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Releases: EDCD/EDDI


25 Jul 20:59
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3.0.1-rc5 Pre-release


  • Core
    • Fixed some sitations on which hull health was incorrectly being set to 100%. Unfortuntely not all sources of hull damage are currently reported in real-time in the journal, so EDDI may sometimes remain unaware of new damage for a while.
    • Fixed a bug that could occur when hull and module values aren't present in the Loadout event.
  • EDDN responder
    • Fixed an issue whereby average prices were not being sent.
    • Fixed an issue with the parsing of stock and demand bracket JSON which can be either int or string.
    • Added test coverage for the above.
  • VoiceAttack responder
    • Found and fixed the remaining cause of excessive CPU load. It should now be back to 3.0.0 levels.

The full change log is here.


20 Jul 22:07
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3.0.1-rc4 Pre-release

Fixed all known serious issues. The full change log is here.


29 Jun 13:23
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3.0.1-rc3 Pre-release

Additional translations and support for the new ships and modules in Chapter 2.

Fulll release notes here.


27 Jun 11:41
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3.0.1-rc2 Pre-release

Additional translations and improved logging.
Full release notes here.


25 Jun 21:04
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3.0.1-rc1 Pre-release

Lots of stuff sorted out.

Full change log here.

Ready for Chapter 2, and ready for translators to provide us with default speech personalities for each language!


24 May 23:37
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3.0.1-b4 Pre-release

Full change log here.

In a nutshell, this is the fix-up release where we rectify all the known issues arising from our conversion of the codebase to be translatable.

The French, Spanish, German and Hungarian transations have advanced greatly.

If you would like to help as a translator, please sign up at Native speaker only, please!

Interim release 3.0.1-b3

21 May 02:02
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This is an interim release that incorporates all translations and and bug-fixes to date.

This would normally be called an "alpha" becauase it is not expected to be 100% stable.

Therefore it has not been sent to the update server.


09 May 23:07
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3.0.1-b2 Pre-release


  • Localization
    • EDDI is now localized! You can choose your language in the EDDI tab or just go with the system default.
    • Added French and Spanish localizations, complete at the time of writing, except for the personality scripts.
    • Added Italian localization, 4% work in progress at the time of writing.
    • The default personality file EDDI.json has been generalized into etc. However it is clear that this will not scale with the number of supported languages and we will be looking at re-working this in future.
  • Text-to-Speech
  • Ship monitor
    • Made sure we are using human readable ship names in all scripts (e.g. "Imperial Eagle" rather than "Empire_Eagle").


  • Completely re-witten Cargo Monitor. Cargo and limpets should now be tracked accurately.
  • Exports to Coriolis and EDShipyard now send data in Loadout journal event format, rather than in the old Frontier API format.


19 Apr 23:19
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3.0.1-b1 Pre-release


  • Completely re-witten Cargo Monitor. Cargo and limpets should now be tracked accuratelty.
  • Exports to Coriolis and EDShipyard now send data in Loadout journal event format, rather than in the old Frontier API format.


16 Apr 16:30
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  • Core
    • Fixed the reporting of the Location event to EDDB. Was using the current body when it should have used the current station.
    • Tuned the new logging to Rollbar for quicker startup in some situaitons.
    • Added missing definitions for:
      • Lavigny Garrison Supplies.
      • Shock Cannon
      • FdL Cargo Hatch
      • Type-10 cockpit
      • String of white cockpit lights
      • Figher cockpit weapons and armor
      • Meta Alloy Hull Reinforcement


  • Core
    • The EDSM responder has been updated to send data to EDSM per their revised API.
    • Switched error reporting to Rollbar.
  • Incorporated new material transaction events
  • EDDI's Material Monitor will now auto-calculate maximum material limits when they are not otherwise defined, provided the material rarity is known.
  • Speech Responder
    • Added Fighter rebuilt event
    • Added Material trade event
    • Added Technology broker event


  • Core
    • Incorporated new data definitions for 3.0.
  • Installer
    • First installations will now take any custom VoiceAttack installation location into account when proposing a location for EDDI.
    • Upgrade installations will continue to use whatever location was selected in the first installation.
  • Speech Responder
    • Added Jet cone damage event
    • Script changes
      • Added new script Jet cone damage
  • VoiceAttack
    • Added the following new variables
      • {BOOL:EDDI speaking} True if EDDI is speaking, false otherwise. Useful for synchronizing speech between EDDI and other sources in VoiceAttack.
    • Fixed a bug whereby cmdr.title was not being initialised.


  • Core
    • Fixed a crash upon startup when the EDSM responder was not configured.
    • Fixed a crash upon shipyard refresh when any ships had been sold while EDDI was not running.


  • Core
    • Squashed a bug that was preventing EDDI from correctly registering changes to the shipyard.
    • Squashed a bug with the status monitor that was preventing events from being detected in VoiceAttack and was messing up some other variables.
    • EDDI will no longer try to sync data from EDSM while the EDSM responder is disabled, and when syncing EDSM data EDDI will now write to the local SQL database in batches.
    • Squashed a bug that was causing EDDI to request and re-process complete EDSM flight logs on every load. Now it'll only request the new stuff since its last update.
  • Update Server
    • Fixed the outdated TLS protocol usage on EDDI's side whereby the update server began refusing to talk to existing releases of EDDI.
      • In future, EDDI will let you know if it cannot reach its update server for any reason.
      • Unfortunately, users of all prior versions won't be able to automatically update so please tell your friends that they can manually update to the latest and greatest version.
  • Speech Responder
    • Added new 'SRV turret deployable' event. The variable deployable is a boolean value describing whether the SRV's turret is now available.
    • Script changes
      • Made the 'Fuel check' script more succinct, for less cognitive burden during those buckyballing runs.
  • VoiceAttack
    • Added the following new variables
      • {TXT:Gender} the preferred gender of the commander for pronouns and titles. One of "Male", "Female", or "Neither".


