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Transforming Request and Response headers

Synchronously transforming requests

Transforming a request object synchronously is trivial. By "synchronously" we mean in the same thread, in non-blocking fashion.

Just call request.newBuilder to create a new HttpRequest.Builder object. It has already been initialised with the copy of the original request. Modify the builder as desired, construct a new version, and pass it to the chain.proceed(), as the example demonstrates:


import static;

public class SyncRequestPlugin implements Plugin {
    public Eventual<LiveHttpResponse> intercept(LiveHttpRequest request, Chain chain) {
        return chain.proceed(
                    .header(USER_AGENT, "Styx/1.0 just testing plugins")

Synchronously transforming response

This example demonstrates how to synchronously transform a HTTP response. We will call to add an "X-Foo" header to the response.


public class SyncResponsePlugin implements Plugin {
    public Eventual<LiveHttpResponse> intercept(LiveHttpRequest request, HttpInterceptor.Chain chain) {
        return chain.proceed(request)
                .map(response -> response.newBuilder()
                        .header("X-Foo", "bar")

Asynchronously transform request object

Sometimes it is necessary to transform the request asynchronously. For example, you may need to look up external key value stores to parameterise the request transformation. The example below shows how to modify a request URL path based on an asynchronous lookup to an external database.


import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class AsyncRequestInterceptor implements Plugin {

    public Eventual<LiveHttpResponse> intercept(LiveHttpRequest request, HttpInterceptor.Chain chain) {
        return asyncUrlReplacement(request.url())                                       // (1)
                .map(newUrl -> request.newBuilder()                                     // (4)
                .flatMap(chain::proceed);                                               // (5)

    private static Eventual<Url> asyncUrlReplacement(Url url) {
        return Eventual.from(pathReplacementService(url.path()))                  // (3)
                .map(newPath -> new Url.Builder(url)

    private static CompletableFuture<String> pathReplacementService(String url) {
        // Pretend to make a call here:
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("/replacement/path");                  // (2)

Step 1. We call the asyncUrlReplacement, which returns an Eventual<Url>. The asyncUrlReplacement wraps a call to the remote service and converts the outcome into an Eventual.

Step 2. A call to pathReplacementService makes a non-blocking call to the remote key/value store. Well, at least we pretend to call the key value store, but in this example we'll just return a completed future of a constant value.

Step 3. CompletableFuture is converted to an Eventual, so that other asynchronous operations like chain.proceed can be bound to it later on.

Step 4. The eventual outcome from the asyncUrlReplacement yields a new, modified URL instance. We'll transform the request by substituting the URL path with the new one. This is a quick synchronous operation so we'll do it in a map operator.

Step 5. Finally, we will bind the outcome from chain.proceed into the response Eventual. Remember that chain.proceed returns an Eventual<LiveHttpResponse>. It is, therefore, interface compatible and can be flatMap'd to the response Eventual. The resulting response Eventual chain is returned from the intercept.

Asynchronously transform response object

This example demonstrates asynchronous response processing. Here we pretend that callTo3rdParty method makes a non-blocking request to retrieve string that is inserted into a response header.

A callTo3rdParty returns a CompletableFuture which asynchronously produces a string value. We will call this function when the HTTP response is received.


import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class AsyncResponseInterceptor implements Plugin {
    private static final String X_MY_HEADER = "X-My-Header";

    public Eventual<LiveHttpResponse> intercept(LiveHttpRequest request, HttpInterceptor.Chain chain) {
        return chain.proceed(request)                                                                            // (1)
                .flatMap(response ->                                                                             // (3)
                        Eventual.from(thirdPartyHeaderService(response.header(X_MY_HEADER).orElse("default")))   // (2)
                                .map(value ->                                                                    // (4)
                                                .header(X_MY_HEADER, value)

    private static CompletableFuture<String> thirdPartyHeaderService(String myHeader) {
        // Pretend to make a call here:
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("value");

Step 1. We start by calling chain.proceed(request) to obtain a response Eventual.

Step 2. A callTo3rdParty returns a CompletableFuture. It is converted to an Eventual with Eventual.from and bound to the response Eventual.

Step 3. The flatMap operator binds callToThirdParty into the response Eventual.

