Name | Type | Description | Notes |
category | string | Identifies the type of erro. | [optional] |
domain | string | Name for the primary system where the error occurred. This is relevant for application errors. | [optional] |
error_id | int | A unique number to identify the error. | [optional] |
input_ref_ids | string[] | An array of request elements most closely associated to the error. | [optional] |
long_message | string | A more detailed explanation of the error. | [optional] |
message | string | Information on how to correct the problem, in the end user's terms and language where applicable. | [optional] |
output_ref_ids | string[] | An array of request elements most closely associated to the error. | [optional] |
parameters | \eBay\Sell\Negotiation\Model\ErrorParameter[] | An array of name/value pairs that describe details the error condition. These are useful when multiple errors are returned. | [optional] |
subdomain | string | Further helps indicate which subsystem the error is coming from. System subcategories include: Initialization, Serialization, Security, Monitoring, Rate Limiting, etc. | [optional] |