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Arena Configuration

GoldenPotato137 edited this page Jul 27, 2022 · 1 revision

It will be placed at plugin folder, and It is named arena.yml


  qwq: #arena name
    world: world #where it is
    y: 63 #arena y coordinate
    playerPerSnake: 1 #Number of players per snake
    maxSnake: 2 #The maximum number of snakes in the arena
    minSnake: 1 #The minimum number of snakes in the arena
    initialSpeed: 10 #Initial movement interval, the smaller the faster, the larger the slower
    victoryCondition: length # victory condition, length victory: length, survival victory: snakeNum
    victory: 5 #Victory condition value, if victoryCondition is length, it is length, if victoryCondition is snakeNum, it is the last number of snakes that won
    winCommand: tell [player] qwq  #The command executed at victory. It will override the global settings of config. If it is the same as the global one, enter SameAsGlobal. If no command is needed, enter [null].
    lossCommand: [null] #Command to be executed on failure, same as above
    lobbyPos: #lobby position
      x: 122
      y: 63
      z: -169
    leavePos: #The position after exiting the game
      x: 133
      y: 65
      z: -172
    beginPos: #The location of the birth point of the snake, which cannot be less than the number of snakes
        x: 130
        z: -164
        x: 131
        z: -162
    food: #food
      fd1: #food name
        loc: #food location
          x: 127
          z: -166
        lifeTime: 3000 #food survival time, 10 units per second, example 3000 is 30s
        birthRate: 20 #Food generation probability, the larger the generation probability, the higher the probability is not recommended to be higher than 30
        type: NORMAL #food type, NORMAL is normal, UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT is the food that rewards the corresponding direction potion
      fd2: #same as above
          x: 131
          z: -164
        lifeTime: 300
        birthRate: 20
        type: NORMAL

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