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A server side implementation to serve a First Discovery Editor instance and provide a means for storing preferences to the GPII Preferences server.


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A server side implementation to serve a First Discovery Editor instance and provide a means for storing preferences to the GPII Preferences server.


By default the server will run from port 8088, see Configuration to use a different port. The First Discovery Tool will be reachable off of the /demos path e.g. http://localhost:8088/demos/prefsServerIntegration


The First Discovery Server can be configured via Kettle Configs. A set of these are provided with the server in the config directory.

The gpii.firstDiscovery.server.configurator grade defines a default schema for which the configuration is validated against. If the validation fails, the application will throw and error.


The First Discovery Server can be launched as a Kettle application by making use of Kettle Configs.

There are two typical ways of launching a Kettle app, programmatically and from command line

(See: Starting a Kettle application)


// require the kettle module
var kettle = require("kettle");

// load the config
    // path to the config directory

    // name of the config to load, without the file extension
    configName: "vagrant"

Command Line

# Call Kettle's init.js script with the
# configPath and configName
node node_modules/kettle/init.js <configPath> [<configName>]

# or using an environment variable to specify
# the configName
NODE_ENV=<configName> node node_modules/kettle/init.js <configPath>


URL Request Description
/user?[view=:view] POST Accepts a set of preferences, in a JSON object, to be stored on the preferences server. A GPII token will be returned and can be used for retrieving the preferences on a GPII enabled device. The view query parameter is used to specify which ontology the preferences are stored in. (See: Preferences Server)


Vagrant and Ansible configuration has been provided to make the setup of a development environment much simpler. During development you'll be able to work on your local machine and run a virtual machine to host the actual server.


Working with the VM

Once you've cloned the repository onto your local system you'll only need to run vagrant up to create the vm. By default, the server will be accessible on your host machine at http://localhost:8088. (e.g. http://localhost:8088/demos/prefsServerIntegration).

NOTE: If you changed the port option, nodejs_app_tcp_port, in the vars.yml file or 8088 is already in use on your host machine, the actual URL may be different.

Logs output by the VM can be viewed in a web browser at

Working With Docker


You can build a Docker container from your local own version of the codebase, FE:

  • build: docker build -t aharnum/first-discovery-server .


Launching a working Dockerized version requires some prerequisites:

  • a running Flow Manager to connect to (host name and port specified with the GPII_OAUTH2_HOST_NAME and GPII_OAUTH2_TCP_PORT environment variables)
  • valid GPII_OAUTH2_AUTH_CLIENT_ID and GPII_OAUTH2_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET values to be passed to the container at runtime as environment variables

Run Example

This is an example of launching a self-contained Flow Manager container, then connecting a First Discovery Server to it.

  • launching Flow Manager:
docker run --name flowmanagerfd -d \
-e NODE_ENV=cloudBased.development.all.local \
  • launching First Discovery server, supplying the client ID and client secret as environment variables:
docker run -d -l flowmanagerfd -p 8088:8088 --name fdserver \
-e GPII_OAUTH2_HOST_NAME=http://flowmanagerfd \
-e GPII_OAUTH2_AUTH_CLIENT_ID={{ client_id }} \
-e GPII_OAUTH2_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET={{ client_secret }} \

You should then be able to connect to http://{docker_host}:8088 /demos/prefsServerIntegration/ and go through the flow to receive a token (where docker_host is the IP of your locally-running Docker host), assuming your flow-manager container runs a version supporting the OAUTH code.


the client_id and client_secret are confidential and should not be committed.

Using Secrets With Vagrant

Vagrant is setup to be provisioned with environment variables from a "secrets.yml" file stored in the "provisioning" directory. "secrets.yml" is ignored by git and should not be added to versioning. An example is provided at "secrets.yml.example" and takes the form:

  - GPII_OAUTH2_AUTH_CLIENT_ID=first_discovery_client_id
  - GPII_OAUTH2_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=first_discovery_client_secret

Using Secrets With Docker

The needed secrets can be supplied to the Docker container at launch as environment variables with the -e flag; see the Docker section above for an example of how this works.


A server side implementation to serve a First Discovery Editor instance and provide a means for storing preferences to the GPII Preferences server.







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