- Prevent unintended modification on temp_array when clipping values
- Contributors: Marcin Pilch, Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian
- Update roswiki and Readme file for Evo Thermal
- Fix error in Evo64 px parsing
- Add frame_id in rgb image message
- Change topic naming
- Fix rosparam default value type
- Prevent header desynchronization in Thermal driver
- Add CRC check to ACK reading
- Prevent node from sending VCP commands to UART backboard Based on baudrate speed
- Refactor Evo 64px driver
- Remove fps estimation in Evo 64px driver
- Rename python node file
- Publish temperature array
- Add publisher for PTAT
- Take into account cases when commands are failing
- Refactor colormap loading
- Add Evo Thermal driver
- Contributors: Baptiste Potier, Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian
- Update maintainer list
- Update Readme for Evo 64px
- Add driver node for Evo 64px
- Contributors: Baptiste Potier, Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian
- Update Readme for Evo 3m
- Add Evo 3m compatibility to the driver
- Update installation instructions in Readme
- Contributors: Baptiste Potier, Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian
- Remove unecessary files
- Put the private parameters in define + correct ros info messages
- Update for evo 600Hz
- Contributors: BaptistePotier, Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian
- Change license to MIT
- Put frame_id as a parameter in one, duo, and evo driver
- Update README with correct evo links
- Contributors: Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian, Baptiste Potier
- Update package.xml
- Contributors: Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian
- Create README.md
- Handle infinite values
- Add One and Duo support
- Fix frame dropping on 'T'
- Clean files and change to pragma once
- Implement REP 117 for teraranger duo
- Implement REP 117 for teraranger one
- Use helper lib and clean header of one
- Use helper lib and clean header of duo
- Remove old erial library files
- Update drivers to ros-serial
- Enable outdoor mode in reconfigure for one and duo
- Initialize repository
- Contributors: Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian, BaptistePotier, Mateusz Sadowski