An AutoIt UDF for the Microsoft Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS).
The two files BITS.au3 and BITSConstants.au3 can in principle be stored in any directory.
In your own script, the file BITS.au3 must then be included accordingly using the #include directive.
To connect to the BITS service, the _BITS_Connect function must be called, which returns a BackgroundCopyManager object.
Based on this object, access to all the other BITS functions is then possible.
#include <BITS.au3>
Global $oBCM = _BITS_Connect()
For questions, problems, etc. that relate directly to the BITS UDF, an issue can be opened here on GitHub:
If the topic is related to AutoIt in general, the AutoIt forum is a good place to start:
For the next upcoming beta version it is planned to implement error checking and handling, as well as to add a UDF header for the functions and structures.
Furthermore, I will try to make it easier to get started by providing a number of example scripts.
My name is Domenic Laritz and I am a CAD system administrator at Liebherr.
In my job, I use AutoIt for smaller applications and to automate various tasks.
In the course of my research for a project involving, among other things, the transfer of large amounts of data, I came across the BITS service and from that the idea for this UDF was born.
Many thanks to the two AutoIt forum users Nine and Danyfirex.
They helped me very well in solving some tricky problems.