This expression aggregates data by day of the week using the Arcade Weekday() function. The sample data contains a record of new COVID-19 cases across California recorded by county on a daily basis.
Note for Enterprise users: Prior to Enterprise 11.2, the FeatureSet() function does not accept dictionaries. You must wrap the dictionary with a Text() function: FeatureSet(Text(dict)). Additionally, dates need to be in EPOCH and can be converted by wrapping them with the Number() function: Number(Now()). For more information see
// Create a FeatureSet from the Feature Layer containing the COVID-19 case information.
var portal = Portal('');
var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem(
// Group county level data by date.
var fs_gp = GroupBy(fs, ['date'], [{name: 'cases_by_day', expression: 'newcountconfirmed', statistic: 'SUM'}]);
// Create array for holding features, feat object for populating array
var features = [];
var feat;
// Populate feature array
for (var feature in fs_gp) {
feat = {
'attributes': {
'dow_num': Weekday(feature['date']),
'dow': Text(feature['date'], 'dddd'),
'newcases': feature['cases_by_day']
Push(features, feat);
var dowDict = {
'fields': [{ 'name': 'dow_num', 'type': 'esriFieldTypeInteger'},
{'name': 'dow', 'type': 'esriFieldTypeString'},
{'name': 'newcases', 'type': 'esriFieldTypeInteger'}],
'geometryType': '',
'features': features
// Convert dictionary to feature set.
var fs_dict = FeatureSet(dowDict);
// Return case data by day of week.
return GroupBy(fs_dict, ['dow_num', 'dow'], [{ name: 'cases_by_dow', expression: 'newcases', statistic: 'SUM'}]);
We can use this expression to create a serial chart that shows the trend in cases reported by day of the week.