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Releases: Empyreal96/Appx_Re-Sign

Appx Re-Sign

26 Apr 23:46
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  • Fixed and improved temp cleaning

Appx Re-Sign

11 Feb 01:22
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What's New?

  • Support msix, appx and bundles
  • Output will be similar to input
  • Publisher will be fetched from the original package (by default)
  • User can choose custom PFX files
  • No more password dialogs
  • It will generate installer (.bat) that will install the cert and launch the package
  • Easy to use with few default configs
  • Works standalone (just double click to open) or with cmd
  • Deps will be copied to the new signed package
  • User can define more files/folders to copy to the new signed package
  • Detailed handling for errors with option to retry the failed process

Appx Re-Sign

22 Jan 22:08
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Appx Re-Sign utility

What's Updated?

  • Added chance to pause the process and open the application's working folder to make changes to the App Packages being signed (the -m switch).
  • Added clearing the temp folder when task successful (previously was only on app start)
  • Switched to CommandLineParser for handling the inputted switches


"Appx Re-Sign.exe" -a "Path to appx package" -p "Publisher" -o "Path to output folder"

  -a, --app-package      Required. The input Appx/Appxbundle package to be re-signed

  -p, --publisher        Required. The name of the publisher (Must match the AppxManifest.xml publisher). If the
                         publisher is formatted like:
                         "CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"
                         then input into this app with quotes:
                         "Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"

  -o, --output-folder    Required. The desired output folder for the signed Appxbundle

  -m, --modify           (Optional) Use this switch to pause the process to allow modifications to the package before

  --help                 Display this help screen.

  --version              Display version information.

Appx Re-Sign

21 Jan 01:54
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Appx Re-Sign

Easily re-sign App Packages (Appx/Appxbundle) with a new certificate.
I have personally tested against a few packages, but please report if any packages give errors


Appx Re-Sign.exe -a "Path to appx package" -p Publisher -o "Path to output folder"


This tool uses utilities from Windows SDK (All rights to these are reserved to Microsoft):

  • makeappx.exe
  • makecert.exe
  • signtool.exe
  • pvk2pfx.exe