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CQEngine Benchmark

Benchmarks to compare the retrieval performance (latency) of CQEngine versus two types of iteration: naive iteration and optimized iteration, previously discussed here.

For those not familiar with microbenchmarks, be aware that results below are useful only for comparing the relative latency of the approaches (and even then with caveats), and that absolute latency is likely to be higher in production environments: Myths, Lies and Microbenchmarks

Benchmark Methodology

The benchmark is based on the example of an online car dealership. The dealership has a website with a catalogue of 100,000 cars. So it has a collection of 100,000 Car objects. The site needs to retrieve cars matching criteria encapsulated in queries.

Several individual tests within the benchmark simulate retrieving cars based on various queries and with various CQEngine indexes in place. These tests measure retrieval time (or latency) for the same query using naive iteration, optimized iteration and CQEngine.

The tests additionally measure the latency of "CQEngine Statistics" which refers to the speed at which CQEngine can calculate the number of objects which would match the query using its accelerated ResultSet.size() method. That method can determine the number of objects very quickly from statistics contained in indexes in some but not all of the test cases.

Class Car (source) is a simple immutable object with CQEngine attributes defined for its fields: carId, manufacturer, model, color, doors, price.

Class CarFactory (source) contains a method which generates a collection of cars of any given size. The method creates the collection from a set of 10 templates. The first car is a Ford Focus, the second a Ford Fusion and so on. The method assigns a unique monotonically increasing carId to every car it creates. When more than 10 cars are requested, the method starts cycling through the templates again. Therefore car 0 and car 10 are both a Ford Focus, car 1 and car 11 are both a Ford Fusion and so on.

As such, some statistics about the makeup of the collection of cars:

Color % of cars Manufacturer % of cars Number of doors % of cars
Red 30% Ford 30% 5 50%
Green 30% Honda 30% 4 20%
Blue 20% Toyota 30% 3 20%
Black 10% BMW 10% 2 10%
White 10%

Given that the benchmark creates a collection of 100,000 cars, as an example: 30,000 of those cars will be manufactured by Ford, and 10,000 cars will specifically be model Ford Focus, all evenly distributed throughout the collection.

The benchmarks were run on a 1.8GHz Intel Core i7 Apple machine running OS X 10.7.4 and Java 1.6.0_26. All benchmarks were each run 10,000 times as a warmup, before running 10,000 times again for measurement. Garbage collection was performed before each measurement. Source code for the benchmark framework logic can be found here and here. Source code for individual tests is referenced in each test below.

The original tab-separated output from the benchmark is available as a spreadsheet here.

Because CQEngine uses lazy evaluation throughout, and so it returns ResultSets for every query almost immediately; to measure the performance of CQEngine, these benchmarks retrieve a ResultSet from CQEngine, and then iterate through all cars in the result set, simply counting the number of results. As discussed in some of the examples below, it is unlikely that a real-world application would do this and therefore this is somewhat harsh on CQEngine, understating its advantages. However this seems the only way to compare performance versus iteration on an equal footing in this microbenchmark scenario.

CQEngine is the baseline in these results, and note the use of "faster" instead of "as fast as". If a result says that CQEngine is 1600% faster than iteration, it means that CQEngine can process 1600% more requests in unit time than iteration (it is 1700%, or 17 times as fast).

The benchmark is single-threaded to measure latency rather than throughput, so used only one of the 1.8GHz CPU cores. Multi-threaded access, which CQEngine supports, would yield significantly higher throughput, and as such throughput figures are significantly understated by a factor of (up to) the number of cores.

Benchmarks and Results

UniqueIndex: Retrieve By Unique Key

Retrieve a single Car object from the collection based on Car.carId having value 500, which uniquely identifies a car. UniqueIndex on Car.CAR_ID.

This example demonstrates CQEngine's support for constant retrieval time regardless of the size of the collection.

  • CQEngine query: equal(Car.CAR_ID, 500)
  • SQL equivalent: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE carId = 500
  • Source code: here

Benchmark Results

  • 2,967,359 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 0.337 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 778473.29% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 751179.23% faster than optimized iteration


HashIndex: Retrieve Manufacturer "Ford" (large result set)

Retrieve and iterate Car objects from the collection based on Car.manufacturer having value "Ford". HashIndex on Car.MANUFACTURER.