  • UI
    • If EDDI is run as a standalone app, its entire window state is now preserved. If EDDI is invoked via VoiceAttack commands, we only remember whether it was maximised and don't disturb the rest.
  • Core
    • Added Alliance Chieftan.
    • Added decontamination limpets.
    • Added recon limpets.
    • EDDI will now more readily notice if your SRV or fighter was destroyed (EDDI couldn't always tell before).
  • Shipyard
    • Speculative fix for the concurrency bug that messes up shipmonitor.json when you buy a ship.
  • NPC Comms
    • Reporting of NPC comms is much more succint.
      Was: Message received from "name". Message reads: "blah".
      Now: From "name": "blah".
  • Speech Responder
    • Added new 'Near surface' event, triggered when you enter or depart the gravity well around a surface
    • Added new 'SRV under ship' event, triggered when your SRV enters or leaves the proximity zone around your ship
    • Added new 'SRV turret' event, triggered when you deploy or retract your SRV's turret
    • Added new 'Ship fsd' event, triggered when there is a change to the status of your ship's fsd
    • Added new 'Ship low fuel' event, triggered when your fuel level falls below 25%
    • Added new 'Under attack' event
    • Add new event 'Shutdown', triggered on a clean shut down of the game.
    • The 'Vehicle destroyed' event now includes the variable vehicle, describing the vehicle that was destroyed.
    • Add a new top level status object, which contains the following new variables
      • vehicle the vehicle that is under the commander's control. Can be one of "Ship", "SRV" or "Fighter"
      • being_interdicted a boolean value indicating whether the commander is currently being interdicted
      • in_danger a boolean value indicating whether the commander is currently in danger
      • near_surface a boolean value indicating whether the commander is near a landable surface (within it's gravity well)
      • overheating a boolean value indicating whether the commander's vehicle is overheating
      • low_fuel a boolean value indicating whether the commander has less than 25% fuel remaining
      • fsd_status the current status of the ship's frame shift drive. Can be one of "ready", "cooldown", "charging", or "masslock"
      • srv_drive_assist a boolean value indicating whether SRV drive assist is active
      • srv_under_ship a boolean value indicating whether the SRV in within the proximity zone around the ship
      • srv_turret_deployed a boolean value indicating whether the SRV's turret has been deployed
      • srv_handbrake_activated a boolean value indicating whether the SRV's handbrake has been activated
      • scooping_fuel a boolean value indicating whether the ship is currently scooping fuel
      • silent_running a boolean value indicating whether silent running is active
      • cargo_scoop_deployed a boolean value indicating whether the cargo scoop has been deployed
      • lights_on a boolean value indicating whether the vehicle's external lights are active
      • in_wing a boolean value indicating whether the commander is currently in a wing
      • hardpoints_deployed a boolean value indicating whether hardpoints are currently deployed
      • flight_assist_off a boolean value indicating whether flight assistance has been deactivated
      • supercruise a boolean value indicating whether the ship is currently in supercruise
      • shields_up a boolean value indicating whether the ship's shields are maintaining their integrity
      • landing_gear_down a boolean value indicating whether the ship's landing gears have been deployed
      • landed a boolean value indicating whether the ship is currently landed (on a surface)
      • docked a boolean value indicating whether the ship is currently docked (at a station)
      • pips_sys a decimal value indicating the power distributor allocation to systems
      • pips_eng a decimal value indicating the power distributor allocation to engines
      • pips_wea a decimal value indicating the power distributor allocation to weapons
      • firegroup an integer value indicating the ship's currently selected firegroup
      • gui_focus the commander's current focus. Can be one of "none", "internal panel" (right panel), "external panel" (left panel), "communications panel" (top panel), "role panel" (bottom panel), "station services", "galaxy map", or "system map"
      • latitude a decimal value indicating the ship's current latitude (if near a landable surface)
      • longitude a decimal value indicating the ship's current longitude (if near a landable surface)
      • altitude a decimal value indicating the ship's current altitude (if in flight near a landable surface)
      • heading a decimal value indicating the ship's current heading (if near a landable surface)
  • VoiceAttack
    • Added the following new variables
      • {TXT:Status vehicle}: the vehicle that is under the commander's control. Can be one of "Ship", "SRV" or "Fighter"
      • {BOOL:Status being interdicted} a boolean value indicating whether the commander is currently being interdicted
      • {BOOL:Status in danger} a boolean value indicating whether the commander is currently in danger
      • {BOOL:Status near surface} a boolean value indicating whether the commander is near a landable surface (within it's gravity well)
      • {BOOL:Status overheating} a boolean value indicating whether the commander's vehicle is overheating
      • {BOOL:Status low fuel} a boolean value indicating whether the commander has less than 25% fuel remaining
      • {TXT:Status fsd status} the current status of the ship's frame shift drive. Can be one of "ready", "cooldown", "charging", or "masslock"
      • {BOOL:Status srv drive assist} a boolean value indicating whether SRV drive assist is active
      • {BOOL:Status srv under ship} a boolean value indicating whether the SRV in within the proximity zone around the ship
      • {BOOL:Status srv turret deployed} a boolean value indicating whether the SRV's turret has been deployed
      • {BOOL:Status srv handbrake activated} a boolean value indicating whether the SRV's handbrake has been activated
      • {BOOL:Status scooping fuel} a boolean value indicating whether the ship is currently scooping fuel
      • {BOOL:Status silent running} a b...
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