docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:database:create
- And migrate the migrations :
docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- Initialize data in database with
docker-compose exec php bin/console hautelook:fixtures:load
Create GitHub repository secrets for :
A Makefile is available in this project, you can have all Makfile's commands by using make help
or make
- Launch this command :
make start
- Open a terminal in the root and launch this command :
docker-compose up -d
- Initialize the database with :
docker-compose exec php bin/console hautelook:fixtures:load
- Terminate the command
make start
- If you didn't use the make command, you must terminate with
docker-compose stop
- Launch the project
- To launch all tests use :
make tests
- To launch security tests use :
make tests-security
- To launch api tests use :
make tests-api
- To launch command tests use :
make tests-command
To use Mercure in the admin you must have a JWT stored in ./admin/.env like this : REACT_APP_MERCURE_JWT=YOUR_JWT
Command to get recent tweets with a query to update DB and a query to reply to play a game Players must follow all active Twitter accounts needed and must have a tweet(s) with all active hashtags.
- update-db -> Boolean to update database (ex :
) - reply -> Boolean to reply with game URL (ex :