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Axis Aligned Bounding Box

Christoph Müller edited this page Nov 12, 2020 · 4 revisions


Work in progress

The Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (float) is an efficient tool for collision detection. A Bounding Box forms itself out of the minimal and the maximal x, y, z coordinates of an object. The min and max values of a cube in the center of a scene may look like this:

min = (-1, -1, -1); 
max = (1, 1, 1);

A Bounding Box draws a cuboid as tightly as possible around the targeted object. A sphere with radius 1 would have the same Bounding Box as the cube in the example above.

minimum and maximum values visualized

The Axis-Aligned Bounding Box is as the name suggests "axis-aligned", which means the Bounding Boxes are not able to rotate and if its object rotates the AABB has to be recalculated and may end up in a bad approximation of its former shape. Therefore the AABB is most useful when the objects principal axes are roughly aligned with the scenes coordinate system.

rotating an object in a scene visualized

When two Bounding Boxes are tested for a collision, the minimum values of one box are compared to the maximum of the other and vice versa (A.min.y & B.max.y,..., A.max.z & B.min.z,...). So if a minimum value is greater than a maximum value / a maximum value is lesser than a minimum value, a collision occurs.


Type Name Description
AABBf AABBf() Creates a new axis aligned bounding box
bool Equals() Indicates whether this plane is equal to another object
bool Intersects() Checks if this AABB intersects with another
AABBf ReferenceEquals() Determines whether the specified object instances are the same instance
AABBf Union() Calculates the bounding box around two existing bounding boxes
int GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance
Type GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance
bool InsideOrIntersectingFrustrum() Checks if a viewing frustrum lies within or intersects this AABB
bool InsideOrIntersectingPlane() Checks if a viewing plane lies within or intersects this AABB
string ToString() Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance
float3 Size Returns the width, height and depth of the box in x, y and z
float3 Center Returns the center of the bounding box
float3 min The minimum value of the axis aligned bounding box in x, y and z direction
float3 max The maximum value of the axis aligned bounding box in x, y and z direction

Building your own Bounding Box

You can use the constructor 'AABBf' to build your own Bounding Box:
_min = new float3(-1, -1, -1);
_max = new float3(1, 1, 1):

AABBf bb1 = new AABBf
There is also a way to get the Bounding Box of an Asset or Object in the scene:
private Transform SphereTrans;
private Mesh SphereMesh;

SphereMesh = Scene.Children.FindNodes(node =>node.Name == "Sphere")?.FirstOrDefault()?.GetMesh();
bb2 = SphereMesh.BoundingBox;
If (at least) one of your objects moves you can multiplicate it with the Matrix of the moving Object:
AABBf movingBb = bb2 * SphereTrans.Matrix();
Now if you want to check for a collision between these two Bounding Boxes, you can use the Intersect Method:
    Console.WriteLine(Oh? You're intersecting me?);
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