This query matches 30,000 cars; 30% of the collection of 100,000 cars. This benchmark example forces CQEngine to iterate all 30,000 cars, even though most applications would not require that many results. In contrast, the iteration approaches can require the entire collection to be iterated, because matching results could be located towards the end of the collection. CQEngine ResultSets intentionally support paging through results, and due to lazy evaluation, if the application stops iterating, no unnecessary computations would have been performed. This example is nonetheless to demonstrate CQEngine's performance when a large fraction of the collection is requested and processed.

  • CQEngine query: equal(Car.MANUFACTURER, "Ford")
  • SQL equivalent: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE manufacturer = 'Ford'
  • Source code: here

Benchmark Results

  • 1,256 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 795.942 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 423.17% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 241.83% faster than optimized iteration


HashIndex: Retrieve Model "Focus" (smaller result set)

Retrieve and iterate Car objects from the collection based on Car.model having value "Focus". HashIndex on Car.MODEL.

This query matches 10,000 cars; 10% of the collection of 100,000 cars. CQEngine is less severely penalised compared with the example above; nevertheless this is a large fraction. CQEngine outperforms iteration by a wider margin in this case.

  • CQEngine query: equal(Car.MODEL, "Focus")
  • SQL equivalent: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE model = 'Focus'
  • Source code: here

Benchmark Results

  • 4,341 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 230.361 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 1627.06% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 1324.17% faster than optimized iteration


NavigableIndex: Retrieve Price Between

Retrieve and iterate Car objects from the collection based on Car.price being greater than or equal to 3000.00 and less than 4000.00. NavigableIndex on Car.PRICE.

This query matches 20,000 cars; 20% of the collection of 100,000 cars.

  • CQEngine query: between(Car.PRICE, 3000.0, true, 4000.0, false)
    • Note: true = inclusive, false = exclusive
  • SQL equivalent: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE price >= 3000.0 AND price < 4000.0
  • Source code: here

Benchmark Results

  • 1,478 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 676.763 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 506.08% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 325.89% faster than optimized iteration


RadixTreeIndex: Retrieve Models Starting With

Retrieve and iterate Car objects from the collection based on Car.model starting with "P". RadixTreeIndex on Car.model.

This query matches 10,000 cars; 10% of the collection of 100,000 cars. Note: See also ReversedRadixTreeIndex which supports ends with-type queries. It would have identical performance characteristics as this RadixTreeIndex so it was not benchmarked separately.

  • CQEngine query: startsWith(Car.MODEL, "P")
  • SQL equivalent: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE model LIKE 'P%'
  • Source code: here

Benchmark Results

  • 2,788 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 358.622 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 1357.81% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 1110.12% faster than optimized iteration


SuffixTreeIndex: Retrieve Models Containing

Retrieve and iterate Car objects from the collection based on Car.model containing "g". SuffixTreeIndex on Car.model.

This query matches 10,000 cars; 10% of the collection of 100,000 cars.

  • CQEngine query: contains(Car.MODEL, "g")
  • SQL equivalent: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE model LIKE '%g%'
  • Source code: here

Benchmark Results

  • 3,053 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 327.574 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 1860.53% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 1605.31% faster than optimized iteration


No indexes: Retrieve Model "Focus"

Retrieve and iterate Car objects from the collection based on Car.model having value "Focus". No indexes.

This example demonstrates a mis-configured application which has not added any indexes. CQEngine can process any query, but doing so without any suitable indexes in place prevents CQEngine from accelerating the query, and it can underperform iteration. Applications should ensure that they add suitable indexes. This query matches 10,000 cars; 10% of the collection of 100,000 cars.

