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- Discuss with in the chat, and/or open issue first to discuss
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Open an issue to make us open a donation channel
explain better where dom99 comes from and what differentiates it
compare values before updating ? with data-compare-before ?
see how checking for equality before assigning textContent affects performance
Create a better documentation experience
- New html page with articles
- Remake sections
- Components
- Plugins
further explore and document best practices for
- keyboard shortcuts, (acceskey, keydown listener), gamepad support
- form validation, form submits
- disabled js, and fall-backs
server side rendering
- static
- on the fly, streaming html
better developer tools
- indexed error messages in the doc
- text editors plugins
lit-html compatible API could be interesting
add tabindex="0" when data-function="keydown-anyname" is used on something that does not have focus by default (like div), and no tabindex is already set, body does not need it
- see if that is faster to iterate on every dom element that has data-*
add examples for async (network) data and how it looks
top level variable integration like displayjs experiment
base dom99 lighter
decide when to use event .target .orignialTarget .currentTarget
add data-list-strategy to allow opt in declarative optimization same length, different content same content, different length key based identification data-function-context to allow context less
transform recursive into sequential flow
add data-scoped for data-function to allow them to be scoped inside an element with data-scope ?
Changing Runtime target: 2020 Windows 7 and IE 11- will be deprecated,
Possibilites in code and functionality (check compatibility, performance before )
- explore addEventListener(
, y, {passive: true}); - WeakMap, Symbol to simplify code
- assume forEach on HTMLNodes
- assume correct implementation
- assume custom elements support
- document.createTreeWalker