Step 4. We will transform the HTTP response by inserting an outcome of callToThirdParty, or value, into the response headers.

HTTP Content Transformations

Styx exposes HTTP messages to interceptors as streaming LiveHttpRequest and LiveHttpResponse messages. In this form, the interceptors can process the content in a streaming fashion. That is, they can look into, and modify the content as it streams through.

Alternatively, live messages can be aggregated to HttpRequest or HttpResponse messages. The full HTTP message body is then available for the interceptor to use. Note that content aggregation is always an asynchronous operation. This is because the streaming HTTP message is exposing the content, in byte buffers, as it arrives from the network, and Styx must wait until all content has been received.

Note that once the content is aggregated by using the aggregate() method, the LiveHttpRequest/ LiveHttpResponse object is not valid anymore and thus the HttpRequest/HttpResponse returned by aggregate() should be used.

Aggregating Content into Full Messages


public class RequestAggregationPlugin implements Plugin {
    private static final int MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = 100000;

    public Eventual<LiveHttpResponse> intercept(LiveHttpRequest request, Chain chain) {
        return request.aggregate(MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH)
                .map(fullRequest -> {
                    String body = fullRequest.bodyAs(UTF_8);
                    return fullRequest.newBuilder()
                            .body(body + "EXTRA TEXT", UTF_8)

maxContentBytes is a safety valve that prevents Styx from accumulating too much content and running out of memory. Styx only accumulates up to maxContentBytes of content. aggregate() fails when the content stream exceeds this amount, and Styx emits a ContentOverflowException,

Transformations on Streaming HTTP response content

Streaming HTTP body content can be transformed both synchronously and asynchronously. However there are some pitfalls you need to know:

  • Reference counting: Styx exposes the content stream as a ByteStream of reference counted Buffer objects.

  • Continuity (or discontinuity) of Styx content ByteStream: each content transformation with map or flatMap is a composition of another ByteStream. So is each content transformation linked to some source ByteStream, an ultimate source being the Styx server core. It is the consumer's responsibility to ensure this link never gets broken. That is, you are not allowed to just replace the content stream with another one, unless it composes to the previous content source.

Synchronously transforming streaming request content

In this rather contrived example we will transform HTTP response content to upper case letters.

public class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
    public Eventual<LiveHttpResponse> intercept(LiveHttpRequest request, Chain chain) {
        return chain.proceed(
                        .body(byteStream ->                                                              // 1
                       -> {                                                  // 2
                                    String upperCase = new String(buf.content(), UTF_8).toUpperCase();   // 3
                                    return new Buffer(upperCase, UTF_8);

A call to request.newBuilder opens up a new request builder that allows the request to be transformed.

The body transformation involves two lambda methods:

  1. .body(Function<ByteStream, ByteStream>) accepts a lambda that modifies the request byte stream. Here we provide a lambda that accepts a ByteStream and returns another by applying a synchronous map operator on the stream.

  2. The ByteStream is modified by applying a map operator that synchronously modifies each Buffer that streams through. The map involves another lambda that accepts a Buffer and returns a modified buffer.

  3. In this example, the content of the buffer is interpreted as String and converted to upper case.

Synchronously transforming streaming response content

This example demonstrates how HTTP response content can be transformed synchronously.

public class AsyncResponseContentStreamTransformation implements Plugin {
    public Eventual<LiveHttpResponse> intercept(LiveHttpRequest request, Chain chain) {
        return chain.proceed(request)
            .map(response ->                                                                        // 1
                    .body(byteStream ->                                                             // 2
                   -> {                                                 // 3
                                String upperCase = new String(buf.content(), UTF_8).toUpperCase();  // 4
                                return new Buffer(upperCase, UTF_8);

This is quite similar to the request transformation, but it involves an additional lambda expression to capture the HTTP response from its Eventual envelope:

  1. chain.proceed returns an Eventual HTTP response. We apply an operator to tap into this response. The map operator accepts a lambda expression that handles the response when it is available.

After that, we will transform the response just like we did in the previous example for response content transformations.

Asynchronously transforming streaming request content

Not supported at the moment. Please raise a feature request and the Styx team can implement this.

Asynchronously transforming streaming response content

Not supported at the moment. Please raise a feature request and the Styx team can implement this.