My project will help you host a container, running a "CTF-Capture The Flag" event using just 1 click in just 1 second
This is my project using docker software and using containerisation.
My idea is simple: Launch the CTF events on docker container for smooth management and hastle free server setup.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Any Linux Distro : I have used RHEL8 - REDHAT ENTERPRISE LINUX VERSION 8
- Any virtualisation tool: I have used Oracle VirtualBox 6.1.4
- Docker software: I have server version 18.09.1
- Docker-compose (because it doesn't come pre-installed with docker)
- RHEL8 can be installed as an ISO image and then be set up as a new virtual machine using any virtualisation tool like Oracle VirtualBox.
- Run the following command to install Docker-Community Edition
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
-> now inside this folder create a .repo file and inside it write the following:
baseurl =
-> now run this command to install Docker-Community Edition
# yum install docker-ce --nobest
# systemctl enable docker
# systemctl start docker
-> now follow the steps to download docker-compose
# curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Now just get the docker-compose.yml file into your local machine and run the command:
# docker-compose up
And you are good to go!!
So after using docker-compose up go to another terminal and run the following commands:
# docker ps -a // this will give you the running container list.
# docker inspect <container ID> // this will give you the IP
# docker attach <webctf container ID> // go inside webctf container
# cd /var/www/html // inside folder where all files are
# vim insert.php // check and edit the IP here
Go to your browser, get yourself registered in my database and start your CTF. This is just a prototype and more advance features can be added to it.
Write the IP of ctfweb container in the browser.
Find the IP of the host machine using ifconfig command.
And then in the browser write IP of host machine : port.
- My own docker image:
- You can get the image at DOCKER HUB.
- Name of inage is dakshjain09/ctfcontainer
- Has a client side mysql
- Has php and major dependencies -> php-common, php-mysql, php-pdo, php-soap, php-xml, php-mysqlnd
- Has net-tools for basic features like netstat for port numbers and ifconfig for IP
- Has httpd for hosting apache web server
- Another image of mysql:5.7 to store the data in the databse.
- The link to the docker image is:
- The storage/volume where the 'web pages are loaded' and the 'database is stored' is Persistant and not Ephemeral.
- This means that any container if gets corrupted by chance, THE DATA IS NEVER LOST!!
- Simply just attach the volume to a new container and all of the data is back.
- This Container provides you the luxury to host a docker container with just 1 click and also terminate and wipe off everything without even loosing the data.
- Right now the IP Address in the php file is static.
- I have to change that to a dynamic one, so that whenever a new IP is alloted to the sql server the webpage gets connected to it easily.
- More advance CTF will be soon added, right now this is just a PROTOTYPE.