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Conversor JSON para Objeto, e Objeto para JSON em ObjectPascal (DELPHI)

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Procedure: TSomeClass.JSONToObject

This procedure maps the fields of a TJSONObject to the corresponding properties of a Delphi object (TObject). It uses RTTI (Run-Time Type Information) to dynamically access object properties and assign values from the JSON, supporting both simple types (like integers, strings, and dates) and complex types (like dynamic arrays).


  • AObject: TObject: The object instance to which the JSON data will be mapped.
  • AJSON: TJSONObject: The JSON object containing the data that will populate AObject.

Detailed Step-by-Step Documentation:

  1. RTTI Context Initialization

    Context := TRttiContext.Create;
    • The TRttiContext is created to access metadata about the object at runtime. It enables us to retrieve information about the object's properties and methods.
  2. Iterating Through JSON Pairs

    for JsonPair in AJSON do
    • This loop iterates over each key-value pair in the provided TJSONObject. Each JsonPair consists of a key (JsonString) and a value (JsonValue).
  3. Get Object Property

    Prop := RttiType.GetProperty(JsonPair.JsonString.Value);
    • For each JSON key, the corresponding property of the object (AObject) is retrieved using RTTI. RttiType represents the class type of the object, and GetProperty looks for a matching property name.
  4. Handling Dynamic Arrays

    if (Prop.PropertyType.TypeKind = tkDynArray) and (JsonPair.JsonValue is TJSONArray) then
    • If the property is a dynamic array and the JSON value is a JSON array (TJSONArray), the procedure proceeds with handling arrays.

    • Array Handling:

      1. Initialize the Array:

        SetLength(TValueArray, JsonArray.Count);

        The procedure creates an array (TValueArray) of TValue with the same size as the JSON array.

      2. Determine Array Element Class:

        ElemClass := (Prop.PropertyType as TRttiDynamicArrayType).ElementType.AsInstance.MetaclassType;

        RTTI is used to retrieve the class of the elements in the dynamic array. This allows the procedure to dynamically create objects for each array element.

      3. Populate Array:

        SubObject := ElemClass.Create;
        JSONToObject(SubObject, JsonArray.Items[I] as TJSONObject);
        TValueArray[I] := TValue.From(SubObject);

        For each item in the JSON array:

        • A new instance of the element class (SubObject) is created.
        • The procedure recursively calls JSONToObject to populate the nested object with JSON data.
        • The object is then added to TValueArray as a TValue.
      4. Assign Array to Object Property:

        ArrayValue := TValue.FromArray(Prop.PropertyType.Handle, TValueArray);
        Prop.SetValue(AObject, ArrayValue);

        The dynamic array is converted to TValue and assigned to the property of the object (AObject).

  5. Handling Simple Types (Strings, Numbers, Booleans)

    • If the property is not an array, the procedure handles simple data types like strings, integers, booleans, and dates.

    • Null Values:

      if JsonPair.JsonValue.Null then
         Prop.SetValue(AObject, TValue.Empty);

      If the JSON value is null, the property is set to an empty value.

    • Numbers:

      if Prop.PropertyType.Handle = TypeInfo(integer) then
         Prop.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From<integer>(TJSONNumber(JsonPair.JsonValue).AsInt))

      If the property is of type integer or double, the JSON number is converted and assigned.

    • Booleans:

      if JsonPair.JsonValue is TJSONTrue then
         Prop.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From<Boolean>(True))

      JSON true and false values are assigned as booleans.

    • Strings:

      if JsonPair.JsonValue is TJSONString then
         Prop.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From<string>(TJSONString(JsonPair.JsonValue).Value))

      If the value is a string, it is directly assigned to the property.

    • Dates:

      if Prop.PropertyType.Handle = TypeInfo(TDate) then
         Prop.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From<TDate>(ISO8601ToDate(TJSONString(JsonPair.JsonValue).Value, False)))

      Strings that represent dates are converted to TDate or TDateTime using the ISO8601ToDate function and assigned.

  6. Unsupported Types Handling

    • If the JSON value does not match a supported type, an exception is raised:
      raise Exception.CreateFmt('Tipo de JSON não suportado para a propriedade "%s".', [Prop.Name]);
  7. RTTI Context Cleanup

    • The RTTI context is freed to release memory resources once the procedure completes.

Key Points to Consider for Maintenance:

  • Recursion: The function is recursive for nested JSON objects, making it capable of handling complex data structures.
  • Array Handling: Dynamic arrays require special handling due to their complex nature. Ensure that ElemClass is correctly identified for all array elements.
  • Exception Handling: The procedure includes exception handling to manage invalid JSON structures and unexpected property types.
  • Supported Types: The current version supports integers, doubles, booleans, strings, dates, and dynamic arrays. If you need to support additional types, extend the type-checking logic in the appropriate sections.
  • RTTI Performance: While RTTI is powerful, it may introduce performance overhead in large datasets. Consider optimizing if necessary.

By following this documentation, future modifications should be easier, as each section clearly explains its purpose and behavior.


Conversor JSON para Objeto, e Objeto para JSON em ObjectPascal (DELPHI)






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