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WWW - a node Express front-end

A small web front-end that queries the Echo module for Radix runtime information. Part of the Radix Example Workshop 1


The WWW app expects the "echo" to be available "somewhere". Depending on how you develop, you need to tell WWW where to find this by using the ECHO_URL environment variable. The default value is localhost:3000

Local node development

Install dependencies

npm install

Run the application

npm start

Run the application dev mode - automatic restart of server when changes in source code are detected.

npm run dev

Run a vulnerability check on dependencies

npm audit

Lint the Javascript code

npm run lint

Run the application in debug mode - extensive logging

npm run debug

Environment variables

The echo application use the following environment variables:

  • PORT to define which local port to listen to. Default is port 3001.
  • NODE_ENV with values development or production (used by the Express framework)
  • ECHO_URL to define url for ECHO server. Example: ECHO_URL=http://localhost:3000 (default)

Local docker development - build and run WWW

To build the image for the WWW app

docker build -t www .

To run the WWW app in Docker

docker run -it --name=www --env ECHO_URL=http://localhost:3000 --rm -p 3001:3001 www

(replace -it with -d to run in detached mode)

Remember that localhost for stuff running inside a container is the container itself and not the host. There are of course different ways to work with this - Google and docker networking are cool tips