  • CQEngine query: equal(Car.MODEL, "Focus")
  • SQL equivalent: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE model = 'Focus'
  • Source code: here

Benchmark Results

  • 153 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 6524.906 microseconds per query
  • Naive iteration is 43.21% faster than CQEngine
  • Optimized iteration is 53.27% faster than CQEngine


Non-Optimal Indexes: Retrieve Blue Toyota Cars with Three Doors

Retrieve and iterate Car objects from the collection based on Car.manufacturer having value "Toyota" AND Car.color having value Car.Color.BLUE AND Car.doors having value 3.

HashIndex on Car.DOORS. No indexes for Manufacturer or Color.

This example demonstrates CQEngine's handling of queries for which optimal indexes do not exist. An ideal configuration for this type of query would have a CompoundIndex on the three fields above to enable constant time retrieval. However in this instance, only a HashIndex on Car.DOORS has been added. CQEngine makes the most of the available indexes. In this case it uses the Car.DOORS index to reduce the candidate set from 100,000 cars to 20,000 cars, and then it iterates the candidate set, applying on-the-fly filtering to return only those cars which match the rest of the query. This query ultimately matches 10,000 cars; 10% of the collection of 100,000 cars.

Note also that retrieving CQEngine Statistics is much slower in this example than in others. CQEngine Statistics refers to calling resultSet.size() on a ResultSet returned by CQEngine, in preference to determining size by actually iterating and counting the results.

CQEngine can often calculate how many objects would match a query without actually iterating through any objects, based on the internal counts available in entries within indexes. In this example, because indexes are not available to provide complete statistics, CQEngine falls back to counting objects by applying on-the-fly filtering to the candidate set, which incurs a higher cost.

CQEngine can often accelerate the resultSet.contains() method in a similar fashion (applying set containment tests to individual sets within indexes). In this example, that method would be similarly affected, internally falling back to on-the-fly filtering of the candidate set.

  • CQEngine query:
    equal(Car.MANUFACTURER, "Toyota"),
    equal(Car.COLOR, Car.Color.BLUE),
    equal(Car.DOORS, 3)
  • SQL equivalent:
    manufacturer = 'Toyota'
    AND color = 'blue'
    AND doors = 3

Benchmark Results

  • 848 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 1179.856 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 172.60% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 136.61% faster than optimized iteration


Optimal Indexes - CompoundIndex: Retrieve Blue Toyota Cars with Three Doors

Retrieve and iterate Car objects from the collection based on Car.manufacturer having value "Toyota" AND Car.color having value Car.Color.BLUE AND Car.doors having value 3. CompoundIndex on Car.MANUFACTURER, Car.COLOR, Car.DOORS.

This example demonstrates the improvement in performance when an optimal index is added, for the same query as in the non-optimal indexes example above. This query matches 10,000 cars; 10% of the collection of 100,000 cars.

Benchmark Results

  • 4,735 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 211.196 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 1625.70% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 1283.20% faster than optimized iteration


StandingQueryIndex: Retrieve Blue Toyota Cars with Not Five Doors

Retrieve and iterate Car objects from the collection based on Car.manufacturer having value "Toyota" AND Car.color having value Car.Color.BLUE AND Car.doors NOT having value 5.

StandingQueryIndex on the query. No other indexes.

This example demonstrates StandingQueryIndex. This type of index maintains a set of objects matching a query, or fragment of a query. As objects are added to and removed from the collection, it tests objects to see if they match the query, adding them to or removing them from this set as necessary. When CQEngine sees a query or fragment of a query for which a standing query index exists, it can retrieve matching objects for that query or query fragment with constant time complexity. This query matches 10,000 cars; 10% of the collection of 100,000 cars.

  • CQEngine query:
    equal(Car.MANUFACTURER, "Toyota"),
    equal(Car.COLOR, Car.Color.BLUE),
    not(equal(Car.DOORS, 5))
  • SQL equivalent:
    manufacturer = 'Toyota'
    AND color = 'blue'
    AND doors <> 3

Benchmark Results

  • 4,796 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 208.515 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 1607.43% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 1299.96% faster than optimized iteration


Quantized HashIndex: Retrieve By Unique Key

Retrieve a single Car object from the collection based on Car.carId having value 500, which uniquely identifies a car. Quantized HashIndex on Car.CAR_ID with compression factor 5.

