- NVIDIA GPU with the latest driver installed
- docker / nvidia-docker
This build has been tested with Nvidia Drivers 460.91.03 and CUDA 11.2 on a Ubutun 20.04 machine. Please update the base image if you plan on using older versions of CUDA.
Build the image with:
docker build -t project-dev -f Dockerfile .
Create a container with:
docker run --gpus all -v <PATH TO LOCAL PROJECT FOLDER>:/app/project/ --network=host -ti project-dev bash
and any other flag you find useful to your system (eg, --shm-size
Once in container, you will need to auth using:
gcloud auth login
- Follow this tutorial if you run into any issue with the installation of the tf object detection api
Feel free to submit PRs or issues should you see a scope for improvement.