This LibPack release is designed to work with FreeCAD 1.0. It should be used with the MSVC 14.4 or later compiler toolchain (released mid-2024), in Release or RelWithDebInfo modes (not Debug mode, due to lack of debug numpy
. We hope to address that shortcoming in a future release), on x86_64 architecture (ARM support is planned for the future). It requires at least FreeCAD 0.22dev commit hash 99d63a9693316bad118740dc8ee86098cca5e16b.
This release is identical to RC4 in all but final version number.
It provides:
- Qt 6.7.2
- OpenCASCADE 7.8.0 [Blobfish-patched]
- Python 3.12.4 with the following 3rd-party modules installed:
- area 1.1.1
- cmake 3.29.3
- cog 0.6.1
- configparser 7.0.0
- debugpy 1.8.2
- defusedxml 0.7.1
- ifcopenshell
- ladybug-core 0.43.0
- matplotlib 3.9.0
- numpy 1.26.4
- opencv-python
- packaging 24.1
- Pillow 10.3.0
- ply 3.11
- pycollada 0.8
- pyNastran 1.4.1
- pyshp 2.3.1
- pysolar 0.11
- PyYAML 6.0.1
- requests 2.32.3
- rpdb2
- scipy 1.13.1
- sets 0.3.2
- setuptools 70.0.0
- vermin 1.6.0
- wheel 0.43.0
- boost 1.85.0
- bzip2 1.0.8
- calculix 2.18
- coin [unversioned, current master branch]
- eigen3 3.4.0
- freetype 2.13.1
- gmsh 4.13.1
- harfbuzz 8.5.0
- hdf5 1.10.8
- icu 74.2 [cannot yet use 75.x, Xerces does not support]
- libclang 140 [provided by Qt]
- libfmt 10.2.1
- libpng 1.6.40
- medfile 4.1.1 [patched]
- netgen 6.2.2403
- opencamlib 2023.01.11
- pcre2 10.42
- pivy [unversioned, current master branch]
- pycxx 7.1.5
- pyside 6.7.2
- quarter [unversioned, current master branch, patched]
- rapidjson 1.1.0
- swig 4.1.1
- tcl 8.6.13
- tk 8.6.13
- vtk 9.3.0
- Xerces-C 3.2.5
- yamlcpp 0.8.0
- zlib 1.3