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Contributing to Grace

This document explains how to edit, build, and run this project, both if you want to change your fork of the language or if you want to upstream improvements to the original language.

The easiest way to build the project is using cabal, and the most commonly used commands are:

$ cabal build exe:grace                    # Build the `grace` executable
$ cabal test                               # Run all tests
$ cabal test tasty                         # Faster: run only tasty tests
$ cabal test tasty --test-option=--accept  # Update golden tests
$ cabal test doctest                       # Run only doctests
$ cabal haddock --hyperlink-source         # Generate Haskell documentation

You can also enable coverage checking by running this step before running the tests:

$ cabal configure --enable-coverage

You'll probably also want to use ghcid or haskell-language-server for interactive development.

This project also provides devShells for Nix users, but it's not necessary for project development.

The project tries to be as maintainable possible, meaning that most mistakes you make will be caught by the type-checker and you will only need to update a few places to make the most common changes. However, there are a few places that you need to remember to update and the type-checker won't remind you.

For example, any time you add a new language feature you will need to update the parser in order to actually use the feature, and nothing will automatically remind you to do that.

Generally speaking, if you're not sure where to begin then start by identifying the most closely-related language feature and searching the codebase for all occurrences of the matching constructor in the Syntax tree.

GHCJS instructions

If you want to make changes to the website you will need to build using GHCJS, which entails the following commands:

$ nix develop .#ghcjs
[nix-shell]$ cabal v1-configure --ghcjs --disable-tests
[nix-shell]$ cabal v1-build

… and if you want to test the website, then run the following additional command after each build:

[nix-shell]$ cp dist/build/try-grace/try-grace.jsexe/all.js website/js/all.min.js

… and then open ./website/index.html in your browser.

The test suite will not work and also ghcid will not work when developing using GHCJS.

Adding a new built-in function

To add a new built-in function, edit the Syntax module to add a new constructor to the Builtin type, then fix all of the type errors, which should consist of:

  • Specifying the type of the builtin
  • Specifying how to pretty-print the builtin

Then, edit the Normalize module to change the apply function to add a case for handling the newly-added builtin.

CAREFULLY NOTE: If the built-in accepts a type T as input (e.g. Real) then it also must accept all types that are subtypes of T, too (e.g. Integer and Natural, which are subtypes of Real). For example, the Integer/even function has type Integer -> Bool, so the apply function has to handle the case where the input to the Integer/even function is either an Integer or a Natural (since Natural is a subtype of Integer).

Finally, add support for parsing the built-in by:

  • Adding a new Token for the Builtin in the Lexer module
  • Adding the built-in name to the reserved words in the Lexer module
  • Adding a new parsing rule in the Parser module.

Adding a new operator

Adding a new operator is basically the same as adding a new built-in, with the main change being that you change the Operator type within the Syntax module, instead of changing the Builtin type.

The other difference is that you will change the Normalize in a different place (where all of the operator logic is).

Adding a new scalar literal and the corresponding scalar type

To add a new scalar type, edit the Syntax module to add a new constructor to the Scalar type (representing the scalar literal). Also, edit the Monotype module to add a new constructor to the Scalar type in that module (representing the corresponding scalar type). Then fix all of the type errors, which will consist of:

  • Specifying how to prettyprint the scalar literal

  • Specifying how to prettyprint the scalar type

  • Specifying how to infer the type of the scalar literal

    … by returning the matching scalar type you just created

Finally, edit the Lexer and Parser modules to lex and parse the new scalar literal and scalar type you just created.

Adding a new keyword

Probably the easiest way to add a new keyword is to study how an existing keyword is implemented, such as the if / then / else keyword. Search the codebase for all occurrences of the If constructor and follow the pattern.

Adding a new complex type

Just like keywords, the easiest way to add a new complex type is to study how an existing complex type is implemented, such as the List type. Search the codebase for all occurrences of the List constructor and follow the pattern.


When adding new keywords or complex type you will need to take care to remember to update the pretty-printing logic. By default, the code will go into an infinite loop if you forget to do this, and this post explains the reason why:

You don't need to worry about this if you are adding new built-ins / operators / scalars, since those are already handled uniformly.

Bidirectional type-checking

This is probably the hardest part of making any changes, especially changes that add new keywords or complex types, since they cannot be handled uniformly.

If you're new to logical notation in general, then I recommend first reading A tutorial implementation of a dependently typed lambda calculus, which explains the correspondence between logical notation and Haskell code.

Then read the Complete and Easy Bidirectional Typechecking for Higher-Rank Polymorphism paper which explains the general principles behind the type-checking algorithm. However, there are a few nuances that are not obvious from a casual reading of the paper, so follow up by reading the Infer module, which is heavily commented with things I had to figure out in the course of attempting to implement the paper.