This example demonstrates the effect of quantization on indexes. Quantization allows the granularity of indexes to be controlled. In this example, the index was created with an IntegerQuantizer with compression factor 5. This means that every 5 consecutive carIds will be grouped together and stored as a single entry in the index. This reduces the size of the index (reduces memory overhead) and trades it instead for slightly higher CPU utilization during retrieval. The index will need to filter results retrieved from the entry on-the-fly, to ensure that they actually match the query.

  • CQEngine query: equal(Car.CAR_ID, 501)
  • SQL equivalent: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE carId = 501
  • Source code: here

Benchmark Results

  • 1,639,344 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 0.61 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 481984.43% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 467645.90% faster than optimized iteration


Quantized NavigableIndex: Retrieve CarId Between

Retrieve three Car objects from the collection based on Car.carId having values between 500 and 502. Quantized NavigableIndex on Car.CAR_ID with compression factor 5.

This example demonstrates that quantization can be applied to navigable indexes, with minimal overhead on range-type queries. CQEngine applies on-the-fly filtering only to quantized entries at the start and/or end of ranges.

  • CQEngine query: between(Car.CAR_ID, 500, 502)
  • SQL equivalent: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE carId BETWEEN 500 AND 502
  • Source code: here

Benchmark Results

  • 1,116,071 queries per second (on a single 1.8GHz CPU core)
  • 0.896 microseconds per query
  • CQEngine is 330187.50% faster than naive iteration
  • CQEngine is 325727.79% faster than optimized iteration


Object Insertion Speed / Indexing Overhead

The benchmarks above measure the performance of CQEngine when retrieving objects. This section measures the performance and overhead in CQEngine to build indexes on objects in the first place.

The source code for these benchmarks can be found here. The original tab-separated output from the benchmark is available as a spreadsheet here.

This benchmark followed the same methodology discussed in the methodology section above, on the same 1.8GHz Apple machine.

The benchmark was run with a collection of 100,000 car objects, measuring the time taken to build the following types of index on the collection.

Typically, the overhead to index an entire collection would only be incurred when objects are first added to an IndexedCollection in bulk. Subsequently, objects can be added to and removed from the IndexedCollection directly, so incurring only the per-object overhead.

It should be noted that if all indexes are added to an IndexedCollection before objects are added in bulk, then all indexes will be built in a single pass; such that if multiple indexes are added in advance, the overhead would be less than the sum of those indicated.


Index Microseconds to index 100,000-object collection Microseconds per object Inserts per second (single 1.8GHz core)
UniqueIndex on CarId 24032.8 0.24 4,166,667
HashIndex on CarId 874702.26 8.747 114,324
Quantized HashIndex on CarId (compression factor 10) 85204.84 0.852 1,173,709
HashIndex on Manufacturer 28487.08 0.284 3,521,127
HashIndex on Model 27310.68 0.273 3,663,004
CompoundIndex on Manufacturer, Color, Doors 109761.58 1.097 911,577
NavigableIndex on Price 30393.94 0.303 3,300,330
RadixTreeIndex on Model 58100.02 0.581 1,721,170
SuffixTreeIndex on Model 27386.04 0.273 3,663,004


  • It takes 24 milliseconds to bulk-index 100,000 objects (4,166,667 inserts per second, on a single 1.8GHz CPU core), when the associated attribute has a unique value per object and a unique index is used
  • It takes 875 milliseconds to bulk-index 100,000 objects in the worst case, when the associated attribute has a unique value per object and a non-unique index is used
  • It takes 27 milliseconds to bulk-index 100,000 objects, when a non-unique index is used and the associated attribute has only 10 distinct values across the collection
  • For non-unique indexes, indexing speed correlates closely with the number of distinct values in the attribute(s) on which an index is built
  • Supplying a Quantizer to non-unique indexes, reduces the number of unique entries required in the index, and so reduces the time required to build those indexes significantly
  • Indexing speed increases approximately in line with the compression factor supplied to a Quantizer
  • It takes a few hundred nanoseconds to add add/remove individual objects to/from existing indexes
  • Overall, CQEngine exhibits very low latency in building indexes