This project was done to give a bigger view of the earthquakes around the world between 2020-May-01 and 2020-May-15 The map show the tectonic plates and the earthquakes giving details of each one like the location and the magnitud, also each point have a color providing us a color depending of the magnitud of the earthquake:
The ranges of magnitudes are:
- 0 - 1
- 1 - 2
- 2 - 3
- 3 - 4
- 4 - 5
- +5
Also you can change the layer color of the map choosing between Light or Dark Map; another feature is that you can activate or deactivate the tectonic lines and the citcles that contains the location and magnitude data.
The map can be consulted here -> Earthquakes map
The following tools were used to do the analysis.
- JavaScript
- Leaflet
The platform used to mount the web page is Heroku
The information used was provided by USGS web page and it is in geojson format, you can see the dta structure below.
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"LAYER": "plate boundary",
"Name": "AF-AN",
"Source": "Mueller et al. [1987]",
"PlateA": "AF",
"PlateB": "AN",
"Type": ""
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
[-0.4379, -54.8518],
[-0.038826, -54.6772],
[0.443182, -54.4512],
[0.964534, -54.8322],
[1.69481, -54.399],
[2.35975, -54.0374],
[3.02542, -53.6507],
[3.36894, -53.8341],
[3.95638, -54.1267],
[4.41458, -54.4303],
[4.82661, -54.1616],
[5.08372, -54.3093],
[5.49469, -54.5429],
[6.18373, -54.1145],
[6.6254, -53.8142],
[7.23729, -54.1012],
[7.77235, -54.396]